Supplement help

Yes we have got completely off topic haven't we!! Maybe we should move to a buddy thread so as not to clog up the ttc area and annoy people clicking on the thread wanting to learn about supplements!

Anyway I'm game for trying anything to sort my hormones out next cycle (and I'm resigned to the fact that there will be a next cycle now.....) so what are all those things for?! B6 I know extends lp and epo for cm but the others I've no clue! I'm drinking grapefruit for cm and using conceive plus, just because I usually get ewcm and I didn't last cycle. Well this cycle I do have loads of mucas BUT its all brown or red blood stained so its hard for to say if the grapefruit is working or if my body is totally crazy!

Yay for being cycle 13 and a day ahead of where you thought you were!! I hope your opks go definite for sure and you do ov in a few days time. When you get your really bold opk will you post a picture? Mine still have lines but I'm thinking now that they are not positive after all. I'm not sure I've ever had a positive one because my surge is normally very quick. In the past if I see a dark line I dtd and I get pregnant haha!

Your sil is very lucky to be so super fertile! With my dd we ntnp for a while and then I decided to ttc properly and it happened first time and same with my mc bfp, first time ttc. So I'm feeling very sad at the moment as I sort of dealt with my mc by being convinced I'd get pregnant right away and now it isn't happening I'm getting really down :cry:

I still have lines on opks, no temp increase so def didn't ovulate and I'm still bleeding. It's more than spotting today, I need a pad. I'm going to call the nurse who dealt with my mc tomorrow to see if she thinks there's something wrong. I'm worried there's some retained tissue maybe. Either that or my hormones are totally wacko. But yeh, I'm guessing I won't be getting a bfp anytime soon while my hormones are so crazy. Feeling very sorry for myself today.

Freya's pretty picky with food too. She's eats anything at nursery but at home she is more selective! She won't eat any fruit except blueberries or grapes or dried mango or banana! She loves stuff like baked beans or scrambled egg on toast, she loves cheese so cheese sandwiches are veggie pizza are big hits. She likes lasagne, casseroles, sweet potato chips and fish, I tend to pack loads of veggies into a risotto or a tomato sauce and serve that with rice and peas or couscous. I find it are to get loads of variance into her diet and so often if I go to the trouble of cooking something different she won't even try it, soooo frustrating!!

I'm glad you are feeling positive this month Marie, ill keep my fingers crossed for you, really hoping to see a bfp for you in a couple of weeks time! Do you tend to test early or wait for af to be late?

I think I might be getting a cold so maybe that's why I'm feeling so miserable. Hopefully ill be more cheerful tomorrow hehe! I have the day off with Freya tomorrow so we can chill out. How's your week going? X
Ps I meant to say, good luck amairee! I hope all of the supplements you're trying work for you x
Hey! Today's update..... No bleeding so far today (thank goodness), my opks have gone very faint now after one last night that I think was nearly positive, and thing morning a big temp drop. So who knows?!!!!

How are you doing? X
So happy to hear you have no bleeding today! I was a little worried. So strange to be happening mid-cycle like that. Though I understand that coming off the mc, hormones must be crazy. Did you end up calling the nurse? Hoping it's nothing, just some shedding.

I took an OPK last night and it was so so so very faint I could barely see anything. I did some research yesterday and found out that one of the signs of PCOS is that you have higher than normal levels of LH throughout your cycle. So, it's common to see almost-positive OPKs at pretty much anytime. I don't usually start testing as early as I did this cycle though, I usually start around CD 14 or so - which was yesterday. Which means that very faint line was actually right on track. But I usually do get multiple days of pos OPK, which I'm glad to know can also be explained by the PCOS. Temp is still low, so I'm thinking I'll be right on track for O on March 1.

So today I'm not nearly as confident about this month, as I was in my last post. My husband is acting all funny about it, and seems a little hesitant when I try to get intimate. I'm afraid that he is wanting to wait a little longer - but I'm also afraid that if I ask, he'll tell me just that. And I don't know if I can hear that. It's one thing if it happens that way naturally, but now I'm a little nervous. The plan was to DTD every other day until around CD 17, then every day until O. I just don't know if that's going to happen!

It doesn't help that I'm pretty sure Chase has croup. She got the seal-like cough last night and has a low grade fever this morning. DH is home with her now, will take her to the doc this morning. I'm 99% sure that's what it is. And if it is, it means more days at home with her because she's contagious and can't go back to daycare until Monday. He's usually the one that stays at home with her, because his work is more flexible (he works from home anyway), and I know it can be hard on him. Being home with a healthy toddler is hard enough, let alone when they're sick! This is when the thought of baby #2 is scary. We can't afford for either one of us to not work, or even to work part time. We just have to hope that they stay healthy and that our jobs continue to stay flexible enough to allow us the ability to work from home when we need! I will say, it's not nearly as tough when we both are working from home - we can switch off every hour or so and manage to get work done AND not lose our minds, LOL!

So that's where I am. I don't know. Part of me thinks waiting would be best. But frankly, even if I get pregnant this cycle, it's not like I'll have the baby right away - my daughter will be 9 months older! She'll be able to communicate better, hopefully be potty-trained, and we can roll with the punches. But like you, I'm so desperate to be pregnant now, every cycle that goes by I just feel more and more sorry for myself.

Glad to hear your daughter is picky at home too! Chase will eat anything at daycare and with her grandparents, but not us. I do find that she's more likely to try something if we're eating it and she's not offered any. If I offer it to her, she'll spit it out. But if she reaches onto my plate and grabs a handful, we're good! Stinker....

Most of what I'm taking is generally supposed to help with fertility in one form or another. EPO to soften the cervix and make it more receptive. B vitamins for a healthy LP (mine is long enough, but I hear it helps with implantation). And for energy - lord knows I need that. I think it does help, I've had a lot more energy this cycle. And CoQ10, I've just kept hearing about being good for conception, so I just bought some. I also got some Conceive Plus for this cycle. I'll break that out Th/Fr/Sat/Sun, assuming I can manage to get my husband into bed.

Okay. I feel like I wrote a novel. Gotta finish my coffee and get to work so I can go home and be with my sick kiddo the next few days! Hope you're feeling better too, and you had a good day with Freya! :hugs:

PS - buddy thread? Not sure what you're referring to but if you want to start one up we can hop off this one ;)
Thank you so much ladies, and good luck to you as well. I upped my supplements to match what was's worth a shot :)
Hey Marie!

No I didn't call the nurse in the end, I did end up bleeding yesterday and the day before but not in the evenings, making 4 days in total. If it happens next cycle ill def go to see the dr but I do suspect it's my hormones going wild. I hope it's nothing more serious than that.

I didn't know pcos could mean higher levels of lh in the body either. I guess it was just a pre ov surge when you had the darker lines. So you should ov tomorrow is that right? Have your lines got darker again today?

I'm sorry you are feeling less confident about this month, how are you feeling today? I have found I've been so up and down this cycle. One day thinking I won't get pregnant for months and being depressed and tearful, the next day feeling full of energy and hope and optimism. For me I wonder if that's part of the surging hormones I've been having, causing the bleeding and things.

Has your husband said much more? I've been lucky in that my husband really wants another baby. He is 40 though and so not wanting to be too old as the children grow up he's keen for another one soon. Especially if we do go for a third which we haven't ruled out yet. So I'm honest with him and he knows we dtd every other day at certain times of the month and more if I say so!! Sometimes he moans that its not very romantic doing it to order (and I know loads of men feel that way) but I remind him if we want a baby we need to do it.

It must be really tough for him to be ok with waiting but you really want another one. I guess if you are ovulating this weekend you need to create a romantic setting with nice underwear etc and seduce him! Would that work?

Gosh poor chase, croup is horrible. Freya's never had it luckily but my little sister had it often when we were children and I remember that awful barking cough. How is she doing now? It's exhausting when they are poorly and you still need to work and do all of the cooking and chores. I feel for you. I hope she feels better soon.

Well after my dark opk on mon or tues, can't remember when and the big temp dip on Wednesday, I then had a big temp rise yesterday and another big temp rise today. I have had a cold so I won't say I def think I've oved until ff gives me cross hairs, which I guess will happen tomorrow if I have a third high temp, but comparing to my other charts, I'd say I think I have ovulated. So three days early this cycle. We dtd pretty well, yesterday, the day before and Tuesday, Monday and Sunday. So we only missed the day before ov. But I still don't think I'll get pregnant because of all the bleeding. That has to have an effect, surely my uterine lining won't be thick enough to implant. I have been drinking grapefruit everyday and I read last night that it increases estrogen in the body so I do wonder if that's linked to my early ov and my bleeding? Who knows.

Anyway I don't usually work Fridays but I have to go in today for two hours for a menu tasting and my friends are looking after Freya so better go!!

Have you any plans for the weekend? We will be chilling out, Chinese food tonight and a glass of wine.

Hope you are feeling better xxxx
Ugh. I could got for a glass of wine. Or five.

Chase is doing much better. She was just pitiful on Wednesday, just wanted to snuggle and sleep. But yesterday she was better, no fever, good energy. Funny, the cough never actually got that bad - just the handful of times she coughed it sounded like a barking seal!

Another problem now, though. She's insanely flexible, and her joints constantly pop in and out. Yesterday, DH pulled her to standing by her arms, and her right arm popped funny - thinks he may have dislocated her elbow. She wouldn't hardly use her arm yesterday, though it's much better today. We called the nurse and she basically told us they couldn't do x-rays and so they couldn't do anything until Monday. I really think she's okay, I think it popped back into place but it's just sore now. This happened to her a year ago and they thought she may have broken it, but she hadn't. It just healed on its own over a few days. Of course, she was much less active then, she was barely just sitting up on her own!

This all leaves DH feeling worried and guilty - he thinks he hurt her. Which means he's not really feeling up to BD.

Of course, I get a blaring positive OPK this morning. I had EWCM yesterday so I knew it was coming. I did take a pic for you ;). Looks like O will likely happen tomorrow or Sunday (CD 18-19).


So after I took the test this morning I calmly told him that I was ovulating, and that we needed to BD today, tomorrow and likely Sunday as well. If, of course, he still wanted to go down that path. And he said he did. So I guess that's settled, LOL! But honestly, I'm just not feeling that great about the month anymore. We've managed to BD every 3rd day basically since AF stopped. If we can manage Fri/Sat/Sun then I'll feel better about it, but as of right now, I'm iffy about it.

I'm weirdly emotional about it all. I blame hormones. And probably the Clomid too.

Your BD schedule sounds promising, even if your hormones are a little whacky! If there was an egg dropped yet, it's very possible that you caught it! The bleeding does sound strange, though. I've heard of women bleeding during ovulation, so maybe that's a new thing for you? Pregnancy and I'm sure mc do funky things to our bodies. Grapefruit juice may be a possibility. I know it's supposed to help with CM, but it could very well have other impacts as well. I think implantation might be an issue with heavy bleeding, but if it was intermittent like you say, it might not be a problem. Are you continuing to take OPKs in case your cycle is on track to O on CD20? Do you check CP or CM? The temp rise itself is going to be pretty indicative, though, you're right that it may already have occurred.

Menu tasting? That doesn't sound like a bad workday! I'm auditing data in our payroll system, which is really not near as exciting. :sleep:

No plans this weekend. We were supposed to go to a birthday party at an indoor gym, but with the sickness and the arm, I don't think Chase is up to that. So we'll probably just hang around the house. Weather is supposed to be nice so hope to get in a few walks around the neighborhood, maybe the park if she's feeling up to it.

And now that you mention it, Chinese food sounds FANTSAS
Oh - and a side note, my EWCM is fabulous this month! It's abundant, and incredibly stretchy. Definitely looks better than ever. Not sure which of the supplements did it, but I'm good with it!

I'm glad chase is feeling better, ouch about her arm popping though, that sounds really sore. Poor poppet. Can't believe they couldn't X-ray or anything until Monday, although I guess if they were worried it was an emergency they would have? How is she doing now? I feel bad for your dh too as I often pull Freya up by her arms, he didn't mean to hurt her so should feel guilty.

Ooh your opk was really dark, I never get them like that! I think my surge must be quite quick so I always miss it! I get a dark one and then they are gone! That's a blaring positive though isn't it, you are defo ovulating or about to ovulate!! Woo hoo!! That's fab that dh agreed to dtd while you are ovulating, so sounds like he is really keen on another baby. I know how you feel though, my hormones are all over the place this cycle. One minute up, the next day, one day feeling optimistic and the next feeling negative and thinking i won't get pregnant. If you do dtd that much this weekend though you will have covered all the bases!! Lets hope for 2 bfps in 2 weeks time, one each!!

And fab that you've had so much cm, defo a good sign! I haven't had a lot that I could see but because I was bleeding so much it was hard to tell. Tmi.... But it sort of looked like red ewcm and I did use conceive plus so hopefully it was ok. Dunno, I still think that.the bleeding probably means this won't be a successful attempt.

I do check cp and its high still. I will keep doing opks but I'm pretty sure I did ovulate. I showed a few girls on here my chart today and asked what they thought without saying what I thought and they all agree I def oved on cd15. Can't believe it as that's so early for me! By 4-5 days. So am counting myself in the tww now. How are we going to entertain ourselves in the tww?!!

Are you a symptom spotter or an early tester? Or do you try and not think about it and only test when af is due or late? Last month I drove myself mad analysing every symptom I had, I honestly felt pregnant and yet I wasn't! And I was poas from 10dpo or earlier! It was very stressful. So this month I'm assuming any symptoms I have are pms and I'm not testing until 14 dpo!

How's your day been today? I had a lie in which was heaven!! On weekends where we have no plans we take it in turns to lie in while the other one gets up with Freya! I have done lots of cleaning and washing and ironing, painted my nails and we went for a nice walk to the beach, popped to the shops and home! Freya is about to have her bath and bed and then it's a night on the sofa in front of sat night tv for me and hubby! We've got the box set of breaking bad to watch so might start that!

Becky xx
DH and I started on Breaking Bad a couple of weekends ago, just watched another episode tonight, actually! I don't know that it's as good as all the hype, but I enjoy it!

Chase is doing good arm-wise, but we had a crazy night with her last night. She woke up screaming at 10pm and would not be settled. At least not by me! Once DH came to get her, she calmed down and fell asleep on him. She's a daddy's girl :) But she woke up when he put her back in bed, she woke right up. She would only settle when he rubbed her back. I think she may have had a nightmare? Not sure. And after all that, I went to bed at 11:30, and Chase woke up at 5:30am. Ugh. So DH stayed in bed while I got up with her. So I guess we trade off too ;) But honestly, I told DH that I'm pretty sure Chase wants to be an only child. She's doing her best to prevent us from DTD, or from even wanting to! And it only happens during my fertile time!!!

So I got another pos OPK this morning and again this evening. I must have a really long surge, compared to your short one! Or maybe it's that my LH levels are already high, they stay high for longer? This will be the first month where I've consistently charted, so I'm dying to see when FF puts me at O.

On another note, I think I got my answer from DH about when to have more kids, albeit indirectly. I heard him tell the neighbor (whose kids are 3 years apart) that "we initially thought we wanted kids closer together, but we're thinking it'll be 3 years apart for us too."

Please don't think bad of us, my husband and I talk about everything, all the time. I'm honestly just afraid to hear the answer. I hate that we're not exactly on the same page about this, like we were with our first pregnancy. Don't get me wrong, I don't think he'd have a problem if it happened now, but I think he'd feel more comfortable if we waited longer.

So anyway. Emotional junk aside. Even though Chase was difficult last night, today was pretty good. She woke up mad at the world, but once I mentioned breakfast she was better. Girl loves her oatmeal!! We played a lot today. I bought some cheap canvases at the craft store and some acrylic paints, and had her paint sometime that I'm going to hang in her playroom. We played with stickers, which are all over my walls now. And this afternoon we went for a long walk today too, which was nice. It was a beautiful day, I'm glad we were able to get out, especially since we're supposed to fall below freezing in the next couple of days. Brr!

Cervix is still SHO for me, but dry. I had pain/cramping today that I think may have been ovulation cramping, but not sure since I've never experienced it. So I'm going to put my money on O today, which is CD 18. Which puts AF due on the 16th, so testing on the 15th should be okay - that's 14 days from today, so 13dpo (assuming that's the date). DH's birthday is the 17th, so we'll either be celebrating, or he won't get birthday sex. Man, the timing!!!

I'm an early tester. Like, 8dpo, even though I know it's stupid. I got my BFP with Chase at 12dpo, but I didn't test before that (how did I have that willpower???). I also didn't symptom spot then - though if I had, I might've had a clue. Around 10dpo I got EXHAUSTED and took a nap during the day, and I am not a napper! No sore breasts, no spotting, or any of the signs I was aware of, though. I don't really symptom spot - I've found that every time I think it might be pregnancy, it could just as easily be AF (and of course, has been). This cycle I'm planning to not test until the 15th of March, and that's really so I don't have to keep a secret too long, if I am pregnant! I really want to surprise Bryan for his birthday.

Your day sounds fabulous. I haven't done my nails in ages! (That's a lie, I did them last work...during lunch. Not exactly relaxing!) I would love to live so close to the beach. Chase loves to go for walks, and I've had enough of walks around my little neighborhood. A walk with a view would be lovely!

Sunday is supposed to be getting colder. I hope to get to the gym in the morning, and then we're probably inside for the rest of the day. Glad we still have paint and canvas and stickers!

Hey Ladies

I use evening primrose oil from AF to day 11 as it can cause a loss or problems implanting but the positive of using cd1-11 is more fertile cm.

I also use pre conception vits as this has everything they recommend :)
Becky - random update.
This morning hubby was sitting down and grabbed me as I was walking by him, and he kissed my belly. He said "I used to kiss your belly a lot when Chase was in there." And of course I melted into a big puddle. So maybe he is ready after all. Ha!

And on another note, I think O may have occurred on CD17 for me. Big temp drop on that day, followed by a rise to the cover line on CD18, and a huge rise today, CD19. We'll see what FF says tomorrow! I'm either 1 or 2dpo so definitely in the TWW with you! GL to both of us, I'd love to be bump buddies too :)

Hope your Sunday is going great.

Ooh where are you up to on breaking bad? I've only seen 3 episodes so far and I've got into it already, I love it, although the first few episodes are really gorey!

Sorry chase had such a bad night last night. Is so hard when they do that after you've got used to them sleeping through as you are not used to it! It's so sad to think they can have bad dreams, I often wonder what they could have nightmares about at such a young age. I hope she sleeps better tonight so you all get some rest....... And some time to dtd :winkwink:

I'm so glad your hubby has made it clear he does want to try! I was going to say I wouldn't worry about what he said to the neighbour, he could have jus been generalising as I guess our little ones will be 2 and a half now by the time we have a second baby even if we conceive now so near ish to three. We had planned a 2 year age gap so it's more than I wanted. And gosh, I would never think badly of you, I totally understand how you feel, a woman wanting a baby is very emotional, hormonal, a deep rooted instinctual need almost, not something anyone can understand until they experience it. I'm so pleased your hubby had agreed not to wait <3

Anyway, yay that we have both ovulated!! Did you get loads of bding in over your ov? I hope we did enough! Now we need to keep each other sane during the tww!! Argghhhhhh I'm rubbish at this bit!!

I hope you've enjoyed the paint and stickers today! We had a lazy breakfast and then went shopping. I got a pink hoody and a work skirt and we had lunch out. Then this after playing at home, Freya and I baked cup cakes and we had shepherds pie! Now I'm off to bed, 9pm, knackered!!

I'm going to try not to test until 11 or 12 march when I will be 13-14 dpo. I'm praying we both get a bfp!! I'm trying not to symptom spot because I know it can mean nothing it I doubt I will be able to stop myself!! Ill post a link to my chart in a minute, post yours too if you can.

Have good week!

Becky xx
My chart;
Here's my chart:

I thought today would be my 3rd day of temp shift, but I guess since my CD 18 temp was still below my "coverline" - it will mark CD 18 as my ovulation. That big dip I had suggests I ovulated on CD 17, but I guess OPKs maybe suggest CD 18. So I don't know? We'll see what tomorrow brings. I guess I'll consider myself 2dpo for now, and I plan to test on the 15th (CD32 / 14dpo). It's going to take all of my energy self self-control not to test earlier than that! Especially if you get your BFP - because then I'll be DYING to know!

Your chart looks incredibly clear - you definitely ovulated, and so early!! That's awesome! And it looks like you got a ton of BD in, that's fantastic. Looks promising! Oh, I so hope this is our month. November babes would be fantastic.

We watched up to episode 6 last night on Breaking Bad. I'm hooked! It's gotten really, really good. The tempo has definitely picked up. Episode 5 is really the turning point, we watched 5 and 6 last night and we had to pry ourselves away from the TV at 9:30pm so we could get some sleep!

I'm afraid I'm getting Chase's cold/illness. My sinuses feel awful and my nose is stuffy, my throat is scratchy, my eyes are hot. Ugh. But at least this is all after O! We didn't get the chance to DTD as much as I'd have liked, but we hit 2 really good days - the day before and the day of O, so that's pretty good.

Snow day today. Or really, ice day. It was warm and sunny on Saturday, I wore shorts and a t-shirt all day. And Sunday it was below freezing, and we had freezing rain that completely messed up our roads. I'm supposed to go into work late today, around 10:30 - but I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to leave the house! Chase is at daycare so at least we've got a quiet day ahead of us if we need to work from the house.

Hope your Monday is going well!


PS - We had shepherd's pie for dinner last night too! Seriously, we are TWINS.
Wowee epic temp increase!! You've def oved as well, welcome to the tww!! I think your chart is exactly the same as mine, I didn't get cross hairs until my fourth temp rise either because the first rise wasn't high enough above cover line. I bet you'll get them tomorrow. If you want to check you can always enter a high temp for tomorrow and see what it does, that's what I did! No patience!!

Ok I need to catch up with you on breaking bad so we can talk about it!! I am an episode ahead of husband as he snored his way through episode 3 so is watching it again now! Then we have 3 more to watch to catch up!! It's already so good, I'm addicted, but the first few are pretty gorey, when that body goes through the bath tub and through the floor boards :sick:

Rubbish that you are now getting ill as well. We are the opposite, I had a cold last week (luckily just a mild one) and I feel ok now, but now Freya has got her. Her nose is a like a tap today, streaming with cold, poor thing. I know it's horrible but I'm just hoping she doesn't need time off nursery as I'm so busy at work at the moment. She seems ok in herself though, just very snotty so far.

Funny I wasn't sure if you had shepherds pie there, as I typed it I wondered if you would know what I meant, so weird that you had the same!! We had the same again tonight, left overs with broccoli and peas!

Today I'm just feeling so down about the weight I've out on. Hate hate hate my tummy, and my clothes are tight. But I seem to be good for a week and then fall off the wagon sigh.

Totally praying that we both get our bfps this month!
Also forgot to say, how did your canvas painting and stickers go? I'm always looking for ideas of stuff to do with Freya so let me know when you do cool stuff so we can copy!!

I had thought she was too young for baking but they did some at nursery recently so We made cakes yesterday and she loved it! I had to laugh when after we baked them I laid them out on her high hair tray to decorate, turned around to get the icing and when I turned back she had a cake and the wrapper half in her mouth!! After tea I gave her a cake and she started daintily eating a bit and putting the cake back down while she chewed. After about 3 mouthfuls she clearly thought screw this and rammed the entire cake into her mouth. I had to laugh!! They are so much fun at this age. I'm totally loving it!!!
You are a genius! A sneaky genius! I put in another high temp for tomorrow and it gave me crosshairs on CD18. Yay!

We do have shepherd's pie here. Not as common, though. But I grew up with it (originally from Canada), so I make it at least once or twice a month. Just easy and hearty and my husband loves it. What's better than meat and potatoes?

Yes! Get caught up on BB and we can chat. Ooh it gets so good. You're right, the bathtub scene was nasty, but so hard to look away!!!

Canvas and paint went awesome, and stickers continue to be a big hit. I got foam stickers so they're a little easier to peel off the walls, the furniture, etc. The canvas was awesome. We used acrylic paints and just slopped it on, and she took her paintbrush to it. Once I got her to stop trying to eat it, she had a blast! She kept saying "other side" and trying to flip it over to paint the back though, it was funny. Masterpiece is below:

Love the idea of baking with Chase, except the girl hates cake. I don't understand it. She doesn't like it. Loves cookies and such, but not cake. So maybe we need to make cookies next weekend!

It's 8:30 here and I'm about to hop in bed. I'm wiped, still not feeling well. Hoping it doesn't get worse.

So we're doing a weight loss challenge at work. Started at the beginning of the year. In 8 weeks I've managed to lose 4 lbs. Not terribly exciting! I'm hovering around my pre-pregnancy weight but really not making much effort to go to the gym, so I can't complain about it too much I guess. I'm definitely a different shape than I was when I got pregnant with Chase - I'm softer now, nowhere near the definition I used to have! But most days I'd rather hang out with Chase than go to the gym, so again - I can't complain too much. Maybe when the weather gets better I can take her for more walks/jogs around the neighborhood or down to the park. Looking forward to when my parents move here (2 more weeks!) - they have a long walking trail in their neighborhood that is just beautiful. I'm sure my mom and I will take Chase (and someday Chase's little sibling!) for lots of walks there.

But in the meantime, I'm going to have a cookie.

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