Support thread for all atheist/agnostic/non-religious/secular-humanist moms-to-be! <3

Thanks, GingerPanda! I just made one of the scan pictures my profile pic. Our next scan isn't until 20 weeks, but I will get to hear the hb with the doppler on July 19. Get ready for the u/s, though, I was so emotional! Wish I could use the machine myself and just sit there and cry my eyes out and look at my baby! I was trying so hard to keep back the tears and it actually took me a while to see the hb because I was a bit teary-eyed. Like a big baby!

It's not all that exciting but here are our plans:

My family - I am decorating a onesie for my 6 mo nephew and will give it to him tomorrow at my moms. It will say something about him being a big cousin.

In-laws - Decorating a magnetic picture frame and we will discreetly put it on their refrigerator and see how long it takes them to notice. I think it will say something like "You thought Kenny (my hubby) was a mess...just wait." or "Grand baby #3 coming soon." Not sure.

I'm open to any suggestions as I don't feel like these are all-star ideas. We have told them all that we are stopping by tomorrow, so it's not a big dinner or anything. Our families are pretty casual.

What is your plan?
Hope you get what you want as far as the twins goes! Can't wait to find out!
Welcome, Dragonfly! I'll add you in a minute. You must be so excited to be due soon! Did you ever get your son's school situation figured out? (EDIT: Just saw you mentioned it on the TTC thread. That's great that you're all sorted.)

Ashley, I think those are cute ideas. I thought about the big cousin shirt for telling my SIL and her 2yo daughter.

We're telling MIL at IKEA. :haha:

She's never been, and has gotten sick or had something come up every time we tried to make plans to go for like two years. So since now we're pregnant, I figured we would meet her there today, saying that we are combining our two hobby rooms into one, and are looking for new furniture to put in the spare room. We'll go through, looking at bookshelves and dressers, trying to decide where things would look the best for the room we're filling. Then, we'll get to the baby section, walk to a crib, and ask her "How do you think this would look in the corner?"
Aw, those are all cute ideas! I am planning on telling my family this evening too. I'm not set on how to do it yet, but better think fast!
I'm sure there are tons of ideas on YouTube! I sometimes sit and watch people telling their families they're pregnant for hours. :haha:

With all the hormones in my body now, it makes me cry though, so I haven't done it in a while.
Can I join this group, I'm due next week 26th June!

Nice to chat to like minded folks :)
Hi Ladies! I was thinking about you ginger, felt bad checking into the other thread. Glad you started this one!!!

I'm due Oct. 16th with a girl.
Ashley, I did the same thing at my first ultrasound and again when I first heard the heartbeat. They are prepared for that with plenty of tissues at the ready.

All of everyone's ideas for telling the family are great. We had been trying for a while and everyone pretty much knew so we basically just blurted it out when the time was right. We did have a bunch of family over for Easter this year and just put up an ultrasound picture on the fridge and waited for them to figure it out.
Sorry for the multiple posts...just read the first two pages.

Ginger, Twins...yikes. I always thought I wanted twins. I forgot about that possibility for you with the clomid. I'm looking forward to your scan date!!

As for whether to cut or not cut, we would not have. My DH isn't either and I agree that there's no medical necessity.

I look forward to getting to know all of you throughout our heathen pregnancies!
I'll add you all in a sec! Welcome!

So, yesterday was super eventful.

We told MIL we were expecting. We took her to IKEA and told her in the baby section. She was so happy, she cried. Then we went for Mexican food, and I inhaled two plates. It was so good. We had a great time. At IKEA, we found a really soft stuffed mama fox with a baby fox. We bought it, it was so cute.

We got home later, had dinner, and played a game online with some friends. I noticed I was cramping, but it only lasted about 15 minutes, so I didn't think anything of it until about 10pm, when we started to get ready for bed.

That's when I realized I was bleeding. Bright red.

We freaked out. I was shaking, and trying not to cry. I hadn't spotted at all my whole pregnancy so far. Not even a little. All I could think of was how awful it would be if we JUST told MIL, and she was SO excited, then we had to call her the next day and tell her we lost the baby. :cry:

My midwife has a 24-hour call line. I called and gave them my info and told them I was spotting bright red. She had the midwife call me. The midwife told me it was probably from having sex the previous night. She said it can sometimes take a day or two for the spotting to start. She told me to monitor it, and if it got heavier, or if I started cramping, to call back. She said she hoped it would turn brown and stop.

All last night, I had a terrible time sleeping. DH and I spooned and cried a little bit because we were scared, but mostly we just kept saying that everything would be okay.

This morning, I woke up from light nightmare-filled sleep at 6am to go to the bathroom. There was only two brown spots on the folded toilet paper I'd had in my underwear to monitor the spotting. When I wiped, I got just some brown, no red. I was so relieved, I went back to bed and slept like a rock until 10am when DH came in and asked me to check again. There was even less brown when I wiped that time, so it looks like it's doing what my midwife said it would do. So relieved.

I'm no longer scared of having twins. I'll take as many babies as I can get. We're now looking forward to our ultrasound on the 2nd even more.
I am so sorry that happened. :hugs: It is terrifying. I am glad everything is OK.
So glad everything is ok, Ginger!! I had bleeding at 5 and 7 weeks. Not fun.
Thanks. The brown is just barely tinting the CM now, so I guess it's stopping. No more pregnant sex, which is a shame, because it was awesome. But not worth that stress. I'm still in sleep debt from last night. Took two naps today.

What's up with everyone else? Anything new and interesting? How are those nurseries coming along?
Ginger, I would give it a while and wait until your US and appt. Perhaps you have a small Subchoronic bleed like I did. It goes away by 20 weeks and then you can have sex again. I loved to dtd when I was first pregnant. I want it now and it feels great, but I can't get to the finish every time...sorry about the TMI. It's so strange though...never in my life have I had an issue. My dh sees it as a challenge now though.

We are turning my office into a nursery. The only thing I've done so far is clean it out completely. We live in an old house and we haven't gotten around to renovating every room yet. There's still wallpaper on the walls. The not fun part of removing it will start next weekend.

I'm going with one of my best friends to register today. I am not prepared at all....should've researched more. She has a two year old though so I'm pretty much going to take her advice on what I'll need. My husband is pretty anal about researching products so he will do that after and we can manage the registry from online and change things if needed. I'm mostly concerned with the car seat and stroller. Man strollers can be expensive. I was looking online and found one I loved, but it was $1,200. No thank you!
Ginger, I've been spotting for several days so I know how scary that is. We also told my family this weekend. We did it by pretending to take a family photo but the camera was filming video, and instead of 'cheese' we said 1,2,3 baby in January! Everyone freaked out and cried and hugged us. Was cool to capture everyone's reaction on camera.
Cute! Those are some of my favorite kind to watch on YouTube. Have you considered uploading it? :D
Eek, Ginger! Very glad the bleeding stopped! I had a few spots at 7w4,5d. I love that you guys told mil at Ikea. The nearest one to us is ATL and I have driven the 3.5 hour drive for a day at Ikea before.

Nice idea, Ameli! What a great memory you guys have recorded!

Saturday was our day to tell as well. It was a wonderful but loooooonnngg day! Went to my moms first and stole my nephew away to put the onesie on him, we both ended up at the bottom of a tackle pile.

At my in-laws we were there for 2 hours before my sil found the picture on the refrigerator. His mom kept hugging me the rest of the time we were there. It was cute!

We also stopped by a friend's house and hubby's older sister's house. Everyone was excited all around. I needed the excitement since I had to sit on the best secret of my life for 4 weeks!

Registering sounds like fun, sbmack! We haven't started making a place for baby yet, but will likely use the guest bedroom.

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