Yay for that silly cycle being over! What exactly is the trial studying? These trials always interest me

Laura was testing out some temperature gadget the past few cycles. Luckily she didn't trust it or she would have missed her window each cycle. Hope your study give accurate results and a chance at good timing
Things are good here. Still tired all the time but we do seem to be getting better at sleep

Ady is about 13lbs now....growing like a bad weed! She is smiling and starting to chuckle. I'm still waiting for a real laugh though. Time is passing quickly...trying to savour every moment.
Mol - Hope you are settling in to motherhood well. Get rest when you can, and pat yourself on the back each day. Being a new mom is tough and we are often left feeling guilty or overwhelmed. Just always know that you are doing great
Fuschia - Eeeeer...just over 9 weeks left! Exciting

How are you feeling? Getting uncomfortable?!
Barbie - Congrats! Small age gap will be tough but nice

Good luck!
Shaz - How far along are you now? I can never keep track unless it's in a signature! Hope your feeling better
I often wish Laura would rejoin our little group. I keep up in her journal but do miss her in here! So happy for her