Supporting each other until we all have our babies :) 2 wonderful babies born! !

Hey ladies, I was TTC for 3 years. Last October 2014 I finally seen the BFP. After 6 weeks I had a miscarriage. I was heart broken, but I know it will happen soon. No giving up for me.
Hey Ladies,
Hope everyone is doing well.. Welcome aprodite!
This is just a quick update.. I went into labor on 21Apr only to undergo an emergency c section as my pelvic passage was too narrow for the baby's head. My little baby boy was born at 7.45pm on 21Apr weighing 7lbs :)
Unfortunately he has lung development issues which led him to be on oxygen support for 10 days in the NICU :( this is why I was unavailable in here. I finally got to hold him last Friday when we were cleared to go home. Here's a pic from that day!

P.s. yes I deactivated fb .. Too many critics and haters led me to get away for a while.


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Aaaah oh my he's so scrumptious !! I'm glad he's come home now. I bet that was so hard not getting to hold him but sounds like all is well now.
Massive congrats aditi xxxxxx
Omg Aditi!! He's beautiful :) Huge congratulations and so glad he's out of the nicu!! Very happy for you and the family! Your long awaited prince is finally here :) Yay!!
Yay! So happy to see your update :) A huge congrats to you and DH! Glad all is well after a rocky start. He is adorable! Does he have a name?!
hey MolGold congratulations, he is such a cute baby :) hope your both doing well.
sorry I have not been on much ladies, dealing with morning sickness and tiredness.
hope everyone is well.
It's been a long time since I've been on here... Well, my little princess is 6 months now. Little did I know that last night I would be taking a pregnancy test and it would be :bfp: Yes, I am preggo with my 3rd... How do I feel??? I am a nervous wreck right now... I'm scared and nervous...:wacko: Wasn't trying this go around, but I guess what they say is true that after you have a child it's easy to get preggo again right afterwards. I guess Kenzie will have her a little play mate around December...
Hey Ladies.. Thanks for all your good wishes! We are still working on a name, I call him Mishu for now and we have almost decided on Vihaan for his name.

Congrats barbie! Great to see you back here. That's great news. Hope you and your Lil girl are well.. :)
Carly - Us your cycle really not over yet?! Poor girl! I wonder what's up.
Barbie congrats again hun :)

Tmb yup, still the same cycle and cd43 today :cry: not stressing about it but it is pi**ing me right off lol. I now have sore boobs so almost positive I ovulated, but no idea when, or when to expect af. Ah well, hoping it doesn't keep me waiting too long. Hope you and your lovely family are well, hope all the other ladies on here are doing good too.
Congrats barbie- ready to do it all again!

Carly that's rubbish! Have u got any further with diet changes etc as u felt that may be affecting you?

I really wanna see that bfp from you soon :)
Thanks Emma :)

Well Tasha you must be my good luck charm cos af started this morning! Yay!! Lol

I have been really crap with food, I won't lie Emma :( Just been stressy generally for us as a family and af being a bitch/not getting pregnant getting to me. I wasn't able to join slimming world that one week and I kept making excuses (like now I guess :/ ). I'm happy af is here finally though and healthy eating starts now! I hope to achieve something in the next 3 weeks at least. Before we hopefully have a donation. I started the clearblue trial stuff today so that's really giving me ibincentive :) Ooh and saw a beautiful big rainbow yesterday, I'm praying thats a good omen for us hehe

Wow almost 31 weeks!! single digits yay!! Sooo exciting.
What's the clear blue trial?

If you do nothing else- just get your 5 a day! That does wonders... And try and cut back bread if your a sucker for it like me !!

Yep 31,this Friday! Had consultant today and talks are getting serious about birth etc !
I'm not a big bread eater but yeah be getting more fruit n veg down me :) I've gotta cut out take aways and start cooking more xx

Clear blue trial is for a cycle, have to pee n store in the fridge each morning and fill out 2 diaries. Then every fortnight send the samples back to them. They send all the stuff, the packaging and storage stuff plus a 20 pack of dual hormone clear blue smileys and 3 clearblue + preggy tests x
Oh great so that sounds good !

I hope you can keep focused. New cycle is a new start :)
Yay for that silly cycle being over! What exactly is the trial studying? These trials always interest me :) Laura was testing out some temperature gadget the past few cycles. Luckily she didn't trust it or she would have missed her window each cycle. Hope your study give accurate results and a chance at good timing :)

Things are good here. Still tired all the time but we do seem to be getting better at sleep :) Ady is about 13lbs now....growing like a bad weed! She is smiling and starting to chuckle. I'm still waiting for a real laugh though. Time is passing quickly...trying to savour every moment.

Mol - Hope you are settling in to motherhood well. Get rest when you can, and pat yourself on the back each day. Being a new mom is tough and we are often left feeling guilty or overwhelmed. Just always know that you are doing great :)

Fuschia - Eeeeer...just over 9 weeks left! Exciting :) How are you feeling? Getting uncomfortable?!

Barbie - Congrats! Small age gap will be tough but nice :) Good luck!

Shaz - How far along are you now? I can never keep track unless it's in a signature! Hope your feeling better :)

I often wish Laura would rejoin our little group. I keep up in her journal but do miss her in here! So happy for her :)
Tell me about it!! Lol onwards and upwards :D Think the trial is just to assess the tests to ensure they're working as they should :) I was following all the shizzle Laura went through with that horrendous ovusense! these are just the smiley tests - I usually use them anyway but I get them free this cycle due to the trial. I'll still be using cheapies anyway :)

Awww 13lbs Little chunky monkey :) Bless her, time does go sooo fast doesn't it :( Way too fast. She's such a cutie - yiu have a lovely family xx
Carly - Glad to see AF is gone....almost time to start OPKing :) Hope you're growing a beautiful little eggy :)

All is well here....although DH and I are really struggling right now. Hope we can figure it out....Wish life was easy! Sigh
Awh thanks Tasha :) I started opking this morning...not even a flashing smile :/ I hope that means I won't have days and days of them before a positive lol...let's see what happens! Love the latest pic of adorable Addy by the way - such a cutie!!

So sorry you and DH are going through the mill...hope things start to get back on track soon!! Darla and I have these episodes sometimes too. At the time I don't see a way through it and swear we'll split up. We persevere though and then it all becomes great again....til the next time lol. Marriage/relationships certainly are hard sometimes. Especially when you throw hormones/ lack of sleep etc into the mix! I'm sure you'll be out of it soon :) :hugs:

Hope everyone is doing ok? Emma, Shaz, Mol, Bbarbie and everyone else I'm forgetting (my head's a shed lol)

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