Laura - Yay, a positive OPK! So happy you found a new donor on such short notice. I can't believe the other one let you down again....I say - be done with him! GL this cycle....catch that egg!
Carly - Sorry about the BFN

Have you ever tried more than one donation? Like the day of positive OPK and day of O? Or is that not an option. I know it only takes one little sperm but the more you have in there the better the chances!
Fuschia - I sure hope this cycle works out timing wise. Your positive attitude amazes me!
Molgold - So sorry about that early loss. No one should have to go through that. Glad you feel you can share such personal feelings with us

Hugs!!! Any sign of ovulation yet?
A bit about me ..... I'm 31 and my DH is 32. We've been together 4 years, married for just over 1. DH and I have 1 child together and I have 2 from a previous marriage. My amazing DH has taken on my 2 kids as his own and he is an amazing daddy

My last marriage was not the greatest....he was a drug addict and I chose to leave when my second baby was 5 months old. It was a tough time in my life but what I went through has taught me a lot about life and about my own strength. Everything in life happens for a reason.....and with my fourth and final baby on the way, I couldn't be more content with life