Hey guys

Sorry for the late reply but I have been logging in on my phone...I couldn't write a long reply on that - it'd take me yonks!! lol
Firstly, so sorry about your 'friend' Mol

It's a shame you have to be around her! I wouldn't give her the time of day - especially as she is negatively impacting your life right now :/ So not good! How is FIL btw? Hope he's improving somewhat?
I really hope you get that bfp this cycle hun!! The timing would be perfect as you said!
OK....I am 30 and Darla is 53! I know...old fart!! Hahaha....i'll be even older in November hahaha
We have been together for 5 years this Nov. We met through her sister. They are Canadian, I was just a virtual friend to her sister while she was dealing with a messy divorce. I can't even remember how it began with Darla, but I knew right away I loved her. I told her how I felt and luckily she felt the same! Darla is the only woman I have ever been in a relationship with. It was weird explaining to my mum, who was fine about me being a lesbian...but she was a little thrown at the age gap lol. Darla is 10 months older than my mum!! Haha. Now those two are as thick as thieves lol.
We have been civilly partnered for just over 3 and a half years

We used a donor and the AI method to have Isaac. Our previous donor retired so now we are on our 5th cycle with donor number 2. It only took 2 cycles both times I conceived last time...hoping there's nothing wrong with my body! (Hence Slimming World) lol.
I was a carer before having Isaac. Darla was a nurse in Canada but the Nursing and Midwifery council gave her a hard time when she tried to transfer her nursing over here. After a year she basically said f**k them! She now works in care too. She found a new job by the way

Don't know if I updated you guys! Woohoo.
Anyway....enough rabbiting from me!! I enjoyed reading about you guys

Hope you're all OK!
Hurry up and ov Laura's body! She's getting impatient! lol

FX FX FX hun! Oooh and sooo close to NY time for you!!
Fuschia, well done for going to the doc! Really hope the blood test can shed some light....or rather you get that bfp so wont need it at all!! lol