Hey all!!!

Flip I've missed so much!!
Tmb it's lovely you can feel little one now! And that the rest of the family can share it with you

I had an anterior placenta with Isaac so I didn't feel movement til quite late on! Congrats on your sils new addition too. Halfway...wow! I love hearing what's going on with you and the pregnancy so please don't hold back
Awh Mol!! So glad bubba is fine!! Hope the (big words you used) buggers off and stops scaring you! I had a few bleeding episodes when I was expecting Isaac. Good luck with the follow up
Emma, glad the results were good! That should hopefully ease some part of your psyche? Lay one thing to rest. Hope you get a doc appt soon so they can explain the results to you

Really hope you get that long awaited bfp this cycle hun xx
Laura, I think you should keep trying even without clomid. There could be a few reasons about why/when you conceived squishy....I'm sure your rainbow isn't far away hunny. We seem to be mirroring each other this cycle though! I never got a smile on opks but had a donation anyway (as cheapies were pretty dark before I ran out of those). Been temping and thought I'd ovulated....until this morning! Grrrr

I don't think I should have taken those b6 vitamins. Probably gonna be an anovulatory cycle. Hope yours isn't though, and good luck this cycle! Fx for a +opk real soon for you
Shaz, good luck this cycle hun! Hope your daughter's dream comes true for you!!
Wanting, sorry about af! Horrible witch. Fx this cycle xx
Hope everyone is okay? Those I've missed too!