symptom spotting come join me ladies :D

strawberry and ttcmikeandme - you both sound like you have good symptoms, FX'd for BFPs!! x
Hi girls, I'm joining you if thats ok!

Well 7DPO today, temps are still high and not dropped yet so fingers crossed.

Had a horrible headache through the night and last night I felt like a tugging in my uterus area, was a bit weird. Woke up this morning and felt sick until I ate something.

Fingers crossed!

How are you all today?! x
hi ladies, hope everyone is well and full of symptoms lol

ive got some more cramping this morning.. and wondering if its af or.. something else :happydance:
ive still got this horrid headache
and last night i could not for the life of me sleep... i was too warm one min too cold the next.. was crazy
How long you leaving it before doing test babyhopes? x fx'd
hi, sorry to crash your chat.

All symptoms sounding good, hopefully you will all get your :bfp: soon!!
I tested this am (11dpo) and was :bfn:, maybe to early, who knows.
have sore (.)(.) at sides and constantly need to pee but thats quite normal
for me. have had some headaches and feeling tired but been working a lot so could be that, lol.
My tummy feels heavy and I get these weird little sensations that I remember getting in my first pregnancy, the girls are still really sore and my lower back still bothering- a couple other good signs- my cat curled up with my belly last night which he hasn't done since my first pregnancy and it's very very uncomfortable to lie on my stomach which was true in early pregnancy last time too..
My husband told me not to get my hopes up...oops too late!
How long you leaving it before doing test babyhopes? x fx'd

i was gonna test may 1st.. but that would put me at 13 dpo.. im 8 dpo today.. :D the cramping is getting abit more painful..
Hi ladies!

Im 5dpo today so quite early on, but I have had a few symptoms which are
-- Slight twinges in abdomen that last for a few minutes
-- Dull headache this morning for about an hour
-- Had a bout of nausea that lasted about half an hour

Thats all so far!
hi everyone, my sister was up for a cuppa there and her dog was following me about everywhere i went?? Maybe that's a sign, lol
She did curl up on me with my first pregnancy but didn't know i was pregnant at that point and she was only a puppy then, lol
Oh i think everything is a symptom but they do say animals have a six sense about these things:lol:
ok so I been reading all the posts and because im reading them i dont know if i am way off and imagining things that arent there...
I am somewhere in the 1st 5 days and im feeling very AF type symptoms (cramping, headaches) as well as feeling very hot on and off..... I feel like the next 12 days are gonna go so slowly..... anyone have any opinions on my symptoms??
i had a bad headache for the first few days.. and it still is lingering slightly.. id say your symptoms sound good :thumbup:
HI I am also new here! My symptoms are as follow at 9DPO:

Sore, tender boobs, can't sleep on my tummy, boobs hurt too much
Very tired and struggling to sleep
Back pain
Funny uncomfy feeling in tummy
Leg cramps
Feel like i have a cold, runny nose
Gassy (lol)
Frequent wee-ing
Did 3 HPT test on 8 DPO, all 3 was Pos., did one this morning - was Neg.
3 positives is good though. What type of test you using? Symptoms sound good too!!
The last one obv false negative. Congrats!! x If still not sure do one more or go see your GP and he can do blood HCG.
I am planning to do another test tomorrow morning (10DPO) and if it is a :bfn: I will wait untill friday to see if the :witch: arrives, if not, then Monday morning first thing, i will go get blood tests done and hopefully i will have a :bfp:

I just checked my CM as my cramps are getting a bit worse, not very sore, but really worse than earlier in the dae and the CM was like a yellow-ish colour - weird, never seen it before.
that could be another sign you have a BFP cause usually towards the end of your cycle your cm starts to decrease, if you were due AF it would probably have subsided.
im doing okay a few less symptoms today but feeling light headed a few cramps still and i still have cm although not as much as a few days ago but its still here and its usually gone by now oh and cp is still high..x

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