

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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Insomnia Tam?

I am wide awake and know I'll be knackered in the morning but the more I think about sleeping the harder it is to do so!
:lol: Suz!

Tams always been a night bird! Keeps me awake :roll:

Right here's the deal.....I have Paul moving the furniture around in the lounge ready for us to put the christmas decs up tomorrow, so I am chatting with Wobs and cracking the whip here, make sure he is doing a good job, and so far I have to say he is surpassing himself, he is even hoovering the skirting boards....... :D

Oh babe, crap when ya can't sleep innit, I am awake til 6am most days then knackered during the day and need to sleep! So what ya doing babe and how are ya?

How's you Suz?
Suz said:

:rofl: You sound scary!!
I am sitting here writing my final xmas cards, wishing I'd bought some wrapping paper to wrap pressies. I know if I go upstairs at about 4.30am I'll get to sleep then. Baby Bean is dancing around and I think I might make some chocolate milk.

Question, why are there birds singing outside at 2.20am?
I have all my gifts wrapped already. Been wrapping as I buy. Have some to wrap that came FedEx today. Beleive it or not My HUSBAND IS IN THE GARAGE WRAPPING MY PRESENTS :shock:
:lol: I often wonder that, why do they sing so early, I thought it was day break they did it???? :? so sorry, no light shed there :lol:

Alfie is usually really active at night too, but typical he is as quiet as can be tonight....but I know if I went to bed now, I would not be able to sleep, it is nice to have some company at this time of day to be honest!

I did my christmas cards tonight too, I just have to finish Paul's lot and get them posted tomorrow....

You all set for christmas babe?
Two last little things to get and then the food shop but that will wait until my mum and dad get here on Friday anad then they can pay!!

And OH has to sort out Jonny's bike but apart from that all sorted. I should be really as I could (in theory) pop any day now!
Nu night girls hope you can get some sleep soon - I have to sniffle off I feel liek shit! :hugs:

Suz here hoping you get a warm bath soon lol

Suz said:
I have all my gifts wrapped already. Been wrapping as I buy. Have some to wrap that came FedEx today. Beleive it or not My HUSBAND IS IN THE GARAGE WRAPPING MY PRESENTS :shock:

Ohhh lucky you having your pressies being wrapped! I havebeen wrapping a little here and there, wih my SPD it makes it very hard to sit on the floor comfortably and wrap :( so I do a little at a time!
I hadn't even given the spd a thought when it comes to wrapping! I guess everyone will be getting their pressies in gift bags! I could sit at the dining room table and do it I suppose.

My mum has been gloating about the fact that in Holland (she has just moved back to uk on 1/12) they wrap everything for you and she did all her shopping before they left! :evil:
LynnieH said:
Two last little things to get and then the food shop but that will wait until my mum and dad get here on Friday anad then they can pay!!

And OH has to sort out Jonny's bike but apart from that all sorted. I should be really as I could (in theory) pop any day now!

Oh wow lucky you.....we have barely started :shock: the decorations are going up tomorrow, we are also ordering our Turkey, Pork and gammon tomorrow. We are going out to get christmas presents on Wednesday and Thursday, we are food shopping Wednesday or Thursday night, then off to Birmingham to see Paul's Mum on Friday, then at some point I have to get everything wrapped and ready for sunday :shock: it will all happen, but I am so slow with the SPD, I mus admit I am a bit worried, but I have faith in us :wink:
Wobbles said:
Nu night girls hope you can get some sleep soon - I have to sniffle off I feel like shit! :hugs:

Suz here hoping you get a warm bath soon lol


Night night babe, hope you feel better tomorrow :hugs: x
LynnieH said:
I hadn't even given the spd a thought when it comes to wrapping! I guess everyone will be getting their pressies in gift bags! I could sit at the dining room table and do it I suppose.

My mum has been gloating about the fact that in Holland (she has just moved back to uk on 1/12) they wrap everything for you and she did all her shopping before they left! :evil:

Corr your mum is lucky then.....although I LOVE wrapping pressies, I normally sit down with a beer, the christmas tunes on and wrap loads at a time, loving every minute of it! :D

As for the SPD, I need help getting up off the floor once I am down there :rofl: it is not a pretty sight! I get just as bad pains tho sitting at the table, as if it aint really well cushioned, I really suffer.....like today I had tostand up in the hospital as the chairs were too hard for me, I can arely walk after sitting in them sort of chairs :shock:
My spd improved slightly when I finished work. It was all the getting up and down from the little infant sized chairs that caused so much pain. I think I said that its bad now because baby bean has moved down.

I still managed aqua natal this week though. I find once I'm in the water I don't want to get out! :shipw:

Jonny calls aqua natal the floating hippos!!
:rofl: @ floating hippos!

I bet that is lovely being in the water......I was loving my baths, but now I just can't get out of them, I even need Paul to put me in and out of the shower :shock: I am lucky coz I don't have to do much at all, I do the school run, but Paul does 99% of the house during the week and the washing etc and Jade really helps as much as she can too.....she really tries to help out, it is so nice that she is at that age where she is not reliant on me so much as it would be so hard....

My pains get worse when I have to walk about or I do things, I am even getting my sickness if I have done more than I should do :( I can't wait to feel human again and have my body back, although at the same time, I am loving being pregnant.....weirdo I am :lol:
Pregnancy is definately harder for me this time round. Maybe it because I'm older? I haven't really enjoyed it but I can't wait to hold baby bean! There are only 12 days now until my section. So it will either be then or before.
Bet I go into labour naturally on xmas eve!
Oh don't say that :shock: You gotta have christmas first!! :D Can't believe it is just 12 days to go :shock:

Glad your SPD has eased up a bit babe, that's good!

I am putting my age down to not ailing thru this pregnancy too, although we aint old babe :( bloody pain innit :cry: Are you planning on any more babe?

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