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Tax credits and back dating


Mum to 2 nutters!
Sep 19, 2008
Reaction score
I sent off the form the week before LO was born, so around 10th May, possibly earlier.
They sent us a form to confirm incomes for 2011/12 and 2012/13. I have mine but OH does not have his - he has to call his old employers to get figures as we cant find his p60.

Am I right in thinking it will be back dated from the dated from 4 weeks from when they ge the form?

Also........On the form I just sent it for a renewal, obv couldn't put DS on it as he was not born so now I need to add him.

Am I better just calling them up with all this info or sending in the form for the income and then calling about DS's birth? As that's what is the deciding factor in if we get them this year.
If there are any changes to your claim you need to ring up and tell them, so do that rather than send the form off etc!
Also i was told by someone from payroll at oh work whem i was having trouble getting mine that a p60 is a one off form and cant be re issued so if its lost thats it but not sure how true that is
I was also told it couldn't be reissued! But yeah I think they will now only backdate to a month xx
You need to let them know asap about a change in circumstance (new baby). I told them as soon as roman was born then had to tell them his child benefit number when that came through.
Can you to look on his payslips from march and work things out from that?

They will probably adjust the claim from that date but I don't think they will backdate to when lo was born
Yes tax credits back date for up to one month.
If you look at OH's last payslip before 6th april, you will find out his income. Xx
Are you supposed to renew every year? I've had tax credits for 2 years now and never renewed them :/
Are you supposed to renew every year? I've had tax credits for 2 years now and never renewed them :/

We get a form every april -july time to update info from pay last year xxx
Yep you are meant to renew every year or you could lose them x
Yes tax credits back date for up to one month.
If you look at OH's last payslip before 6th april, you will find out his income. Xx

Cant unfortunately, as this last year he has worked for 4 diff companys at 4 diff salaries - all jobs before this one also had overtime added on and also been on Job seeker. But looks like I am going to have to guestimate.........oh my head!

His old work should have a copy of the P60 on file. scan and file their copy - as its a triplicate document I think - or duplicate. There is a bit for Me, Work and HMRC.

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