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*TEAM 2012 BABY*Beans in our bellies by the end of 2012 ! **88 BFP's**

I received bad news yesterday at my 12 week scan :cry: baby wasn't planned as i'm quite a lot younger than most of you probably are, but me and my OH both loved him/her more than anything and it just makes me want this so much more now it's been taken away from me. i'm having a d&c on tuesday, but i'd love to maybe try again once my cycles are back up to scratch. hoping i'll be expecting another precious bean by the end of 2012 and wishing you ladies the best of luck too!!

Fingers crossed for :bfp:
He is great Haj!! Can't believe he is five weeks already!!
Happy Friday ladies!!! I'm on my phone right now so I'll do personals later. But I just wanted to let you know I went for my u/s this morning and were having TWINS!!!! I'm as shocked as you!!! Lol. At first the nurse was like I see one nice gestational sac and then she was like andddd there's another. We both had our mouths like wide open. So we got in for our next Sono on Friday and hopefully get to see both little beans :):cloud9:

:happydance: that is fantastic news!!! So exciting!!! I bet you two are so excited!!!
I received bad news yesterday at my 12 week scan :cry: baby wasn't planned as i'm quite a lot younger than most of you probably are, but me and my OH both loved him/her more than anything and it just makes me want this so much more now it's been taken away from me. i'm having a d&c on tuesday, but i'd love to maybe try again once my cycles are back up to scratch. hoping i'll be expecting another precious bean by the end of 2012 and wishing you ladies the best of luck too!!

Fingers crossed for :bfp:

I'm so sorry :hugs:
I received bad news yesterday at my 12 week scan :cry: baby wasn't planned as i'm quite a lot younger than most of you probably are, but me and my OH both loved him/her more than anything and it just makes me want this so much more now it's been taken away from me. i'm having a d&c on tuesday, but i'd love to maybe try again once my cycles are back up to scratch. hoping i'll be expecting another precious bean by the end of 2012 and wishing you ladies the best of luck too!!

Fingers crossed for :bfp:

I am so sorry to hear this :hugs:
Happy Friday ladies!!! I'm on my phone right now so I'll do personals later. But I just wanted to let you know I went for my u/s this morning and were having TWINS!!!! I'm as shocked as you!!! Lol. At first the nurse was like I see one nice gestational sac and then she was like andddd there's another. We both had our mouths like wide open. So we got in for our next Sono on Friday and hopefully get to see both little beans :):cloud9:

Oh my gosh that is so exciting!!! I bet you're just over the moon! Who would have thought! :happydance: I am sooooooo excited for you!
I received bad news yesterday at my 12 week scan :cry: baby wasn't planned as i'm quite a lot younger than most of you probably are, but me and my OH both loved him/her more than anything and it just makes me want this so much more now it's been taken away from me. i'm having a d&c on tuesday, but i'd love to maybe try again once my cycles are back up to scratch. hoping i'll be expecting another precious bean by the end of 2012 and wishing you ladies the best of luck too!!

Fingers crossed for :bfp:

So sorry to hear this!!
I received bad news yesterday at my 12 week scan :cry: baby wasn't planned as i'm quite a lot younger than most of you probably are, but me and my OH both loved him/her more than anything and it just makes me want this so much more now it's been taken away from me. i'm having a d&c on tuesday, but i'd love to maybe try again once my cycles are back up to scratch. hoping i'll be expecting another precious bean by the end of 2012 and wishing you ladies the best of luck too!!

Fingers crossed for :bfp:

Oh honey...I'm sorry. Is this your first m/c? I had one at 17- I was 10 weeks along. I, too, had a D&C (you'll bleed for about 2 weeks, btw). It is very devastating to have a m/c...but just so you know you are not alone. In fact, most women (if not all) go through at least one miscarriage in their lives. It doesn't mean that there is something wrong with you- and doesn't mean you can never carry. Chin up, dear....you'll get your :bfp: eventually.

It took me 6 (almost 7!) more years before I got pregnant again. It will happen. I promise :)
Happy Friday ladies!!! I'm on my phone right now so I'll do personals later. But I just wanted to let you know I went for my u/s this morning and were having TWINS!!!! I'm as shocked as you!!! Lol. At first the nurse was like I see one nice gestational sac and then she was like andddd there's another. We both had our mouths like wide open. So we got in for our next Sono on Friday and hopefully get to see both little beans :):cloud9:

Congrats on your twins :D

I was hoping I was going to have twins (OH did not, lol!) but I'm not so lucky- oh well! I'm just happy to have one :)
Hey ladies here is the picture of my two little sweet peas :cloud9:


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Aww! How teeny tiny...all you see is the sacs ^.^

Congrats once again! My fingers are crossed that these little peas stick :)

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Thank you. Yeah in sac a you can start to see the yolk sac
Oh honey...I'm sorry. Is this your first m/c? I had one at 17- I was 10 weeks along. I, too, had a D&C (you'll bleed for about 2 weeks, btw). It is very devastating to have a m/c...but just so you know you are not alone. In fact, most women (if not all) go through at least one miscarriage in their lives. It doesn't mean that there is something wrong with you- and doesn't mean you can never carry. Chin up, dear....you'll get your :bfp: eventually.

It took me 6 (almost 7!) more years before I got pregnant again. It will happen. I promise :)
Yeah this was my first pregnancy that unfortunately ended in a horrible way :(
I had a early scan at 8 weeks (my picture) due to bleeding and they told me everything was fine, strong HB and everything. They never even kept track of that early scan I had! When I went in for my '12 week' scan on thursday, they obviously told me the bad news but couldn't tell me when baby died roughly because they never took measurements of baby at 8 weeks. Then I had a phone call yesterday saying they found my records and the baby would have died on the day of my 8 week scan or the very next day at the latest as there was no more progress from that moment on :cry: makes my heart break in two just knowing i was carrying around my baby for 4 weeks dead, yet we was so happy and looking forward to seeing him/her bouncing around at 12 weeks. I just don't know what to do because everyone says "live your life first" and it annoys me so much! don't get me wrong, i've been to my fair share of parties and partying holidays abroad. Some girls would do physically anything to have a good time but not get pregnant but i'm not like that. I'm more of a family/maternal girl, i adore my family to bits and that's just the way i want to be. My OH and baby WILL be the way i want to live my life, no matter how hard it is. So yeah we probably will try when my periods are back up and running, i'm definitely taking the vitamins though just so I know that the baby will have everything it needs from day one. You never know, i could of not had enough of something which could of made this all happen. Who knows :shrug: xxx
I received bad news yesterday at my 12 week scan :cry: baby wasn't planned as i'm quite a lot younger than most of you probably are, but me and my OH both loved him/her more than anything and it just makes me want this so much more now it's been taken away from me. i'm having a d&c on tuesday, but i'd love to maybe try again once my cycles are back up to scratch. hoping i'll be expecting another precious bean by the end of 2012 and wishing you ladies the best of luck too!!

Fingers crossed for :bfp:
I am so sorry! I too lost mine last month- MMC and lost it at 12 weeks :cry:
Hello everyone! havent been on here in a while how is everyone?:flower:
I am currently in a 38 day cycle and am 4 days late but I keep getting negatives I'm thinking that its probably due to the fact that i got a cold 2 days ago kinda hoping thats not true.. Its sad because I dedicated this whole month to trying to put the what TTC out of my mind but in the end I know that if AF comes im going to be very dissappointed:cry:
Anyone have AF delayed because of a cold?

I don´t know... I got a cold about the time my AF was due...
Fingers crossed for ya :dust:

I received bad news yesterday at my 12 week scan :cry: baby wasn't planned as i'm quite a lot younger than most of you probably are, but me and my OH both loved him/her more than anything and it just makes me want this so much more now it's been taken away from me. i'm having a d&c on tuesday, but i'd love to maybe try again once my cycles are back up to scratch. hoping i'll be expecting another precious bean by the end of 2012 and wishing you ladies the best of luck too!!

Fingers crossed for :bfp:

I´m so sorry :hugs:
Oh honey...I'm sorry. Is this your first m/c? I had one at 17- I was 10 weeks along. I, too, had a D&C (you'll bleed for about 2 weeks, btw). It is very devastating to have a m/c...but just so you know you are not alone. In fact, most women (if not all) go through at least one miscarriage in their lives. It doesn't mean that there is something wrong with you- and doesn't mean you can never carry. Chin up, dear....you'll get your :bfp: eventually.

It took me 6 (almost 7!) more years before I got pregnant again. It will happen. I promise :)
Yeah this was my first pregnancy that unfortunately ended in a horrible way :(
I had a early scan at 8 weeks (my picture) due to bleeding and they told me everything was fine, strong HB and everything. They never even kept track of that early scan I had! When I went in for my '12 week' scan on thursday, they obviously told me the bad news but couldn't tell me when baby died roughly because they never took measurements of baby at 8 weeks. Then I had a phone call yesterday saying they found my records and the baby would have died on the day of my 8 week scan or the very next day at the latest as there was no more progress from that moment on :cry: makes my heart break in two just knowing i was carrying around my baby for 4 weeks dead, yet we was so happy and looking forward to seeing him/her bouncing around at 12 weeks. I just don't know what to do because everyone says "live your life first" and it annoys me so much! don't get me wrong, i've been to my fair share of parties and partying holidays abroad. Some girls would do physically anything to have a good time but not get pregnant but i'm not like that. I'm more of a family/maternal girl, i adore my family to bits and that's just the way i want to be. My OH and baby WILL be the way i want to live my life, no matter how hard it is. So yeah we probably will try when my periods are back up and running, i'm definitely taking the vitamins though just so I know that the baby will have everything it needs from day one. You never know, i could of not had enough of something which could of made this all happen. Who knows :shrug: xxx

I'd say please don't blame yourself but we all do. My hubby said it is his fault because he is a chemist and is exposed to nasty stuff. And I wondered if it was mine because I wasn't taking folic acid from the start :cry:
Hang in there :hugs:
I'd say please don't blame yourself but we all do. My hubby said it is his fault because he is a chemist and is exposed to nasty stuff. And I wondered if it was mine because I wasn't taking folic acid from the start :cry:
Hang in there :hugs:
I know, i've thought of everything that could of happened. I took the folic acid vitamin supplements from when i first found out but i was about 5 or 6 weeks then. I've wondered if it was all the hot baths i had considering they say they're bad. i've wondered if it was even sex :/ something i ate, laying on my belly during the night, stretched too much when reaching out for something? OH keeps blaming himself too and literally we will never ever know the cause, nobody finds out why this happens to them unless there's a clear reason which can be seen. Hoping if and when (fingers crossed) i fall pregnant again, nothing goes wrong this time. Hoping the same thing for everyone else !! xx
Good Morning Ladies!
Haj - big, excited :hugs: here for you too! I am over the moon for you! H&H 9 months :)
Pinkcup - I am so sorry to hear about your loss! And my fingers are crossed for you that things will work out in the future. Just a thought - I thoroughly understand how much you yearn for your own family (I don't know how young you are) and want to be maternal and family and both you and OH believe that you can get through the hardships. If you have a strong relationship, you are more likely than not right. Just a question though : do you think it would be the best thing for your child, if you have one this young (again, I don't know your age)? Have you built up a solid foundation to bring him or her up on? This is the question I have asked myself all the years, when I really wanted a child, but decided - for the child's sake - that it wouldn't be the best move (and I have also, all my life, known that I want to be a Mother and have a family). I really don't want to make you feel bad, when you are feeling down already. Again, I am so sorry for your loss and pain and hope that you recover soon! Wishing you all the best! :hugs:

AFM - this morning, I gave myself the first Gonal-F shot. On Thursday, I go for the U/S to see how my ovaries are responding. It's kind of terrifying and exciting all at once, that after all the tests and worries, concerns and sadness - that they did find some :spermy: to freeze and we have actually started the treatment and could ..... :) :) .... be pregnant by the end of this month!

:dust::dust::dust: to getting babies in our bellies this year and to 2013 babies!

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