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*TEAM 2012 BABY*Beans in our bellies by the end of 2012 ! **88 BFP's**

I received bad news yesterday at my 12 week scan :cry: baby wasn't planned as i'm quite a lot younger than most of you probably are, but me and my OH both loved him/her more than anything and it just makes me want this so much more now it's been taken away from me. i'm having a d&c on tuesday, but i'd love to maybe try again once my cycles are back up to scratch. hoping i'll be expecting another precious bean by the end of 2012 and wishing you ladies the best of luck too!!

Fingers crossed for :bfp:

Im so sorry to hear that! all the best for next cycle and your Very-BFP! ;)
Haj - I am soooo excited for you and your hubby! I could cry i am soo happy for you, how blessed you are -- what a journey :hugs:
I'd say please don't blame yourself but we all do. My hubby said it is his fault because he is a chemist and is exposed to nasty stuff. And I wondered if it was mine because I wasn't taking folic acid from the start :cry:
Hang in there :hugs:
I know, i've thought of everything that could of happened. I took the folic acid vitamin supplements from when i first found out but i was about 5 or 6 weeks then. I've wondered if it was all the hot baths i had considering they say they're bad. i've wondered if it was even sex :/ something i ate, laying on my belly during the night, stretched too much when reaching out for something? OH keeps blaming himself too and literally we will never ever know the cause, nobody finds out why this happens to them unless there's a clear reason which can be seen. Hoping if and when (fingers crossed) i fall pregnant again, nothing goes wrong this time. Hoping the same thing for everyone else !! xx

:hugs: It's terrible when we loose something that is so dear to our heart. And sadly yes they will never be any clear reason why it happened. The most likely reason why your baby passed away has nothing to do with any of those reasons. When I was early on I didn't pay attention to any of that, I just kept going on with what I always did (because I don't drink alcohol or smoke) I was lifting heavy tables regularly which strained my back weekly. My partner works in the mines and would come home dirty. They speculate that most first trimester losses are caused because the egg didn't implant properly or there was a slight malformation in the embryo.

Like a lot of people have said, it happens to a lot of women and they go on to have healthy children. Just got to keep positive :flower:
Hey ladies!! Mind if I join your thread? :wave:

I know it's midway thru the year but I'm REALLY hoping to have my :bfp: by the end of the year!!! I was recently diagnosed with pcos and put on metformin so hopefully it works :)
To pinkcupcake- I'm deeply sorry for your loss. I have 3 angel babies and my last mc wasn't detected until I was 11 weeks along but the baby had died sometime around 8 weeks :cry:
You will get your sticky bean soon! Just gotta believe it :) there was nothing you could do to prevent what happened, I know we think of 1001 ways we could've prevented it but truth is things happen for a reason, even if we can't understand it sometimes. I will keep you in my prayers and may God give you strength and serenity to go thru this hard time :flower:
As for me, hoping and praying for a bean in my belly by the end of 2012. I would love a 2013 baby!!! It's the year of the snake! And I'm a snake too!!! Superstitious much? Yes I am ;)
Hey Ladies,

Its been ages since I've been on here. Hubby and I took some time off TTC while I trained to Scuba dive and went on a diving holiday in Egypt, well, all done and now we're back, guess what we're planning???

Well, I'm on CD53 today and its been a really funny and long cycle. I was wondering what was going on as I missed a week of temps while I was away, so didn't know if I had O'd or not.

As I hadn't come on yet and didn't have the sore 'period' boobs, I've been doing the ovulation tests the last few days and I got this one today. Ovulating on CD53. Well, I'm noting if not unusual. Pic is very blurred I'm afraid, but I think you can still see both.

Here's hoping I manage to conceive first month trying and that it is more successful that last year.

Sorry I haven't got round to reading all the posts yet, I will catch up, but only just logged back on.

Congrats to all the BFPs and good luck to the TTCers.



  • 13 June 2012.jpg
    13 June 2012.jpg
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Hey Ladies,

Its been ages since I've been on here. Hubby and I took some time off TTC while I trained to Scuba dive and went on a diving holiday in Egypt, well, all done and now we're back, guess what we're planning???

Well, I'm on CD53 today and its been a really funny and long cycle. I was wondering what was going on as I missed a week of temps while I was away, so didn't know if I had O'd or not.

As I hadn't come on yet and didn't have the sore 'period' boobs, I've been doing the ovulation tests the last few days and I got this one today. Ovulating on CD53. Well, I'm noting if not unusual. Pic is very blurred I'm afraid, but I think you can still see both.

Here's hoping I manage to conceive first month trying and that it is more successful that last year.

Sorry I haven't got round to reading all the posts yet, I will catch up, but only just logged back on.

Congrats to all the BFPs and good luck to the TTCers.


Ohhhh scuba diving in Egypt sound wonderful!!! I hope you had a great time :) I can see both tests :) clearly a smiley :D I hope it's good news!!! :)
Hey Ladies,

Its been ages since I've been on here. Hubby and I took some time off TTC while I trained to Scuba dive and went on a diving holiday in Egypt, well, all done and now we're back, guess what we're planning???

Well, I'm on CD53 today and its been a really funny and long cycle. I was wondering what was going on as I missed a week of temps while I was away, so didn't know if I had O'd or not.

As I hadn't come on yet and didn't have the sore 'period' boobs, I've been doing the ovulation tests the last few days and I got this one today. Ovulating on CD53. Well, I'm noting if not unusual. Pic is very blurred I'm afraid, but I think you can still see both.

Here's hoping I manage to conceive first month trying and that it is more successful that last year.

Sorry I haven't got round to reading all the posts yet, I will catch up, but only just logged back on.

Congrats to all the BFPs and good luck to the TTCers.


Hi TerriLou :wave:
Egypt is where I completed my scuba diving certificate (nearly 10 years ago now :) ) ... and I have been to several diving locations around the world. I have to say, the Red Sea is still my top diving location so far (and I have visited the Barrier Reef, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, other locations in Australia, Venezuela...). So I hope you enjoyed your diving holiday in Egypt!

Your OV tests look great! So good luck with TTC :)
Thanks ladies

Egypt was amazing, the water was warm, clear and full to the brim with coral and some great fish.

I've heard that when a man scuba dives, it can lower the chance of conceiving a boy. As we would both love to have a girl (first), hopefully it would be the case as Hubby is a keen diver too. I won't be going for a while now as there are risks when ttc or when pregnant, so got to get my priorities right for a bit.

Just waiting for him to get home from work :winkwink:
Got my :bfp: today ladies, good luck to you all in getting yours :dust:
Hey ladies! Hope everyone is doing well. Monday night when dh went to do my progesterone and said my butt on both sides was all right and bumpy...it looked like a rash. Since like Sunday my butt had felt itchy but that happened once with my Lupron shots. But I had decided to call the dr. They told me to come in. So I went in yesterday and the nurse said she thinks I have cellulitis... which is a bacterial infection. If it doesnt get treated the right way or right away you can die from it. So needless to say I spend yesterday crying bc i was afraid something was going to happen to the babies. But they put me on antibiotics and told me to put a hot compress on my butt on my butt 3 times a day. I'm hoping it goes away quickly and doessnt have any negative effects.s

On a bright side, I hit 6 weeks today and we have our next sono on Friday :)
Got my :bfp: today ladies, good luck to you all in getting yours :dust:

Ooh, congratulations :D :hugs:

Thanks ladies

Egypt was amazing, the water was warm, clear and full to the brim with coral and some great fish.

I've heard that when a man scuba dives, it can lower the chance of conceiving a boy. As we would both love to have a girl (first), hopefully it would be the case as Hubby is a keen diver too. I won't be going for a while now as there are risks when ttc or when pregnant, so got to get my priorities right for a bit.

Just waiting for him to get home from work :winkwink:

mmm, I miss diving. I can´t do anything until next springtime... still, can´t complain.
Hey ladies! Hope everyone is doing well. Monday night when dh went to do my progesterone and said my butt on both sides was all right and bumpy...it looked like a rash. Since like Sunday my butt had felt itchy but that happened once with my Lupron shots. But I had decided to call the dr. They told me to come in. So I went in yesterday and the nurse said she thinks I have cellulitis... which is a bacterial infection. If it doesnt get treated the right way or right away you can die from it. So needless to say I spend yesterday crying bc i was afraid something was going to happen to the babies. But they put me on antibiotics and told me to put a hot compress on my butt on my butt 3 times a day. I'm hoping it goes away quickly and doessnt have any negative effects.s

On a bright side, I hit 6 weeks today and we have our next sono on Friday :)

Aw haj... I hope things clear up soon! And yay for 6 weeks!!!
Hey ladies! Hope everyone is doing well. Monday night when dh went to do my progesterone and said my butt on both sides was all right and bumpy...it looked like a rash. Since like Sunday my butt had felt itchy but that happened once with my Lupron shots. But I had decided to call the dr. They told me to come in. So I went in yesterday and the nurse said she thinks I have cellulitis... which is a bacterial infection. If it doesnt get treated the right way or right away you can die from it. So needless to say I spend yesterday crying bc i was afraid something was going to happen to the babies. But they put me on antibiotics and told me to put a hot compress on my butt on my butt 3 times a day. I'm hoping it goes away quickly and doessnt have any negative effects.s

On a bright side, I hit 6 weeks today and we have our next sono on Friday :)

That would be scary.

I guess you can't wait for the next sono appointment?
Wow haj i didnt realise u were having twins! Thats so brilliant many many congrats and i hope ur illness clears up soon sounds nasty! X

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