*TEAM 2012 BABY*Beans in our bellies by the end of 2012 ! **88 BFP's**

Hi kitcat!! I'm so sorry to hear that your ex is being super aragont and immature. I dated a guy for 10 years before i met ny current oh and we had a horrible break up as well so I completely empathize with you. I hope that things get better for you soon :hugs:

Haj- love your scan pic!!! Must have been amazing to hear the hbs

Afm: not too much going on here.. Just been busy packing and organizing since we move in 2 weeks!!

It's been a nightmare! He basically said he'd taken an overdose when drunk and called me up saying I've done this to him and I've ruined his life etc etc. But he hadn't done anything he was just trying to guilt me into going back. I don't recognise him he's not the man I loved. I hope all goes well with your move darling xx
Hey kitcat!!! It was sooo lovely to see your name pop up on my 'last posted..' thingy! I just couldnt get to a computer to post till now...lovely to hear from you but sorry your ex is being such a pain. Why is he doing it do you think? Does he want you back? Would you even want to have him? I thought you broke up fairly amicably its a shame for you to fall out now. We're missing you loads over here will be thinking of you love Jo xxx

Hey lady lovely to chat to you :) how are things going? Not long to go now Eeek so exciting!
At first we were on good terms ish but now he's done the things he has I'm sure I'll never go back to him. I'm not going to be guilt tripped in to anything when I've done nothing wrong and that's what he's doing now :( biggest guilt trip ever. He calls texts and Facebooks me atleast 100 times a day horrible messages :( its getting to the point of harassment to he honest. Such a shame after 8years you think you know someone...
But life goes on! Hope to chat soon lovely best of luck take care of bump xx
Rigi - Violet - I love that name :) and thank you :hugs:

Kitcat :hugs: I am sooo sooo sorry you are going through this!

AFM - ER was this morning (12 hours ago) and went well. They got 14 eggs and tomorrow I will learn how many they fertilised. Feeling quite sore, I must say, and am incredibly swollen - so sitting is quite uncomfortable. The bleeding has pretty much stopped now and I hope the swelling / bloating goes down soon (DH says I look 4-5 months pregnant!) so I can sit up a bit better...

:dust::dust::dust: all around :)
Just a little update Ladies ...
Of the 14 eggies retrieved, 12 were mature for ICSI. They managed to fertilise 11 of them and so have frozen 6. We have to pray that the 5 out there continue to develop nicely :)

xxx :dust::dust::dust: xxx Bubu

p.s. still feeling sore and swollen - moving is very uncomfortable. I hope that is normal, one day after ER?
Just a little update Ladies ...
Of the 14 eggies retrieved, 12 were mature for ICSI. They managed to fertilise 11 of them and so have frozen 6. We have to pray that the 5 out there continue to develop nicely :)

xxx :dust::dust::dust: xxx Bubu

p.s. still feeling sore and swollen - moving is very uncomfortable. I hope that is normal, one day after ER?

(I'm sitting to far away from my computer screen to be able to see what I'm typing clearly, I do apologise for typos)

That is absolutely wondrous news Bubumaci :yipee: I'm doing a little happy dance in my lounge room and my fiance is looking at me as if I'm doing something odd :rofl:
:big hugs: YAY :happydance:
As for the discomfort, I can't help, maybe Haj might be able to give you some pointers.


ASFM: I got some bad news today, my cervix is closed tighter then a closed clam shell. So it looks like this baby isn't coming any time soon (I'm 40 weeks + 2 days) Induction is booked for next Thursday, need to be at the hospital at 5am in the morning :wacko:
Thanks Rigi! I just tried imagining you doing your dance :rofl:

I am sorry to hear that your bub isn't making any plans to evacuate just yet. Guess it just feels to comfortable in there. My fingers are crossed that everything goes smoothly, so that they don't have to induce... at least you know, if not before, that you will be meeting your LO at the latest on Thursday / early Friday next week :hugs:
af is still on vacation. I am still feeling crampy. and my temp is still high. I havent tested since Sunday except on ics and I didnt use an IC today. Every morning I just keep praying for that high temp. So nervous, everyone in my family keeps telling me to wait 2weeks until I test again. Im wondering if theyre right because another BFN or a chemical would completely crush me.
Hi kitcat!! I'm so sorry to hear that your ex is being super aragont and immature. I dated a guy for 10 years before i met ny current oh and we had a horrible break up as well so I completely empathize with you. I hope that things get better for you soon :hugs:

Haj- love your scan pic!!! Must have been amazing to hear the hbs

Afm: not too much going on here.. Just been busy packing and organizing since we move in 2 weeks!!

It's been a nightmare! He basically said he'd taken an overdose when drunk and called me up saying I've done this to him and I've ruined his life etc etc. But he hadn't done anything he was just trying to guilt me into going back. I don't recognise him he's not the man I loved. I hope all goes well with your move darling xx

Oh no kitcat!! Wilsey said it right!! He's being a douche bag!! No one should ever guilt anyone in to doing anything. That is not fair to you and he is being very selfish.
cd 30, still no af, still bfn this morning... losing hope that Im not just a few days late
ty-as for as I have been tracking (which isnt long) my lp hasnt been longer the 13 days. However, I did recently have a 32 day cycle for some reason which was only a few months ago and then I had a 22 day cycle which I thought was incredibly short so maybe my body is just trying to balance out or something. The thing that has me concerned that I might be pregnant is that I haven't had a temp below cover-line or even close to it in 16 days, so even if my opks gave false positives I'm still at least 16dpo so we'll see how the next two days go.

Tomorrow is OHs birthday... So now I cant drink, and I dont have any idea if I'm pregnant. Just annoying, its like a roller coaster of hope and loss of hope.
Hi kitcat!! I'm so sorry to hear that your ex is being super aragont and immature. I dated a guy for 10 years before i met ny current oh and we had a horrible break up as well so I completely empathize with you. I hope that things get better for you soon :hugs:

Haj- love your scan pic!!! Must have been amazing to hear the hbs

Afm: not too much going on here.. Just been busy packing and organizing since we move in 2 weeks!!

It's been a nightmare! He basically said he'd taken an overdose when drunk and called me up saying I've done this to him and I've ruined his life etc etc. But he hadn't done anything he was just trying to guilt me into going back. I don't recognise him he's not the man I loved. I hope all goes well with your move darling xx

Oh no kitcat!! Wilsey said it right!! He's being a douche bag!! No one should ever guilt anyone in to doing anything. That is not fair to you and he is being very selfish.

I agree!! My ex did the same to me with the whole overdose thing its so worrying and upsetting. you dont need this stress!! I really hope he chills out on you soon - let him know that all this isnt going to win you back infact its doing the oppposite! Do you have any mutual friends that maybe could try and talk some sense into him for you?

Thanks for the good wishes with bump! I cant believe how close its getting now its still so surreal! We did have a lil worrying moment when my meaurments were 'static' and we thought baby wasnt growing well but a (mega cute) scan revealed she is all well and she is definitely a she!! Got some beautiful face piccies will have to try and get them online for you to take a peek at.

Good luck everyone still trying for their 2012 baby! Sending my love and :dust to you all xxx
Wow Jo!!! I can't believe how close it is!! I feel like you just announced your bfp not long ago!' I'd love to see the pics!! Glad to hear she is doing good!! Do you have a name picked out yet?
Scarlet - just saw your chart. Sorry it wasn't a BFP this time!
Still waiting for AF to arrive. 12dpo today. Don't know what to think with 8 and 10dpo being below the coverline. Tested yesterday with a BFN. Going to test again tomorrow, then probably Friday too.
Scarlet - just saw your chart. Sorry it wasn't a BFP this time!

Thanks! This might be our last cycle trying as we are getting married next August and OH is nervous if we have a baby too close to our ceremony that I wont fit into my wedding dress anymore. I cant imagine having to wait a whole year to start this again, and possibly have more months of BFNs... its so depressing. I really hope July is our month.
Hi Ladies... sorry that I haven't been around in ages. This has been a pretty stressful/busy time in my life and I just needed the break. I feel badly that I haven't been around. I feel like I need this support system, and being there for all of you made me feel productive.

DH and I have been TTC for 14 months now. We had our first consultation with a fertility doctor a couple months ago. DH had an analysis and there was an infection, so he took antibiotics. I had a HSG done, and bloodwork and everything came back normal. My cycle just started again yesterday, and I begin Clomid tomorrow. I go for a midcycle ultrasound, and then will have a shot (don't remember the medication at the moment...) and will have my first IUI.

Wishing everyone luck... hoping this is just what we need to put a baby in my belly :)
Hi Ladies... sorry that I haven't been around in ages. This has been a pretty stressful/busy time in my life and I just needed the break. I feel badly that I haven't been around. I feel like I need this support system, and being there for all of you made me feel productive.

DH and I have been TTC for 14 months now. We had our first consultation with a fertility doctor a couple months ago. DH had an analysis and there was an infection, so he took antibiotics. I had a HSG done, and bloodwork and everything came back normal. My cycle just started again yesterday, and I begin Clomid tomorrow. I go for a midcycle ultrasound, and then will have a shot (don't remember the medication at the moment...) and will have my first IUI.

Wishing everyone luck... hoping this is just what we need to put a baby in my belly :)

Welcome back and good luck!!!!

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