(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

LB, Zachary is so flippin cute- what an adorable little face. He looks cute in his Bumbo chair, we just bought one in lime green.
Glad he is sleeping through the night and growing a ton, hopefully he takes longer naps soon

Ladybird---Zac is sooo cute. Thanks for posting pics and it's good to hear from you.

Britt--how are you feeling these days?
Hi Ladies - phew, I've finally got the internet up and running! I'm writing to you from South Africa - where it all began just over 1 year ago with Harrison. We had our IUI in February on valentines day, and here we are with our little bundle of joy! Being back here again has reminded me how much life has changed now that we have Harrison - we call him our little emperor, as he always gets his own way, and he's the one that always orders us around! haha :rofl: But it's so wonderful to be back here and breath a sigh of relief and content that we have our little boy.

2016 - thanks for the milk advice, do you know if Motillium has any side effects? I'm surprised all bf women aren't given it at hospital if it can help boost supply! I'll have to check it out in HK... I tried using that fb calculator on the kellymom.com website, but with Harrison feeding 8 times a day, it says 112ml (3.75oz) would be in the high range - that doesn't seem to be enough for Harrison, and based on what GG and Hibiscus are feeding their bubbas, it seems like we have some hungry monkeys!

So, this is all going to sound gross... but in Chinese custom, all bf women will drink fish soup or octupus soup to boost their milk supply. I was skeptical, so never had any - but in desperation to boost my supply back up, my mother made me octopus soup - it was gross, I came home and opened the big pot to find an octopus starring up at me, tenticles and all! - BUT, I drank 5 cups of the stuff throughout the day, and virtually instantaneously I had more milk - I know because after just 2 hours, I was able to pump 200ml (10oz!). Apparently it works as there are certain enzymes in the fish/octopus for stimulating more milk. The same goes for young green papayas. This makes sense to me now, as when I was in the hospital here, they kept feeding me this sweet papaya soup, it must have been for my milk supply. For those of you brave enough or curious enough to try, here is the fish soup recipie (octopus only for the very brave! haha):



This neutral soup is extremely rich in carotenes, antioxidants and vitamin C. It is the soup to make for women who are going through confinement and is said to aid in production of milk for breastfeeding women. The soup itself is very sweet and high nutritious. It is also ideal for babies and children.

What Ingredients are required?
4 medium-sized golden threadfin bream (or any other appropriate substitute)
1 large papaya (use green papaya if used for increasing milk in breastfeeding)
5-6 pieces of dried scallop
3 large dried dates
2 slices of fresh ginger
2 L of water
1 teaspoon of salt (to marinate the fish)
1 teaspoon of oil (to fry the fish)

How do I prepare it?

1.After the fish is cleaned, wipe the fish with paper towels or a cloth to remove excess water
2.Cover the fish with a small amount of salt (inside and out)
3.Let it sit for an hour and then drain any water
4.Peel and cut the papaya into large edible cubes
5.Start boiling your soup water
6.In a pan, add oil and fry the ginger with the fish on low-medium heat (until the fish is completely cooked and the skin is a slightly browned)
7.Put the fish into a soup bag and add to water
8.Add papaya and ginger
9.Boil for at least an hour
Any benefits?

■This soup is rich vitamin C, carotenes and antioxidants
■It is said to aid in milk production for breastfeeding women (use green papayas in this case)

I'd love to hear from you if you try it!

Britt - I think you're totally right - the name Piper is strong and cute at the same time, and I love that it's so unique. Will she have a middle name? So you're over 22 weeks now... WOW! Can we see an updated bump pic? I bet you have a lovely little bump now! So have you had fun buying all your baby stuff, have you set up your nursery yet? I can't wait until we can eventually get our new house so that Harrison can have his own little nursery.

LB - what adorable pics of Zac!! He looks like he could be brothers with Harrison! haha. That's so cute that you have him in a bubble bath - does he try to eat the bubbles? I've thought of giving Harrison a bubble bath, but he keeps shoving his fingers in his mouth during bath time. Keep the pics coming! I can't believe how little he sleeps during the day! Harrison is still napping around 4 hours throughout the day and still wakes up in the middle of the night to feed, even though I've increased a lot of his feeds to 5oz, whenever I can pump that much.

I hope the rest of you ladies are doing well!

Harrison has been coping really well with the travelling - he didn't love the 13 hour flight to Jo-berg and then stopover before going to Cape Town, he doesn't feed much whilst we're flying, he just sleeps, then wakes crying after an hour and does that throughout the flight. But the airpressure doesn't hurt him during landing or take off now that we know about feeding him throughout. He coped yesterday in 41 degrees centigrade whilst we were petting cheetahs and having a picnic (we kept him in the shade). He's just been such a delight.

Britt - I don't know how you cope with the cole weather! bbrrr!! I find HK winters cold enough! I think the coldest we ever get is 10 degrees centigrade, and only for a few days a year!
Hi Ladies, nice to have some chatter on this thread again :hugs:
Hibiscus, I am feeling great, I cant believe how awesome this pregnancy has been! The only thing is I get very tired easily, but other than that, fantastic :thumbup: I showed my hubby that pic of Jack with Sophie he thought it was pretty cute too :hugs: How long are you taking on mat leave?

Yeah Joli there you are!! In South Africa, wow how fantastic, hard to believe all of that was a year ago hey? It seems like just yesterday we were talking about your IUI, he is one strong boy and was destined to be here :hugs: are you guys there on holidays or meeting up with family?
Harrison sounds like a little character.
Yes, I dont know how I stand the cold either, actually I cant take much more of this winter. Its called an "el nina" year which is a very cold winter-so we have been dealing with this crap for months now. It is still -20C outside!!!! and the news last night predicted 3 more months of below seasonal temps :dohh: We will be looking for a second place in BC soon so that will be nice and DH is taking me to Maui when our LO is about 4 months I think.
That being said, I couldnt stand 41 degree temps either, I find that just as bad. We were in Costa Rica a couple years ago and I had a hard time with the temperature, I get heat sickness pretty easily and had to wear hats and get lots of shade.

You must be excited to move into your new house, I saw pics awhile back on FB, its gorgeous!! Totally my style, we love modern contemporary.

Great news in boosting your milk supply and good on you for drinking that :thumbup: not sure if I could...:winkwink:

How is work going Joli? sorry so much questions but its been awhile.

Oh and as for bump pics, yeah I will have DH do one soon but I have to tell you I have all of a sudden packed it on. I went on the scale yesterday and I am up 18 pounds now!! :shock: what the heck?? I thought I was doing okay, mind you my boobs are so huge now its uncomfortable. I dont think I am going to be a cute preggo lady like you were, more like a house by 10 months, I will need to shop for moo moos :haha:
OK, guys, this is just too good to not share.
Last night, DH was changing Jack's diaper and, even though I always remind him of Jack's tendency to pee on things, he still insists on playing with him while he's naked (Jack does seem to love it). He was kissing his legs and as he moved his head from one leg to the other, Jack peed straight in to his mouth!! HAHAHA! Serves him right! I asked him what it tasted like and he said he doesn't know because he couldn't think. He just ran to the BR and spit it out.

Britt--I'm actually off maternity leave now. I've been back to work since Jan 18, and had a friend taking care of Jack until yesterday, when he started at the day care near our house. He seemed to like his first day, and everyone there is really sweet!

I'm so glad to hear your pregnancy is going well--woohoo! It's such a relief to have smooth pregnancies after all of us seemed to have issues with having viable pregnancies, isn't it?
:rofl: hahahhaha - Hibiscus, your little story made me laugh so hard! I thought it was funny when Harrison pooped all over his towel straight after DH gave him a bath, but your story is even funnier!! :rofl: Thanks for sharing!

Britt - we're here on holiday, a wedding on Saturday and we're here to see some of DH's family as well. Thankfully my mother is here with us, which has been such a blessing when we've wanted to do things like pet cheetahs, but Harrison of course couldn't go in, cause he'd be bait! So she's been helping us watch him. That's fantastic that DH is going to take you to Maui when bubba's 4 months, that's a perfect time to travel - Harrison really enjoyed Hawaii I think, and he's been enjoying the fresh air here in Cape Town too! Work has been awful - I'm so stressed and I feel like I'm juggling so much - it's nice to be away on holiday. I can't believe I've only been back at work for 2.5 weeks, it honestly feels like I never left. But I'm thankful that I get Wed and Fri afternoons to work from home now... my work has said I can only have this arrangement whilst I'm bf, but I'm going to try to show them I can still do the work and see if they can make this a permanent thing for me eventually. I doubt it, but don't ask - don't get, right?! 18lbs at 22.5 weeks isn't too much at all!! It sounds like you're right on track! Awww, hon, I can't wait to see a beautiful bump pic - I'm sure it's gorgeous and it's going to get even better as you get bigger :flower:
Ha Hibiscus that is hilarious :rofl: almost serves DH right you warned him :haha:
I cant believe you are back to work already, but it sounds like you are doing well and have the daycare all sorted out. Must have been so hard to leave Jack initially and I'm sure it still is.

Sounds like a lovely trip Joli, enjoy! glad your mom was able to come, my parents will be the type of grandparents that will be like okay can we come and cuddle with Piper for a couple of hours and as soon as she starts screaming they will be looking at their watches saying they have to go :winkwink:
but I know that going into it, so thats okay.

I checked my home scale today and it says I am only up 15 pounds so that just sounds much better to me. I will be 23 weeks tomorrow and LO is measuring 6 days ahead, so I will take everything I can get! My mom was huge when pregnant with us, so I am sure I will be too

tk soon
Joli...no side effects that I know of. I give it to Stewart for his reflux and it's available OTC too. Surprisingly mild stuff!
Sounds like the octopus soup worked a treat though! Yuk!
hello girls :) Libby has cut her first tooth!! didnt seem to bother her until it actually started to cut and now she has a little razor! my girl is growing too quickly I swear if I didnt know when my last period was I would say she was older than she is! She has been here before I swear hahaha

Hope your all well?? x
No teeth for arjun yet

He was mighty sick last weekend 102 fever and a cold.. poor thing .. has recoverd now..
we went to GOA (beach resort) for our anniversary (11th march).. it was a refreshing break.. loved it..

Arjiun can now say MAMA !! & PAPA.. he said PAPA first though.. now everytime he is cranky / tired he just says MAMA MAMA! sooo cute! Oh now he is also rolling around non stop & is trying to crawl too..

I also started him on veggies done carrots , squash & sweet potatoes

Here is a pic of him this week.. In the pool.. he loves it! kicking his legs & splashing water everywhere!:happydance:


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Hi Ladies - I have been so unbelievably exhausted... I had internet for a day whilst I was in Cape Town, then we lost connection and couldn't get it back again. The day I came back, I went to work and I've been shafted ever since... I still come home to feed and bath Harrison between 6pm - 9pm, but then I have to continue working from 9pm - 1am, then because Harrison's been jetlagged, I've been up so much of the night, before a full day at work again. I've been working on a really big deal as well, so my Saturday and Sunday was spent working too. Ug!

Harrison is doing really well, he's rolling over lots now and is really vocalising. Tonight was the first time he was giggling like crazy to peek-a-boo, it's so lovely! He travelled really well to Cape Town as well, and was charming all the air stewardesses. He's at that stage as well where he wants to put everything in his mouth (though he's still only being breastfed). He still doesn't sleep through the night - he sleeps unswaddled during, but when I try unswaddling him at night, he wakes up every 2 hours. At least when I swaddle him, he only wakes up once around 3:30am. I don't think he'll sleep through the night until he gets onto solids!

Britt - How's the pregnancy going? I'm dying to see a bump pic!!

GG - I can't believe Libby has a tooth already!! Are the bottom two coming through together or one at a time? Is she loving he teething toys right now?

Devi - HOW cute is that picture of Arjun!! He is such a handsome little boy! That's amazing that he's already saying Mama and Papa, talking that at 5 months is so early. When was the first time you put in him the pool? How do you protect him from the sun? I've been dying to get Harrison in the pool, but I"m worried about how he'll cope with the temperature and the sun.

I've attached a couple of funny recent pics of Harrison, he's got so many expressions now :)


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PS - Devi, I would LOVE to go to Goa - DH and I have been dreaming of going to India, but we just weren't sure whether it's suitable to take Harrison until he's older...
hey ladies a quick note but I will be back.
Devi- I cant believe what a big boy Arjun is now! wow, to think how fast these babies are growing is unbelievable, he is such a cutie! I cant believe he is already making words- wow!! thanks for posting pics, missed ya

Joli- I really wish work would slow down for you, poor thing that cant be healthy. I am so lucky that I get a full 9 months off (sh#t pay mind you, it doesnt even cover my mortgage but we have savings).
great new pics of Harrison, what a sweetie! he does look so long, he will definitely be tall between the 2 of you.

I will post a bump pic, maybe tonight- I need DH to put a happy face on it for me. Of course I dont mind you guys seeing my face but there are some creepy internet stockers.
I am doing well, she is a pretty active baby but has been quieter the last couple of days but I think she switched positions. Sometimes my ribs really hurt to the left, I wonder if she has a foot wedged up there, little turkey :winkwink:
I cant believe I have less than 4 months to go! We have a 4d scan on April 1, so really excited

I slowly took him in the pool I sat on a step put innhis toes the legs then slowlhnthe rest of him. Water was warm so that helped.

Joli Harrison has grown so tall !!
I applied lots of aveeno baby sunscreen & made him wear a cap & huggies swim diapers (did the job well )
Britt - it sounds like you've got a really active little girl in there, that's fantastic! Don't worry if you don't feel her moving as much, I went through that too and I worried a bit - but it's just them spending all their energy on having a growth spurt inside :)

Devi - thanks for the info on swimming! I bought some Organic baby sunblock, but the midwives told me I couldn't use it on Harrison until he was 6 months old !?! which is one of the reasons why we haven't been able to take him swimming.

2016 - I've seen on FB that you've been taking Stewart swimming, I'd love to hear about it!

Harrison is super long - he's bigger than most 6 month old babies I see here! Last night, he started giggling like crazy with us playing Peek-a-Boo, it was lovely :hugs;
Sorry girls...I've been hiding. Really struggling with PND over here and feel like hubby isn't supporting me. It's the age old - he works all day and earns the majority of the money until I return to work so he seems to think I'm having one big fat holiday! Nevermind my job runs 24/7!
He's also got so super sensitive about money. I went out the other night to do the weekly shop after cooking dinner and getting Stewart down for what is usually his longest sleep of the day (4 hours). When I got home he started rummaging through the bags as I brought them in criticising what I had bought. He spotted a 3 pack of 6-9 month sleepsuits I had bought because the toes are tight on Stewarts 3-6 month size. I had been warning him for the last 3 weeks we were going to need to buy the bigger size. Other than his coming home outfit, this was the first item of clothing I had bought for Stewart. Have been using all second hand stuff that was given to him or new stuff that were presents. The pack of 3 sleepsuits cost £6.50. Give me a break! :growlmad:
Oh and I'm so depressed I don't want to do anything anymore. I eat crap all day, keep avoiding going to ride my horse (I used to go 6 times a week), don't care what I wear, terrible insomnia, panic attacks and I cry all the time. His response to that? Complaining I ought to do more round the house instead of sitting about looking miserable. Considering I have a long history of major depression you would think he'd know me by now. :cry:
Fortunately the depression hasn't stopped me being completely in awe and love with my darling boy. I try my best to be happy round him or he can sense my tension and gets very grumpy indeed.
Jeez I didn't actually mean to write all that which is why Ive been avoiding the thread. :blush:

Joli...Harrison looks like a little comedian! He's got such an expressive little face. As you know, we are supposed to be taking Stewart out to meet my family in June when he is 7 months old. Just trying to see how it all works with vaccinations/car seats/travel cots etc. He will be too old for the sky cots on the plane so will have to be on my lap the whole time. How do I make sure I don't drop him? guess I will have to use a sling or something??
Anyway, about the swimming. This week we had the 3rd of a 10 week course through "Waterbabies". They help you teach LO water safety and to swim underwater! We submerged the babies in our very first lesson and are already up to about 3 seconds underwater. Stewart was a bit unsure the first couple of weeks (mainly cos I timed his naps wrong) but none of the babies in the class (youngest was 10 weeks old) struggled going underwater. it's so natural for them. This week Stewart really enjoyed himself and was smiling and cooing each time he came up from an underwater swim. He also just started to learn how to kick when being held on his tummy. Apparently at the end of the 10 weeks, the babies will be able to swim a short distance underwater between the trainer and mummy. There is an underwater photoshoot at the end of term so I will post the pics.

Will chat to the rest of you in a bit but Stewart is calling...
oh 2016, please post the underwater swimming baby!!!! seriously how cute is that. I had no idea they could do that, really neat.

Oh hon I am so sorry you are having a hard time, I think its very common and normal to feel the way you are. I was wondering why I saw you on FB but never on this thread anymore, thanks for sharing. Are you able to get on some medication to help? I believe I will be more prone to PND as well because my mom and sister were and I wont hesitate to go on something if I feel out of sorts. It was a life savour for my friend and truly saved her marriage with her going on it. She wanted to leave her hubby and once she was on it she realized she was very hormonal.
that being said what is with your DH? sorry but he is being a dick! I cant believe he would get upset about 3 sleepsuits, or even question it- thats ridiculous. At present I am the main bread winner in our family and have been for awhile, I dont question DH or make him feel little about money...thats not right

anyway, sending you the hugest :hugs: hope you start feeling better very soon. we are all here for you and would love to know your updates
2016 - I'm so sorry that you're still suffering with pnd, that must be so difficult, especially when you're clearly not getting the support you need from DH. Aw, hon, I really feel for you. Have you spoken to a doctor about it? It's good that it's not interfering with your enjoyment with Stewart...but it really should be addressed before it gets any worse. How awful that DH is being so stingy with money, especially when you've hardly been buying anything for Stewart. You should ask him to babysit for you on a Saturday or Sunday, pump enough milk for Stewart, then you go off and ride your horse, get a haircut and your nails done, maybe have a massage - you will feel so much better and DH will have a flavour of how hard it is to take care of a baby all day. He will have no idea until he has the opportunity to do it himself, then maybe he will have some empathy for what you're going through.

Stewart's water baby class sounds awesome! I wish there was something like that here - I can't wait to see the underwater photo! So the water doesn't harm their ears or eyes?

Britt - have you had any check-ups lately? Have you had a 4D scan of your baby girl yet?

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