Hey Britt - I have no idea how much Harrison is drinking, that's the problem! Whilst I'm at work, I pump, so I can see how much I pump and I estimate that Harrison is roughly drinking the same amount when I feed him from my breast when I come home. But I can't find any resources to tell me eg. If I pump 120ml, then is that how much bubba drinks, or can he get more out, or will he take less out cause he stops sucking when not enough is coming out. I'm so happy for you that your pregnancy is coming along so well! I think Piper and Brooklyn are both awesome names - I especially love the name Brooklyn. It sounds like she's gonna be one cool kid

So have you bought anything yet for your nursery?
GG - thanks for the feeding suggestions.
Hibiscus - that's awesome that your volume has increased - mine has done the opposite! Last week I was able to pump 150ml if I went 3 hours between feeds, but today I've only been able to pump 120ml - I think it's been all the stress and lack of sleep. How often do you pump at work? When you pump for 20 mins, do you have milk coming out all the time? I seem to have nothing left to pump after about 6 mins, but I keep it going for 10 mins just in case. That's fantastic that Jack is sleeping so much better now too! Harrison was going until 4:30/5pm before, but has reverted back to his 3am plus 6am feed since he had his 4 month jabs last Thurs. We're still swaddling Harrison at nighttime - he did not do well on Sat night without his swaddle - what a disaster! He has his daytime naps with no swaddle, but not nighttime! We're going to Cape Town this weekend for a week's holiday, so I'll try him out unswaddled again when I don't need to worry about waking up for work the next morning in case he has a bad night. Apparently making your own rice cereal is really easy, you just mix rice with a lot of water and boil it for a long time, then you mash the rice into the water, and it becomes like a cereal - then as they get used to it, you can add in an egg, or some mashed babyfood like carrot etc. I'll give it a try when Harrison gets to 6 months. I just love love love the pics of Jack!! Keep them coming! The one of him with food all over his mouth is especially cute!! You're looking well also
Devi - where's some updated pics of Arjun? He must be so big now!
So ladies, today is my birthday, and I've had some great news from work - they've agreed that I can work form home on Wed and Fri afternoons for the duration that I'm breastfeeding! I wish it could be longer, but for now, I'm so grateful. Best birthday present ever! I really need this though, last Friday I was so exhausted I nearly fainted. I hope the rest of you are well! x