Hi Ladies - sorry I've been a bit quiet this last week, but I started back at work, today will have been a full week, and needless to say things have been hectic! I've had a ton of client meetings and my boss seems to be throwing every deal my way to get my number (or rather HIS numbers!) back up. I've managed to get home every lunchtime to feed Harrison, although yesterday I had a client lunch, so I went a full day without seeing him, which made me cry as I was leaving for work. I'm so exhausted from running back and forth and juggling everything - not to mention that Harrison still feeds at 4:30am every night, so I'm not sleeping well before a full day at work either. Soooo, I've decided that this weekend, I'm going to write an email to my boss and the managing partner to request to work from home on Wed and Fri afternoons - my argument will be that I'm spending twice the amount of time pumping and sterilising at work, and racing home at lunchtimes, so my time for the clients would be far more efficient if I could just be at home to feed Harrison. I want this to be a permanent thing, and not just whilst I'm bf, but I think for now, this is my only argument. Then if I can show them that I can make it work, then hopefully it can be a permanent thing. I have no idea whether they're going to go for this or not, no one has ever done this in our office - but I figure I have nothing to lose, they can only say no. Plus I'll emphasise that I won't want any special treatment regarding work, I'll take on just as big of a load etc. Fingers crossed that this works. At the minute, I've been pumping - luckily I have my own office with a lock, so I just stick up a picture of a cartoon cow on my door, lock it, and people leave me alone to pump. It's really tough though. Does anyone know whether milk supply goes down if you solely pump all day long and only bf baby for 1-2 feeds a day and on weekends? I'm really paranoid about it - although I'm proud that Harrison is 4 calender months tomorrow and I'm still able to bf him, it's not been easy, and I have total respect for you ladies that have moved onto formula, but I still do feel a sense of pride
Harrison is so delightful these days, and has been talking more and more. We've tried him rolling from front to back, but he only can do it back to front, and then he gets distressed cause he hasn't learned to pull his arms forward once he rolls onto his tummy. We're going to the doctors today for his 4 month check-up and vaccinations

Poor little guy is going to get 2 injections simultaneously in each leg again. I'm hoping the doctor will say that he can come off his reflux medication, since he's been doing so well. Do all of your babies posset up a fair amount? Harrison's silent reflux seems to have gone, but he does posset up a lot after each feed, especially if he gets excited, but it doesn't seem to bother him.
My parents just got back from Hawaii, and they bought Harrison a jumparoo, so I'm excited to see him in it this weekend. I'll take some pics
2016 - I'm so glad that Stewart's reflux is getting better, it really is amazing how they become different babies isn't it! I can't believe he's teething so early though! The drooling, rash, not wanting to eat all sound like classic symptoms. Harrison drools and blows bubbles a lot, but he's certainly not teething yet. I wonder how the bf goes when the teeth come through - eek!
Devi - it's lovely to hear that Arjun is coming on so well - have you got any updated pics? I've heard that some babies never do the rolling over thing, and they go straight into crawling or walking. Does Arjun enjoy sitting up?
Ladybird - Zac is teething too!?!? Wow, so early as well! But I suppose he is a big boy and has been growing fast!
Hibiscus - sorry, I'm not able to answer your question on the pill and bf, but I did read that once you start getting AF again, your breast supply goes down, because your hormones change, so that's what might be happening on the pill? alternatively, when going through a growth spurt, Harrison will have a 24 hour period where he eats every 2 hours, then he goes back to normal, so maybe Jack is having a growth spurt? How are you finding pumping at work - it's pretty tough and time consuming isn't it?
For you ladies that ebf, can I ask how much you feed your babies each feed? I'm not sure how much I should be feeding Harrison, I've been giving him about 120ml (4oz) each feed, but I have no idea whether this is too much or too little (he still eats about 7-8 times a day).