(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

oh here is a pic of her in her dress for a wedding we are going to on sunday.. she wasnt impressed with the clothe change LOL
GG - what a cute picture of Libby, she looks adorable in her dress! It sounds like weaning Libby around 4-5 months makes sense given her fast development. When we wean Harrison, we'll also make homemade foods, I too have nothing against jars, but there's gotta be more nutrition in fresh foods right? My mom said that she used to make us homemade rice cereal as well rather than the packaged stuff. I was not going to wean Harrison until 6 months, unless he shows me otherwise that he's ready for solids.
Joli Harrison is so stinkin cute!!!!! You have such a beautiful family!! I can't believe his parents are in Egypt! Thats really upsetting! But they'll make it through this I'm sure! I'm sorry about DH Grandmother too :( I'll send up a few prayers for him!

Gem- WALKING?!?!?! Thats so awesome! I mean I know not walking walking lol but still! Libby is so cute!

Payson got her first try of rice cereal last night! It was kind of a mess.... but she did pretty good all things considered! she more like licks the spoon then actually eating lol but it was so cute and I'm excited to be moving up to that step! They say 4 months is when to start... so I'm a week early lol but she has been sitting up in the bumbo by herself.. no more slumping lol and has been taking almost 8 ounces of formula at night!!! So we figured she was probably ready and if not... then she'd let us know! We're going to give her a little once a day.... just to make sure she doesn't get constipated... and then in a week or so maybe move up to twice a day! Its now 930 and shes still sleeping! I don't know if thats because of the rice or not! I'll post a picture when I get them uploaded! Its pretty cute lol
aww cant wait to see, well done payson on having rice :) cant wait to try libby with some!

well not walking but walking with help, just wants to stand all the time :thumbup:...
Joli, my heart breaks for you too that you have to go back to work so soon....it really is unbelievably soon, that policy must have been designed by a man with no kids! :growlmad:
Glad you had a great time in Hawaii, what island did you go to?
Harrison is such a sweetie pie, oh my gosh he looks like such a happy boy
Sorry to hear of DH's grandfather and his parents going through all that crap in Egypt. It really is scaring there- I know Canada sent over a bunch of huge plans to get people out of there.
My uncle that was diagnosed with Leukemia passed away last week, was so sad- he was only 52 and he has 3 teen boys- one of them who is on his way to being a pro hockey player. awful disease

I have been feeling flutters since 14 weeks if you can believe it (not consistently though) but today I think I felt my first kick in the car (well 3 of them) was so awesome. I love her so much already
oh and GG LOVE that dress and cardigan sweater on Lili- SO CUTE!
I cant believe how much she is doing already
Joli, my heart breaks for you too that you have to go back to work so soon....it really is unbelievably soon, that policy must have been designed by a man with no kids! :growlmad:
Glad you had a great time in Hawaii, what island did you go to?
Harrison is such a sweetie pie, oh my gosh he looks like such a happy boy
Sorry to hear of DH's grandfather and his parents going through all that crap in Egypt. It really is scaring there- I know Canada sent over a bunch of huge plans to get people out of there.
My uncle that was diagnosed with Leukemia passed away last week, was so sad- he was only 52 and he has 3 teen boys- one of them who is on his way to being a pro hockey player. awful disease

I have been feeling flutters since 14 weeks if you can believe it (not consistently though) but today I think I felt my first kick in the car (well 3 of them) was so awesome. I love her so much already

We were on the Big Island, it's such a beautiful place. Harrison is such a happy boy now, his reflux problem seems to have dissapeared - I'm not sure if it's because of the medication or if he's just physically matured to overcome it. He's still on medication, and has his 4 month check-up at the end of next week, so I'll ask the doc if he can come off the medication. I'm so sorry about your Uncle passing away last week, 52 is such a young age, and to leave teen boys behind must be awful. Have you looked into stem cell cord blood banking for your baby? We have Harrison's stored, and it can be a cure for Lukemia if he or any sibling ever gets it. I love that warming feeling of having kicks in your tummy - just wait until she starts having hiccups inside, it's wonderful to feel! Harrison's been rolling over lots today, which has been fun to watch. I went back to work today, which was awful - I cried when I left Harrison. Once I got to the office, I put my brave face on and just got on with the job - I expressed breastmilk at work, and came home at lunchtime and bf Harrison, so I got my little fix for the day - and I ran out of the office at 5:30pm (which is a big deal for me, I've NEVER left that early before! - I usually work until 10 - 11pm on a normal night!).
CN - that's awesome that Payson has had her first solids! I have to get Harrison a bumbo, I've heard such good things about them! Does anyone have any opinions on the walkers or bouncy swings? Some people swear by them and others say they promote incorrect walking habits?
ahhh Joli you are such a trooper for going back to work :hugs: how was everyone treating you? I'm glad you were out at 530pm, that cant expect anything more, you have a 4 month old at home!
Thanks for the comments on my uncle, it is devestating for the family. Yes we have looked into the stem cell storage and we may or may not do it. Actually you can not use the stem cells for Harrison, only for his siblings, so there is a bit of a misconception. There is actually not a lot you can currently use stem cells for right now but the thought and hope is that in a few years to come they will have new treatments and ways to use the stem cells and of course you have them and are stored. Its a good idea but ends up costing over $10k here in Canada, not totally sure its worth it. We will still think about it though- if we dont we will donate them.

my friend has a walker for her 9 month year old Tegan, she is hilarious when she uses it, she walks really fast but we laugh that she looks like an old lady- its definitely cute. Most of my friends have bouncy chairs and the kids love it.
i dont think they do any harm, most children have them and i think it would hav been idetified in the population by now if they caused problems.

sorry about ur uncle britt :hugs:

its sad u have to go bk to work so soon joli, must be so hard :hugs:
Joli...I read an article (sorry can't remember where now) that walkers can be dangerous because they can travel so fast in them and suddenly reach things they wouldn't while crawling. They are supposed to slightly delay walking too because the legs are not held in the same position they would to walk. Apparently bouncers are much better as their legs get strong by bouncing and it encourages them to put their feet flat and nit just use their toes...and if course they are stuck in one place safe but can turn 360 degrees.
So sorry you had to go back to work you are so brave :hugs:
I think Stewarts reflux is much more under control now on the right meds and he's a lot happier. :cloud9: it's awful how miserable it can make them and I felt at the time it was slowing Stewarts development a bit cos he was in pain all the time and just cried or slept. He's catching up now though! :happydance:

Must catch up on this thread and the journals properly but I get so tired reading and typing on my phone!
Hey ladies - thanks for the advice on the walkers. 2016 - I also read that they can move too fast and can delay walking. I guess I'll get a jumparoo/bouncer instead! I'm so glad that Stewart's reflux is getting better, it's almost like they're different babies when the reflux is gone isn't it?

Britt - you're right about the stem cells not being matches for us (it's just a 50% match for parents), but we figured where the technology was going, it was worth the investment for Harrison and any future siblings. It's expensive here too, but not nearly as expensive as in Canada! It's about $3800 here, which I think is totally worth it if it saves Harrison's life one day.

One of my friends here has started a helper's playgroup once a week, where the philippino helpers take the babies they're looking after to someone's house to play, and the helpers can chat and hang out as well, so Harrison and our helper will be going next Tuesday. I thought it was a really good idea - most families in HK will have a philippino helper, we have the same one who took care of me when I was a baby!

I've come across a really cute product, it's by "Smart Mom's" https://www.smartmomjewelry.com/ they make jewellery for mothers to wear which are safe for teething babies, who like to grab mama's jewelry! Just thought I'd share the finding with you ladies - I'll be getting myself a necklace as soon as Harrison starts teething! GG, might be a useful one for you! :)
Hey Joli, thats cool on the jewelry. Thats great that you have a play group for your helper and Harrison. How has work been? have been thinking of you :hugs:

Actually my point on the stem cells is they can not be used for Harrison for Leukemia or essentially anything else for him at this point, they could only be used for future siblings but you are right they way research is going I am sure its just a matter of time before they could be used for him for many different reasons. Over here, at the University of Calgary they are doing major stem cell research for paralysis and cloning- and apparently they are making huge strides.

take some pics of Harrison in his new bouncy chair!! :thumbup:

how are the rest of you beautiful ladies?
Hi everyone !! I'm still here. I didn't runaway. Lol

Britt - yay team pink!! & sorry abt yr uncle.

Joli - sorry abt granni & hope your inlaws are safe.

All your lo's are so cute & blossoming so wonderfully.

We are good. Darn busy. Started Arjun on cereal at 4m. Oats in am & rice in pm. Still breatdeeding. He tries to roll. But is too lazy. However he can commando crawl backwards. Haha. And he started saying bababa tatata wawawa. It's too cute.
Joli...funny you should post about that teething jewellery as I was just looking at that today when I bought Stewart and amber anklet. I am probably totally jumping the gun here but I am convinced that he has started with teething symptoms. For the last couple of weeks I have noticed him drooling but thought nothing of it, now in the last few days he is literally drooling like a St Bernard and is getting a rash on his chin! He is very grizzly and a bit off his food (VERY strange for him) and will try chew on anything that gets near his mouth. Oh and he's been a bit hot with very flushed cheeks.
Think I might get some teething gel to have on hand for when the time comes too. I am a bit afraid! :haha:
He has truly been a different baby these last few weeks on the right medication, pity this teething business might get in the way! Oh well he must grow up I suppose. :shrug:

Devi...I hear you about being busy! It seems I have something on every day of the week! Took me 8 weeks to start a parenting journal but have only posted in it twice and almost can't be bothered now. I visit the baby club and breastfeeding areas on here but don't seem to have much time to keep up with anything properly. Glad Arjun is doing so well. It's lovely when they start to say stuff. Stewart can say Ahhhh, Ohhh, Ah-goo and Ah-roo and Ehhh-oohh but that's about it for now.

I must tell you all how cute Stewart is. We have taught him to play a couple of little games. The first one we stick our tongues out at him and he copies us. Sometimes though he almost asks if he can play it by looking at us with a crafty smile and then sticking his tongue out. When we copy him he coos happily. I also do this thing where I say "where's your tongue?" and he sticks in out and I try touch it with a clean finger. He then snaps it back in very quickly and coos, sticks it out again and waits and then snaps it back in again when I try touch it again.
Second game is wiggly fingers, we hold our hands in front of his face and slowly wiggle our fingers. For the first 2 weeks he just looked and in the last few days he has raised his own hand and started to wiggle his fingers too! He is such a lovely cuddly clever boy and I LOVE him so much. Any of you who have me on FB are no doubt nauseated by my constant photo uploading and gushing statuses! :haha:
2016 we play the same tounge game here.

For teething I have started him on honeopatic teething tabs.
Hello folks, I'm gonna join the "I think they may be teething" club too!
2016 - Zac has been the same as Stewart for a few weeks now, flushed hot cheeks, dribbling like mad, off his milk and grouchy. He seems to have the beginnings of an eruption on his bottom gum! Wasn't expecting it this early, he hasn't grown out of his wind problems yet. I can recommend Bonjela teething gel though, it's for use from 2 months so is safe for them too, plus Zac seems to like the taste x
The tooth I think I can see erupting is his top right canine! He's gonna look like a vampire if that comes out first! :haha:
Hey all!
Hope everything is going well in here. It's so great to see your LOs all making so much progress.

Quick question: are any of you on the mini-pill (progesterone-only) and, if so, has it affected your milk supply? It's not supposed to affect it, but I've been on it for 2 weeks and I'm only getting 50-60% of what I had been during pumping at work. Argh!!
AND Jack is getting up every 2 hours for the last couple of nights and I'm wondering if it's because he's not getting enough to eat.
Hi Ladies - sorry I've been a bit quiet this last week, but I started back at work, today will have been a full week, and needless to say things have been hectic! I've had a ton of client meetings and my boss seems to be throwing every deal my way to get my number (or rather HIS numbers!) back up. I've managed to get home every lunchtime to feed Harrison, although yesterday I had a client lunch, so I went a full day without seeing him, which made me cry as I was leaving for work. I'm so exhausted from running back and forth and juggling everything - not to mention that Harrison still feeds at 4:30am every night, so I'm not sleeping well before a full day at work either. Soooo, I've decided that this weekend, I'm going to write an email to my boss and the managing partner to request to work from home on Wed and Fri afternoons - my argument will be that I'm spending twice the amount of time pumping and sterilising at work, and racing home at lunchtimes, so my time for the clients would be far more efficient if I could just be at home to feed Harrison. I want this to be a permanent thing, and not just whilst I'm bf, but I think for now, this is my only argument. Then if I can show them that I can make it work, then hopefully it can be a permanent thing. I have no idea whether they're going to go for this or not, no one has ever done this in our office - but I figure I have nothing to lose, they can only say no. Plus I'll emphasise that I won't want any special treatment regarding work, I'll take on just as big of a load etc. Fingers crossed that this works. At the minute, I've been pumping - luckily I have my own office with a lock, so I just stick up a picture of a cartoon cow on my door, lock it, and people leave me alone to pump. It's really tough though. Does anyone know whether milk supply goes down if you solely pump all day long and only bf baby for 1-2 feeds a day and on weekends? I'm really paranoid about it - although I'm proud that Harrison is 4 calender months tomorrow and I'm still able to bf him, it's not been easy, and I have total respect for you ladies that have moved onto formula, but I still do feel a sense of pride :)

Harrison is so delightful these days, and has been talking more and more. We've tried him rolling from front to back, but he only can do it back to front, and then he gets distressed cause he hasn't learned to pull his arms forward once he rolls onto his tummy. We're going to the doctors today for his 4 month check-up and vaccinations :( Poor little guy is going to get 2 injections simultaneously in each leg again. I'm hoping the doctor will say that he can come off his reflux medication, since he's been doing so well. Do all of your babies posset up a fair amount? Harrison's silent reflux seems to have gone, but he does posset up a lot after each feed, especially if he gets excited, but it doesn't seem to bother him.

My parents just got back from Hawaii, and they bought Harrison a jumparoo, so I'm excited to see him in it this weekend. I'll take some pics :)

2016 - I'm so glad that Stewart's reflux is getting better, it really is amazing how they become different babies isn't it! I can't believe he's teething so early though! The drooling, rash, not wanting to eat all sound like classic symptoms. Harrison drools and blows bubbles a lot, but he's certainly not teething yet. I wonder how the bf goes when the teeth come through - eek!

Devi - it's lovely to hear that Arjun is coming on so well - have you got any updated pics? I've heard that some babies never do the rolling over thing, and they go straight into crawling or walking. Does Arjun enjoy sitting up?

Ladybird - Zac is teething too!?!? Wow, so early as well! But I suppose he is a big boy and has been growing fast!

Hibiscus - sorry, I'm not able to answer your question on the pill and bf, but I did read that once you start getting AF again, your breast supply goes down, because your hormones change, so that's what might be happening on the pill? alternatively, when going through a growth spurt, Harrison will have a 24 hour period where he eats every 2 hours, then he goes back to normal, so maybe Jack is having a growth spurt? How are you finding pumping at work - it's pretty tough and time consuming isn't it?

For you ladies that ebf, can I ask how much you feed your babies each feed? I'm not sure how much I should be feeding Harrison, I've been giving him about 120ml (4oz) each feed, but I have no idea whether this is too much or too little (he still eats about 7-8 times a day).

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