Hey Joli, I was actually just thinking of you and our little thread, wondering how everyone was.
thanks for the compliments, actually yeah the sciatica is much better, believe it or not I went for this miracle massage (this lady was amazing) and I havent really had problems since
yes only one massage...
I did my last business trip last week
seriously that is it, no more, i was absolutely shattered and the manager at the hospital worked me to the bone, I guess she missed my huge bump.
I am training the new girl, which is exhausting, i like coming and going as I please, now I havent been able to do my yoga or swimming because i have to hang out with her.
yes next week, I will be considered full term here at 37 weeks. I am certainly NOT ready to have her yet lol... and no I do not have my hospital bag packed or anything, should probably do that...
I dont know my doctor never said anything about her weight, but I am so curious, I am measuring 35cm right now but most people think I look huge. I was an 8 pound baby myself and DH was high 7's so maybe I will have a big baby.
anyway, how is Harrison doing? do you guys always call him Harrison or are people trying to shorten it to Harry? I like Harrison way better, its so elegant. How are you feeling? managing to juggle everything still? are you coming to Canada in August again?
so I am having some name drama still, i dont know if its hormones but I keep changing my mind. DH is absolutely 100% set on Piper and I keep changing my mind for fear its too easy of a name for her to be teased. The other name I am loving at the moment (DH luke warm on it) is Carys (pronounced Care-iss) its Welsh and means love. what do you think?
hello to everyone else, looking forward to updates and more pics....come on ladies, you never post on here anymore