(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

Hey Hibiscus - Jack is SUCH a cutie!!! I can't believe how much he's grown! That video is adorable, Harrison loves chip bags too. 18lb is a good size, don't worry about average numbers. Here in Asia, Harrison is considered to be a giant, he's 20lb, and 73cm long - but when you compare it to the West, he's not that big - so it's all relative :)
Hib, Jack is so flippin cute!! thanks for sharing the video, made me smile :hugs: such a fun age you guys are at now.
I'm doing well had my dr's apt yesterday and I am measuring 33cm instead of 35 but seriously my bump is huge but it disappears when I lay down. The doc said it was likely positional and she wasnt worried in the slightest. Oh and ready for this I have gained a whooping 35 pounds alread :rofl:
everyone says I am all belly, but I'm pretty sure my baby is not 35 pounds!
I have attached a couple of bump pics at 32 weeks for you to see

oh and I am suffering from Sciatica...brutal, anyone have any tips? and slowing down isnt really an option for me...



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Thanks, y'all...
Joli--I'm glad to hear that Harrison is such a big strong boy! 20 lbs sounds totally reasonable for the age, probably not even on the large size (by our standards anyway). One of my friends told me about when she was living in China, everyone treated her like this hideous giant. She's 5'9" and maybe like 160 lbs but her clothing size was something like XXXL, and people would gawk at her like she was such an anomaly. She said it did wonders for her self-esteem haha

Britt--LOVE the pics!! You look amazing, and I can't believe you've gained 35 lbs. It really does look like all belly. Great clothing, great photographer, settings, etc. Perfect!

Re: sciatica, I had trouble finding comfort from my various aches and pains during pregnancy, but in general perhaps doing anything to stretch your lower spine will help. Can you get on your hands and knees and curl your back (tailbone toward the ground)? It might be too hard on your knees and wrists at this stage, but if you can manageit, maybe that would help.
Britt - I was only 1 week further than you are now when I had Harrison, it could all happen for you ANY DAY NOW!! Have you got your hospital bag packed and ready to go? The siatica is horrible, sorry I have been so late in responding - the only thing that helped for me was swimming, physio and a moist head pad. How is it feeling now? I commented on your fb, your professional bump pics are just stunning!!!!!! I love how they set off your gorgeous glowing self with the different backgrounds. Have they estimated how big bubba is going to be?
Hey Joli, I was actually just thinking of you and our little thread, wondering how everyone was.
thanks for the compliments, actually yeah the sciatica is much better, believe it or not I went for this miracle massage (this lady was amazing) and I havent really had problems since :shrug: yes only one massage...
I did my last business trip last week :wacko: seriously that is it, no more, i was absolutely shattered and the manager at the hospital worked me to the bone, I guess she missed my huge bump.
I am training the new girl, which is exhausting, i like coming and going as I please, now I havent been able to do my yoga or swimming because i have to hang out with her.
yes next week, I will be considered full term here at 37 weeks. I am certainly NOT ready to have her yet lol... and no I do not have my hospital bag packed or anything, should probably do that...
I dont know my doctor never said anything about her weight, but I am so curious, I am measuring 35cm right now but most people think I look huge. I was an 8 pound baby myself and DH was high 7's so maybe I will have a big baby.

anyway, how is Harrison doing? do you guys always call him Harrison or are people trying to shorten it to Harry? I like Harrison way better, its so elegant. How are you feeling? managing to juggle everything still? are you coming to Canada in August again?

so I am having some name drama still, i dont know if its hormones but I keep changing my mind. DH is absolutely 100% set on Piper and I keep changing my mind for fear its too easy of a name for her to be teased. The other name I am loving at the moment (DH luke warm on it) is Carys (pronounced Care-iss) its Welsh and means love. what do you think?

hello to everyone else, looking forward to updates and more pics....come on ladies, you never post on here anymore
Hi Britt! Thanks for resurrecting the thread. I've still been in such a fug I forget to look for it sometimes. :blush:
Can't believe how far along you are! I got my bloody show at 35+1 and Stewart was born at 35+6 so get packing girly! :haha: We of course want to see a bump picture. Are you doing a bump cast? I did one the evening I then later got my show and am so glad I did cos it's a lovely memory.

Let me reassure you about finding a name for your little girl. Both Piper and Carys are lovely lovely names. I can't see why Piper would get teased. Kids are mean and will make up a tease for any name. Can't remember if I said I was called "Jo-bo the hobo" at school. How dumb.
But whatever name you pick it is going to be perfect for her. I didn't believe people when they told me but I "just knew" when we had found the right name. I had serious doubts after our long-picked 3 choices didn't fit then we trialled one name and then another. After a week I was seriously losing faith in the process and thought I will never find a name that feels "just right" and should just pick one and get used to it. And then out of the blue a name that was never even up for consideration on either my or DHs list came out and was instantly the right one. I also think the fewer people you tell beforehand the better cos some numpty will always ruin it. Tell us of course - please do! :haha:

Going to go have a shandy now and try get an early night. I have been so exhausted due to Stewarts poor sleeping it's beyond a joke. I have taken to trying him on hungry baby milk now mixed with chammomile tea to make him sleep longer! :blush: I have collapsed/fainted twice just recently from low blood sugar/exhaustion I have to do something. Also I think my cycle has started up and am sure I've had ov pains so my hormones are a mess too. :dohh:
Hey Jo, its so good to hear from you, missed ya
I have to say first off, what an adorable new profile pic, Stewart is absolutely scrumptious...seriously just want to hug him.
Sorry that he is not sleeping well still, gosh that must be so hard. :hugs:
I have a feeling my little kitten isnt going to be a good sleeper, she is SOOO active in the womb.

Thanks for the name advice, thats right I remember you guys had a really hard time with names and it took a little while before you decided on Stewart, but once you had you both loved it. I guess I am just going to have to be patient and wait until she is born and figure it out then, I have a feeling it will be world war 3 between DH and I though :wacko: but seeing as I will be the one that had just given birth I think he will have to side with me.

anyway, look forward to more updates. I wonder how Devi is doing in India?
Just a message from GG - she's deactivated her BnB account as it was too distracting while trying to study. You can still chat to her on FB though.

Hope you are well. Stewart keeps teasing me by sleeping through one night, up every hour the next! One month until we visit my family in South Africa - nervous! :wacko: Oh and I think all the missed feeds might mean I ovd a couple of days ago and, if that's the case, we BD twice in the fertile zone. :dohh: Really don't expect much to come of it just reminds me of good old TTC days!
Hi All!
Things are very quiet around here---I saw that GG disabled her account! Too bad, but I get it...

Have any of you gotten AF yet? I keep expecting it to start and it's not. I'm only BFing once every 24 hours (Jack will only BF once in the middle of the night now, and never during the day!), and I've been having tons of EWCM-ish stuff for like several months. I feel periodically crampy, and had such bad cramps this past weekend, I had to take naproxen. But, still, no AF! I had one brief spot of reddish/brown blood last week but that was it. I feel desperate to get AF, oddly, just because I'm terrified of getting pregnant. I just want to know where I am in my cycle. DH and I have been very careful (using condoms, but no hormonal BC), but I don't feel comfortable not knowing if I'm ovulating or not. Getting pregnant right now would be a nightmare for both of us, I think----so I don't even want to think about it!

So, if any of you have gotten AF, did you have any similar symptoms to what I've been having? How long did they last?

Hope all is well with everyone :)
hibiscus...funny you should be wondering about AF - I am too! I've also had loads of ewcm and ov pains and I did notice my cm turn to creamy just over a week ago so think I ovd. If that was the case we had two BDs vaguely in my fertile window with NO protection! :wacko: We do want more children but Stewart keeps me so busy atm I'm not sure how I'd cope with being pregnant or having another baby!!! Eeeek! It's also silly of me to not be watching my cycle closely cos, if I did fall of, there's a massive chance of it being ectopic so I need to be aware of these things! By my best guesses I am 9dpo today so might crack open a test in a few days even if I see AF. With ectopics I normally had bleeding anyway.

Can you tell if you've ovd from CM, CP or temp
Awww Britt, I missed your "term" day! Bet you are counting down now! I am so excited to meet the next Aphrodite baby!!! :happydance:
2016--I missed Britt's term day too. Oops!
Britt--where are you? Are you already in labor?? :D Let us know how you're doing...

Thanks, 2016, for the info about AF. It's so bizarre. I guess it's par for the course. If AF mysteriously shows up, I'll let y'all know.

BTW, every time I log on and see your profile pic, I smile. I can't believe how cute Stewart is!! *squeal* I want to kiss that face!
Aww thanks hib :cloud9:...he must have got his dads looks!

Every time I see yours I think how happy Jack looks with his Sophie. I half wondered if I should get Stewart one but they ae expensive and I thought he might be abut old now. :shrug: Does Jack still play with his?

...must go over and see how the TTC girls are. I keep hoping one of them will graduate soon. :flower:
Aww thanks hib :cloud9:...he must have got his dads looks!

Every time I see yours I think how happy Jack looks with his Sophie. I half wondered if I should get Stewart one but they ae expensive and I thought he might be abut old now. :shrug: Does Jack still play with his?

...must go over and see how the TTC girls are. I keep hoping one of them will graduate soon. :flower:

Jack does actually still play with his Sophie. He really goes to town, chewing on that thing now.

I need to update my profile pic. He's so much bigger now! I have a few new pics of Jack to share (if you don't mind). I can't stop showing people pics of my kid...the boy does me proud :cry:


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omg he's grown so much! Love that little ride on car and that sailor suit is just beyond cute!!! :kiss:
hey ladies, I am still here and still pregnant and 38 weeks tomorrow! Sorry, work is nuts but not to worry Friday is my last day :thumbup: thanks for the term comments, ahh thats okay I know everyone is so busy with their babies. Yeah it feels good, Kitten is really wriggling around a lot today, but has been sleepy for the last couple of days.

what sort of signs did you have in retrospect when you were going into labour?

I cant believe how freakin cute Stewart and Jack are!! I want to hug them too, love Stewarts little innocent face and Jack OMG, I smile everytime I see him checking out his Sophie :hugs:

I also cant believe you are talking about TTC again and cycles but yeah maybe in awhile hey when things slow down.

I am so excited to meet my baby girl, I will keep you posted and not to worry will send you pics and updates. I like that our thread is active again, missed you guys :hugs:
Britt...my labour signs were:

- CM turning more EW rather than creamy from a few days before...but that could have been cos I started taking EPO at 35 weeks. :shrug:
- BH which were intense from 16 weeks seemed to disappear for the week before.
- Cant comment on movement cos anterior placenta meant I never felt much anyway but maybe less BH meant less movement. :shrug:
- I went off food for about a week before and had to force myself to eat (NOT like me at all!) :haha:
- Biggest sign for me was the night before my waters broke I felt a bit distant from everything/everyone. Went to dinner with my best friends but felt like I was far away. Also had a splitting "pinchy" headache and woke in the night blinded by it and feeling sick. When I got up to take some paracetamol I "just had a feeling" it was time...but told myself to shut up! :dohh:
- I had a bloody show 5 days before and my hind waters broke the day before. Pretty big clues those! :rofl:

Oh and FYI labour pains weren't even as bad as period pains for me and I hope you get to have a similarly easy experience. :flower: Just relax, breathe and go with it. It's an old cliche that your body is designed to give birth...but I believe it's true! But regardless of how your baby girls birth pans out, nothing will matter (really, NOTHING) when you cuddle her for the first time. :cloud9:
Ooh Brit it's the final countdown!!! (di do di dooo...di do di di doooo <sings>). You may feel "fat" and fed up by this point but it's really only a matter of time. :happydance:

Wishing you all the best for an easy, speedy and safe delivery. :flower:
ahh thanks Jo, yeah some days I am like yeah I can do this for awhile longer and some days I am like I am hot and fat lol!!
Kitten is moving so much right now, is that normal? thought she was suppose to slow down for labour
thanks so much for thinking of me, I really appreciate it and I will keep you posted- almost 39 weeks now whoo hoo :happydance:
...most people i spoke to said movements didnt slow down at all. I always liked as much movement as possible cos im such a worrier! :dohh:

You got your bag all packed? Don't forget to take lots of snacks - oaty bars, fruit juice that sort of thing.

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