(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

yes bag is packed, but need snacks I suppose.
I cant believe I am due next Friday :wacko:
how are you doing?
I cant believe GG is pregs again...ahhh, wasnt she the one that said no more kids they are done and that she is going back to Uni? I hope she is okay with the surprise but I am excited for her
I packed a massive bag and then didn't have it all with me cos I didn't think I was in labour! :dohh: Least I had the snacks though - oh and a clean shirt/book to read for hubs, change for the car park, phone charger and CAMERA really helps.

Yeah I was super surprised about GG. She said she might not have another! :haha: but it's fantastic news anyway. Happy exciting news!!!!
I said on her FB, I'm a bit jealous. We decided last week to start TTC again now but my cycles haven't come back yet.

I am beyond gutted for my friends IRL today who have wanted a baby for so long, eventually fell after years and treatment and have now lost the baby at 23 weeks. :cry: They are awesome people and would make fantastic parents...I hope and pray they will get their chance one day.
I packed a massive bag and then didn't have it all with me cos I didn't think I was in labour! :dohh: Least I had the snacks though - oh and a clean shirt/book to read for hubs, change for the car park, phone charger and CAMERA really helps.

Yeah I was super surprised about GG. She said she might not have another! :haha: but it's fantastic news anyway. Happy exciting news!!!!
I said on her FB, I'm a bit jealous. We decided last week to start TTC again now but my cycles haven't come back yet.

I am beyond gutted for my friends IRL today who have wanted a baby for so long, eventually fell after years and treatment and have now lost the baby at 23 weeks. :cry: They are awesome people and would make fantastic parents...I hope and pray they will get their chance one day.

Oh no :( I'm SO sorry to hear about that. I can't imagine, and don't even want to think about it. Do they know what happened??

Wow, re: TTC again! Good luck with it. I still haven't started my cycles again yet, either. Boooo! I'm so freaking frustrated with my body. I wouldn't even consider getting preg again until I am down to a healthy weight. If I got pregnant now, I'd probably be 400 lbs by the end of that haha. No TTC for us until another 2-3 yrs, I think.
I literally have 60 lbs to lose before I would feel comfortable wearing a swimsuit. So, I'm looking at a goal of next summer, rather than this one. I just canNOT stop eating crap, and I haven't gone to the gym since January. So mad at myself about this. I can't wear anything other than my maternity clothes. Sorry for all the complaining :cry:
WHOA I just saw that GG is pregnant again?! That's crazy!
Is she joining our group again?
I can't remember when her LO was born...last August?
GGs bubs was born end of October. She deactivated her account to concentrate on uni but they won't let her reactivate it. She created a new one but they deactivated that as soon as she referenced her old account. It's a rule apparently...:shrug:

My friends baby had xomphalos (sp?) which is where part of the bowel/liver is growing outside the body. They found this out at 12 weeks but carried on because it is possible to have surgeries to put it back. Today they went for another scan and in the last couple of weeks the babies head had swollen to many many times it's normal size with fluid. For some reason as well the pregnancy was also starting to threaten my friends life. The poor bubs could never have survived. :cry:
I just cannot believe this has happened to someone I am so close to. It's unthinkable. :cry: :cry:
GGs bubs was born end of October. She deactivated her account to concentrate on uni but they won't let her reactivate it. She created a new one but they deactivated that as soon as she referenced her old account. It's a rule apparently...:shrug:

My friends baby had xomphalos (sp?) which is where part of the bowel/liver is growing outside the body. They found this out at 12 weeks but carried on because it is possible to have surgeries to put it back. Today they went for another scan and in the last couple of weeks the babies head had swollen to many many times it's normal size with fluid. For some reason as well the pregnancy was also starting to threaten my friends life. The poor bubs could never have survived. :cry:
I just cannot believe this has happened to someone I am so close to. It's unthinkable. :cry: :cry:

That is just so tragic. I'm really so sorry to hear about it. I'll keep them in my thoughts...
ahh so sorry to hear about your friend Jo, that is devestating :cry:

I cant believe they wont let GG come back to BNB, wtf?? that is stupid

well Kitten gave us a scare, hadnt felt her movement most of the day and was starting to get worried, had a scheduled dr's apt anyway, so my dr checked me out, all seemed to be okay but was still measuring 36cm instead of 39cm.
she sent me to the hospital and the little Monkey woke up as soon as the u/s was attached, tons of movement and great variability, so all is great :thumbup:
also that dr measured me and I am measuring 39cm :shrug:

anyway, they checked me too and she is super high, in no hurry to come out anytime soon, I could actually be pregnant still on July 10th!! :dohh:
any eviction remedies ladies? I will be looking at starting that next week
Oh dear what a little madam scaring you like that - hate to say it won't be the first time your little girl makes her mummy worry. Motherhood is the most worrying thing I have ever done!

As for eviction remedies...

Walking up stairs 2 at a time/bouncing on a ball/walking around like you are in long grass to get her to engage.
Evening primrose oil (I took 1000mg a day)
DTD! :sex:
I wouldn't do spicy food cos you might get heartburn and my yoga teacher did that and said she was farting curry with every push! :blush:

...but ultimately kitten will decide her own birthdate :)
Britt--I thought you were talking about how to avoid eviction from your apartment! Doh!
I don't know if I have any remedies to share. DH and I went for a long walk up and down hills about 3 days prior to my water breaking so maybe that helped?? Not really sure. I've heard the licorice causes contractions. Yogi makes a really yummy tea called "egyptian licorice".

BTW, y'all....AF ARRIVED! I never thought I'd be so happy for it haha. I woke up this morning and there she was. Not one ounce of cramping or anything, which is unusual for me. Maybe my periods will be different now. I've heard women say their cycles change after childbirth so maybe I'll be all set with cramps-free periods. Fingers crossed...:D
thanks for the tips ladies,I think I will have to get off my ass and do something lol...
so Kitten gave us a scare yesterday with no movement, so long story short I got checked out at the hospital and all was fine there but my GP sent me for an U/S because she was worried she was measuring small- she had me at 36cm instead of 39cm but the hospital measured me at 39cm so she did it wrong obviously. Anyway, i still went for the u/s this morning and happy to report that Kitten is perfect, she is so darn cute and has chubby cheeks and everything. and guess what, they guesstimate her to weigh 8 pounds already :shock: she is still measuring ahead in her dates but according to my period i could still potentially have 2.5 weeks before induction. OMG, i asked the doctor if I could have a 9 pound baby then, he said yeah or 9.5!
he chuckled at the reason that i was there, was "suspected low birth weight/growth" ha ha

Hib- glad AF came back, lets hope its a much better cycle now
Britt...I have heard many mums say the bigger babies were easier to birth than the little ones. Little babies tend to fold/twist themselves into all sorts of awkward positions whereas the big 'uns know how to get organised! Besides, what really counts is the head circumference and Stewart's head was just as big as my friends 9 pounder and he was only 6lbs 6oz.

Hib---yay for AF!!! I can't wait for mine! I just hate not knowing where I am in my cycle and we have decided to TTC again now instead of waiting until Stewart turns 1. :happydance:

Oh and Stewart is 7 months old today! :cloud9:
oh how exciting that some of you are TTC #2 already and I havent had #1 yet :winkwink:
Jo- would you not go back to work then?
happy 7 months Stewart!
and yes I am happy about the normal size head :thumbup: thank goodness DH doesnt have a big head
Britt...doesn't look like I will be going back, no. I couldn't leave Stewart anyway - his grandparents were supposed to have him 2 days a week but they can't cope with even 2 hours! He is a handful! :haha:
ahhh hard to handle? :shrug: he looks like such an angel in his pics :baby:

wonder where Joli is? she hasnt checked in in a long time

was at a wedding last night, I felt more like a circus freak than a guest though, it was fun, all my friends and I still hang out since we were teenagers so its a very tight fun group. DH even got me to dance and people were pointing, look at her....agghhh, yes I am 9 months pregnant people and at a wedding, nothing to see here
^^ :rofl:

Yes Stewart is an absolute angel as long as you tread carefully! I have to keep a close eye on how much he naps because he switches from smiling to overtirred/screaming/takes an hour to settle within a couple of minutes. He gets so hyper and plays so hard he needs his sleep! He's also quite funny with eating and will only take his bottles lying flat on his back with no distractions. I must say he is mellowing a bit with age or maybe I'm just learning how to cope. :shrug:
Britt: I can't believe only two more days until you are 40 weeks! How are you doing? Trying anything to start labour? I don't know if it had anything to do with going into labour since my water broke but I tried eggplant parm a couple of days before and had sex for a few days before as well. I can't wait to see pics!! Hope you have a great labour and delivery!!

2016: That's so exciting that you're ttc again, well when your cycle comes back. I'm still waiting for mine too...we're ntnp but still waiting for ov. I thought it would be back by now but Daniel still isn't sleep through the night so I might have a long wait. Are you having any signs of ov? As for the Sophie thing which I think you asked a long time ago, I think it's worth it, especially since you're planning on more babies. Ben loved his for a long time and Daniel still likes it.

Hibiscus: Good luck with the weight loss! I'm trying to lose weight too...well more like trying to try I guess. It's not going well so far. I find it hard to lose weight while breastfeeding which doesn't make sense. How's Jack doing?

Joli: Hope you're doing well with Harrison! He's so cute! Love the last set of pics you put on facebook!

Does anyone know if gg can get back on here at some point? That's great that she's pregnant again but I wish she could get on bnb. Does anyone know how Clairenicole is doing?

Sorry it's been such a long time since I got to post. Daniel is still not sleeping much and is pretty crabby. I swear every time I sit down to type he wakes up or starts crying. I'm still breastfeeding but I'm always struggling with supply even with the domperidone so I've been debating supplementing a bit. He's not gaining very fast but the ped isn't worried. Ben was on the small side until about a year, now he's at the top of the charts for height and weight. He's crawling and pulling himself up, but doesn't seem to like either for more than a few minutes at a time. I want to post pics but I'll have to do that after, they're all on the other computer. My best friend had a baby a few days ago, after a 50 minute labour she had him on the living room floor, her husband delievered him. Pretty good after a 22 hour labor the first time! Sorry for the length, it's just been so long! I am going to try harder to post more, I miss talking to everyone!
2016: Just noticed your avatar pic, what a perfect face! You make beautiful babies!
Grrr - I just wrote a long message and it has dissapeared!! I don't know what button I pushed...!

ok, I'll start again! Sorry I haven't been writing, I know it's poor form, and it shouldn't be an excuse, but I've been so busy day and night. Working full time is proving to be really tough, I hardly have time during the day to wee (seriously!). I'm still bf, so I'm expressing at work and racing home at lunchtimes and 6pm for feeding, then carrying on working until about midnight. Harrison was sleeping from 7pm - 5:30am, but even then, only getting 5.5 hours of sleep per night is taking it's toll! I'm not sure there's any solution really, I guess in a way I've kinda gotten used to it.

Harrison is coming along wonderfully. He can crawl now (he has his own funny 3 legged crawl) and he loves to pull himself up and stand - often he lets go and can stay standing for a few seconds before falling down. Even in the bath, he won't sit - we now bathe him in a bucket so that he can stand during his bath! haha. I took him on a business trip I had in Beijing - my mom came along, so she look after him in the hotel room whilst I popped in and out to feed. I have several more business trips this year to Singapore, Taiwan and Dubai, so he'll be coming along with me to those as well! Harrison is so vocal now and has such character, I'm loving every minute of it. He is well into solids now and has three square meals a day plus snacks. We're going to take Harrison to Disney in Florida in 3 weeks time, so that should be fun.

We got approached the other day for Harrison to do a TV commercial for a toy company, so he's going to do the shoot at the end of August which should be fun!

Britt, I can't believe kitten is just about here!!! I'm so sorry I haven't been there for you throughout your pregnancy in the way I should have, especially after all the support you gave me during my pregnancy. I want you to know that you haven't been far off my thoughts at all. Tips for making kitten come - squats (30 each day if you can manage) and a warm bath every evening with clary sage oil. I even took the oil with me into the delivery room and sniffed it during contractions, I found it really helped. I can't wait to "meet" your little one through pics, and hopefully one day in person!

I can't believe GG is pregnant!! I totally missed that on FB! Does anyone know how far along she is? DH and I want to ttc, but no sign of AF, maybe because I'm still bf/expressing 5 times a day... and also because we don't have a bed to DTD on! Seriously, we haven't moved into our house yet, rennovations still going on (move date is 14 Oct), so we're still in this 1 bed serviced apartment, sharing a room with Harrison. We've had to be creative with where we can DTD, but standing in a shower isn't very helpful for ttc, given the forces of gravity! Hopefully we can start properly after we move in Oct and Harrison will be 1 year old by then (gosh, time flies!). Do any of you who had a natural birth find that it's sore to DTD? I thought you're supposed to feel looser after childbirth, but I feel so much tighter, to the point where it hurts every time when we get started, as if it all isn't used to being stretched. The strange this is during childbirth, I had no tearing, so I'm not sure why it always hurts like this.

2016 - I'm loving keeping up with you and Stewart on fb, he is growing to be such a handsome boy! Happy 7 months!!

Nicole - has Daniel started on solids? How's Ben doing? Looking forward to seeing some pics!

Hibiscus - Jack is such a cutie!!! That's awesome that AF has started already, do you feel like your body has gone back to 'normal'? Congrats on losing so much weight already, it's not easy. Now that I'm bf less, I actually feel as if I'm putting on weight! Grr!

Attached are a few recent pics of Harrison!


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I am so incredibly sad right now. :cry:One of my coworker's babies died this morning. Little Sam fought it out for 5 months after being born at just 12 ounces at 28 weeks (the babies had twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS)). He was such a fighter, they never thought he would make it and he somehow kept pulling through, with problem after problem appearing. Until the last week, I really thought he was going to make it. He seemed to have crossed a huge hurdle.

As a parent, you would wonder whether you made the right decision at every step of the way. He never knew an existence without tubes and some level of pain. I am agnostic but right now, I need to believe in a Heaven. I need to know that little Sam has someone to take care of him. I am glad his suffering is over. I hope his parents can take comfort knowing they did everything they possibly could and that his 5 months on this planet were valuable. His brother Sebastian will help them through it.

Here's his picture (just looking at his sweet little face makes me cry): https://fromaspeck.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/photo-21.jpg?w=490&h=365

Here's her blog: https://fromaspeck.wordpress.com/
oh Hibiscus, talk about making a 40 week pregnant woman burst into tears. I am soo sorry for your friends loss, omg that is just not right. these precious little babies are so innocent and deserved nothing that was given to them, it breaks my heart that some babies die and children suffer :cry: he was so darn cute, agghh why couldnt he have just persevered through...not fair....he is in heaven, again so sorry for this loss

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