(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

I have to run out but I will post more later,
Joli- great to hear from you, no worries about not being on, my gosh your life sounds crazy hectic. I cant believe Harrison is already making his debut as a movie star :thumbup: just dont let him become a child actor too soon

Nicole- we missed you as well hon, I am going to stock your FB page and see if there are new pics of your boys

oh and thanks for the induce tips, I will try more squats and pick up that oil

I am feeling really huge and ready for her to come although she is showing no signs of coming... :wacko:
Hibiscus: I'm so sorry for your friend's loss. That's so sad, I can't imagine going through that. He was a beautiful baby.

Joli: Daniel is eating three meals a day and snacks, he loves solids and always wants to eat when we eat. I feel like he eats a lot but he's still only 14 lbs 13 oz...I think that's a bit small for 8 months. Ben is doing good, starting to get a bit jealous now though. He's got quite a temper but other than that is very sweet. Glad you're doing well. I think it's impressive that you can work full time and breastfeed! I can't imagine how tired you must be though.

Britt: When do you have another appointment? Do you think you'll get a stretch and sweep?
hib...so so sorry for your friends :hugs: as you know my friends suffered a loss recently too. It's just so heartbreaking for them.

Joli...wow Harrison is a high flyer and movie star already! And here I am stressing about my 12 hour flight to South Africa in 10 days time. Problem is I have been told he can't use a cot on the plane but he won't eat or sleep in my arms! :wacko:
Was it you that asked about GG? Think she is 6w6d today with an EDD of 16th Feb 2012. :happydance: She was complaining of MS and tiredness in FB so I take that as a good sign!
Have no idea how you work as hard as you do! I'm exhausted just looking after Stewart! :blush: Oh and about DTD, it really hurt for me for ages too like there was a band of tightness around the opening iykwim. Just took it really slow and (tmi) would have DH put it in and just hold it there while massaging my shoulders to distract me until it eased off. Doesnt seem to hurt anymore now but we could never DTD in the shower cos I find it hurts more with the water washing, I'm too fat/unfit and our shower is a hand held one over the bath! :rofl:

Nicole...missed you hun! When you talk about Daniel it sounds like your describing Stewart most of the time. Have you ever done the quiz for his baby whisperer baby type? Will post a link later.
I am temping, using OPKs every day, checking CM and CP and still am none the wiser where I am in my cycle! I get quite a bit of EWCM on and off and have had a few twinges but my temp is all over the place (lack of sleep doesn't help). I wanted to keep a close eye so I could be on the lookout for ectopics since the docs told me I have a 99.98% chance of one!!! :dohh:
Britt...eeeek just 1 day to go! I'm so excited!!! :dance:

Nicole...here's the link https://www.babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=52283.0;wap2
Thanks for the link! I am going to do it after I make dinner. I always think that they sound very similar when I read your facebook updates. I am so annoyed with trying to temp when breastfeeding. FF says I am 85 dpo now, so I have to start again at some point maybe when I get more sleep.

Do your opks have a line on them at all? Mine have been about half as dark as the control line which is better than a few months ago when there was no line but I haven't had a positive yet. Do you think you ov'd? I got so excited when I saw 3 dpo on your ticker! I thought I might have a couple of weeks ago but my temp isn't higher than it has been.
Also forgot to say hi to Devi, Ladybird and Clairenicole! :wave: not sure if they're still reading or not
Hey ladies,
ha ha its so funny to hear you guys talking about TTC again and checking OPKs seems like a lifetime ago doesnt it? dont be surprised if nothing happens until BF is over is tapered off a bit...some women get AF during BF but most dont.
Jo- I think that I would be nervous about a 10 hour flight too, obviously it will be okay but that is a long time for anyone, hopefully he sleeps lots
Nic- you sound busy with your boys, omg are you ready for another one soon? thats amazing. My next doctor's apt is tomorrow (my due date) but I am sure they will tell me baby is not engaged yet and not ready ha ha, she seems to bob in and out of being engaged- one minute I can walk and the next I cant :shrug:

Okay since the thread is back up, I need your votes on our name short list. Jo, i think you might have already voted but I forget already, sorry preggo brain.
ALSO I am taking guesses for birthdate and weight if you want for fun :thumbup:

here is our name short list, please give me your top 2:

Britt:Happy due date!!! :yipee: So happy for you, hope your little girl comes to meet you very soon! As for the names my favourite is Sienna and my second favourite is Piper! I think Sienna is just beautiful and Piper is very pretty as well. What are you leaning toward? Also I'm going to be one of those annoying people and ask if you have any signs of labour yet?

I am excited for another one whenever it comes. I would love to just get pregnant without really trying and not have any ectopics or anything first. If it happened really soon I would be nervous about getting everything done and taking care of 3 but I was really nervous about 2 and although it's really busy I love it. We're not trying, although it sounds like we are...I think I just have an obsession with peeing on sticks and temping. I don't think I'll ovulate yet, Daniel probably nurses about 20 times a day, he's a snacker.
Britt...my top 3 in order are Sienna, Carys and Piper. All are amazing names though (she says writing them down for future reference) she would do well with any of them. As for the others, I like Paige but have come across quite a few lately...probs cos its a nice name! :rofl: I do like Reese and am not sure as yet how I feel about Kinley...
Stewart was nowhere near engaged - transverse in fact - until the very day my waters went!
I only pump twice a day now (Stewart won't take the breast anymore :cry:) so I was hoping to see some sort of cycle come back. I've had twinges.
And of course HAPPY D DAYYYYY!!!!!! :wohoo:

Nicole...85dpo? :haha: I think FF is similarly confused with me. I don't think I've ovd. Have only been using OPKs about a week now just getting faint lines but today there was no second line whatsoever which I've never had before :shrug: Same as you I wish I knew I wouldn't have another ectopic but it is pretty likely with both tubes damaged. Oh well fingers crossed for both of us.

I'm so excited cos GG is giving me her CBFM so a new toy for me to obsess with!!!! :happydance: When I spoke to her yesterday she said she's not coming back :cry: so will just keep in touch on FB. Wonder if she reads this thread anymore....if so, Happy 7 weeks hunny! :flower:
thanks ladies for your votes, I really appreciate it..
at first it was going to be Piper and that was it but the more I thought about it the more I was worried about possible teasing with that name, apparently a lot of people around here have named their dog that :wacko: and of course rhymes with Diaper, hyper, similar to Pooper ect... I dont want my child to look at me one day and say why the heck did you name me that?? DH is still fixed on it a bit but I dont care, he didnt carry her for 9 months and deliver her!! :)

its interesting how you both picked Sienna...
I dont know what my leader is anymore, I really like Carys and I like Sienna and Reese probably (maybe Paige as a second name) but DH does like Paige, so if he will give me that name instead of Piper than I would compromise. I like Kinley but I think it might be a name that doesnt age well, cant see her in the boardroom running a fortune 500 company with Kinley....but its not out

well thx for the happy 40 weeks, okay baby where are you :shrug:
I thought I had some contractionsn last night but nothing now, so I think maybe it was gas? I have a dr's apt today so will find out for sure whats going on....oh gosh ladies keep your fx'd that I dont go the full 10 days overdue....aggh, she is already over 8 pounds!!

luv ya girls
I forgot to guess! I say Sunday and for weight I will guess 8 lbs 7 oz. Let us know if you're dialated/effaced if you get a chance after the appt! So exciting, really any time now!!
Britt...I say you'll have her day after tomorrow and she will be 7lbs11oz.
thanks ladies, had my doctors apt, cervix is still closed and nothing happenign :dohh: that being said she the doc said its a good sign with the cramps and it may turn into labour soon. They will see me Monday for a sweep but she asked that I walk lots and do stairs....lol, I dont have energy for anything right now.

thanks for your guesses, I hope Jo is right :thumbup: hee hee
Waiting waiting waiting for kitten to arrive....:coffee:

He Britt you best keep updating us or we will think you've popped already! :haha: Best of luck hunny. xx

Hey girls I have to come on here and say for those of you who didn't see on FB - WE HAVE A TOOOOOOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After 5 months of teething there is FINALLY something to show for it! :wohoo:
yeah for the tooth Jo!!!!! WOO HOO :thumbup:

no baby yet, but i did loose my plug and had an achy tummy overnight :dohh: nothing since I have gotten up. I thought I had lost my plug yesterday and even more came out this morning, my goodness how big is that thing?? lol

i am hoping with everything that I have her tomorrow
Britt...the plug keeps growing back so it seems to go on forever! Very good signs though I'm sure she will be here soon. :kiss:
ooohhhhhhhhhhh, Britt, this is sooooo exciting!!!!! Kitten is going to arrive so soon! I'm guessing 8lbs on the dot and she's coming in tomorrow morning! All the names on your list are beautiful and strong, some great choices! My favourite names on your list are Sienna and Reese. We had seriously considered Sienna if we were going to have a girl. BUT, that's just my thoughts, it's hard to know the right name without meeting little Kitten herself! You could always call her Catherine (link) and then calle her Kitty for short :) hehee

2016 - congrats on the tooth!! Number 2 will closely follow behind! Harrison was fine for a while, but has started teething again - I think his top teeth will be coming through soon. When are you off to SA? i know you haven't asked for advice, but since we've done a lot of long haul trips with Harrison, I thought I'd share some helpful travel tips -

- Feed milk on the way up and down to combat change in pressure in Stewart ears
- Buy some new toys just before you leave so that he hasn't seen them until you get on the airplane, it will hold his attention for longer and will stop him from getting so bored
- Pack finger snacks, it will keep him occupied - we give Harrison apple, dried apricots, rusks etc.
- Make sure you bring his water in a baby bottle, otherwise they may not let you take it on the plane.
- Pack lots of spare changes in clothing (and bring a change of clothes for you too - if he gets messy, so will you!)
- If you're bring homemade food (rather than jar food) I freeze mine then pack it in a milk storage bag, so it can be heated up in hot water, since they won't microwave anything for you on the plane. I've started doing this when we go out on the weekends too, it takes up much less space than lunchboxes and it's easier to heat up!
- Carry a copy of his birth certificate with you in case anything happens to his passport whilst travelling.

If you have any questions, let me know :) Are you going to Joberg? Will it be cold there now?
hey girls an update from me, saw the doctor today I am at least a cm dilated now, she did a sweep and I bled lots agghh.....painful
also I can barely walk so Kitten must be fully engaged, just waiting for contractions now.....hopefully soon
I think you might be right Joli, my guess is tomorrow as well- and i think you are pretty accurate on the weight, i was an 8 pounder myself :haha:

thanks for your opinion on the names, I LOVE Reese as well....but do you think it goes with our last name of Russell? some people think it sounds great and others think its too much :shrug:

will keep you all posted

...oooh 1cm! It's a start. Remember ROTATE TO DIALATE! By rotating your hips while standing or sitting on a ball you help the cervix open up over LOs head. Helps to imagine it happening too!

If I am honest I personally think Reese Russell is quite a tongue twister but you must choose what is right for you. Thinking about the names again with your surname my favourites are Sienna and then Piper. Sienna Russell sounds powerful like a doctor or a movie star! :thumbup:
thanks Jo, I agree with you
Sienna sounds so beautiful
Kinley is fast making the top of my list too though....
maybe Kinley Paige R.....
okay I am going to get on the birth ball!!

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