(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

YAY! Lovely to see a few of you on here again! :yipee:

Joli...sorry to hear about your trouble sleeping. Do you wind down before bed eg. have a bath/glass of wine/cup of chammomile/read a book. I found I was sleeping terribly and having nightmares when I was on my iphone just before going to sleep...so hubby suggested I get a fiction book and it really helped relax me. I get panic attacks on and off and they are no fun at all! :(
I would bet money AF is still away because of BF. For some people it comes back while still fully BF, others when they drop a feed or two....and they for some people (like me too) it takes maybe stopping completely to restart the cycle. I was OPKing like mad and nothing was happening and I was only pumping 1oz a day! I stopped that tiny pump and one week later I ovd!!
Harrison looks like such a joy and a really lovely and loved little boy. :thumbup: I simply adore updated pictures of him.

SM...You are doing ever so well! You are gonna be in double digits any day now! :happydance:

TBM...why not join us on here and we can forget about the other thread. Least then we are all in one place. We can be in this together! :friends: and Joli will join us soon too. Just like old times.
Eeeek about your video! How exciting!!!! It's natural to be nervous but I am sure you will be fab.
Thanks ladies for the well wishes, and I know 2016 I just can not believe it I'm almost out of the first trimester now holy :)
Hey Ladies - lovely to see some chat!

2016 - I mean to ask, what is CBFM? That's so amazing that AF started straight after you stopped pumping. During the weekdays, I'm still feeding or pumping 6 times a day, and on the weekends it's 5 times, so I guess that's probably why. I'm wondering if I bf until Harrison is 12 months, then do I transition onto cow's milk straight away or should I use formula in between? Thanks for the advice on the panic attack / sleeping thing. I don't actually do anything to unwind, I'm usually working up until I get ready for bed! I think one thing that I'm really stressed about, is after I came back from holiday, my work told me they had to stop my Wed and Fri afternoons working from home, because another girl in our Londo office thought I was getting preferential treatment. So that has really depressed me. I am being headhunted by another firm, and I asked for flexible working hours, which they didn't think would be a problem, so I'm waiting for the written offer to come through, fingers crossed! By the way, I love the new pics of Stuart you posted on fb, he has the most gorgeous bright blue eyes. I can see so much of him in you!

Taebo - that's soooooooooooooo exciting about the video!!! You HAVE to tell us about it when it's released so that we can get a copy! I had no idea that you were THAT good at Taebo, it's such a hard and beautiful sport. You will do amazingly well, just focus on your moves, and don't look straight at the camera. You'll have such a fun time. Thank you for your prayers :) I try not to make a big deal out of it, but this is so unlike me, and I feel slightly batty inside! haha

Sweetmama - have you had any morning sickness? Will you find out the gender of your baby or will it be a surprise?
Joli...wow that is still quite a lot of BF. No wonder your cycle hasn't started yet so I don't think you need to worry at all. It's all the prolactin, it inhibits ovulation. Obviously my body is very sensitive to it because as I said I still didn't ov although only pumping a teeny tiny amount.
As for transitioning onto cow's milk...if it were me I would go straight onto that without formula in between. It might just confuse his system otherwise. I would either mix expressed BM and cow's milk gradually decreasing the amount of BM and increasing cow's milk. I give Stewart a sip or two of cow's milk even now to get him used to the taste because they say they are less inclined to accept new things as they get older. In the UK we are told it's fine on cereal and in sauces from 6 months anyway so I figured a couple of sips wouldn't hurt.
No wonder you are stressed! That is awful about your work. With the hours you do and the effort you put in you deserve a little leeway surely?!?!? Why does somebody always have to go and spoil it. :growlmad: I hope something great comes through from the new firm and you can try get a better work/life balance. :hugs:
Oh and CBFM is a Clear Blue Fertility Monitor. You POAS every day from CD6 and it gives you a fertility status of "low", "high" and "peak" which is like OPKs really but you get perhaps extra warning that ov is approaching. Bit overkill really but GG said it was going begging and I can't resist a new gadget...especially a TTC one! :blush:

CD3 today, AF is giving me such hell I am living on painkillers. So bored and jsut want to get on with the fun stuff but it always seems such a long wait with my ov happening between CD22 and CD26!
Joli - I have had a lot of morning sickness, and no I'm not planning on finding out this time, I'm not getting ANY ultrasounds this time if I can help it, I want this to be as natural as possible this time :) At least I am hoping :)
Hey 2016 - once again, some great advice on transitioning onto cows milk. Harrison loves yoghurt and cheese, so hopefully that is a good sign that he'll like milk! I think that Harrison will continue to want a night feed though before bed - it's the only time when he's desperate to latch on. He doesn't fall asleep at the breast, but I guess it comforts and calms him down. Do you feed Stewart immediately before bed?

My work really is insane, today I managed to pee twice all day long until 7pm this evening - I was literally working so intensely so that I could get home to bath Harrison that I was squeezing my legs together! Terrible I know. This other firm sent me an email saying they wanted to make me a formal offer, phone call is tomorrow night, so fingers crossed for flexi-hours!

CBFM sounds awesome - imagine being able to POAS every day! LOL :rofl: only us right? :) It's so exciting that you get to ttc now, are you temping too?

Sweetmama - that's so brave to try to go without ultrasounds... I am always such a worrier, and I'm so impatient, I can't help but to see what's inside me. I'm sure it will be such a wonderful surprise when bubba comes out though :)
Feed Stewart immediately before bed? Heck yes! And TWICE in the night still. FF though as he has refused the breast completely since about 7 months. :cry: He hasn't dropped any bottles since weaning because he point blank refuses anyone off a spoon and isn't taking that much in finger wise although he does try!
He currently has his top 4 teeth coming through (and maybe his 3rd and 4th bottom teeth!) all at the same time which might help him munch a bit better.

POAS every day is awesome! The gadget is supposed increase your chances by 89% but I think that's if you don't normally temp or OPK. I am temping (and taking supps, CM and CP checking etc. etc.) you can see my chart if you click my apple ticker though I am not going mad and temping every day and it's a bit hit and miss with Stewart waking me so often but oh well.
2016 - I had no idea Stewart was still feeding in the middle of the night! eek! No wonder your body couldn't produce enough for him, you must have been so exhausted. Harrison goes now from 7:30pm to 5:30am without a feed (and for the most part sleeps through, occasionally up at 3am, but not often). Harrison doesn't like a spoon either, but he eats from it when we're at home. When we're out and about, he likes to eat with his own fingers, it's so cute to watch. I'm loving all the ttc talk! :flower:
Joli - I find it much more refreshing to not want to get ultrasounds, less to have to worry about I guess, if I don't know anything is wrong I can't worry about it... I think things will be ok though
Hello ladies,

I had a fabulous time at the film shoot! It didn't go as planned; only 2 workouts were filmed, instead of the planned 5. I'm only in one of them, as only 15 Taebo-ers could fit in the room at a time. It was awesome to meet and workout with the guy I exercise with every day on my TV. I had some embarrassing moments, but I don't care, it was a fun time! Billy was as friendly as he could be, and even with all the non-productiveness from the production company, he just smiled and went on with his day. I met some new "Tae Bo friends" and had a great time. We won't talk about how Billy used me as an example for the folks at home who need a rest, by having my lay down and put my feet up (I think he could see that I was dying). And we won't talk about the fact that my mascara was smeared across my face. :dohh:

The format was a bit different than what you see on the DVDs, we were not behind him, we were in front of him, like when you take a fitness class. So we will only be shown at certain times....which is good...that way any mistakes I may have made won't show up. :haha: Also, these workouts won't be on DVD, they're the first of a new thing Billy is doing. I think they will be streamed over the internet (for a price, I'm sure). I think he called them Live Tae Bo TV...or something like that. I don't know when this will be shown, but I'm sure Billy or the producers will let me know.

By the way, if you've wondered why folks in your workout DVDs are sweating way before you, it's because those lights are H O T!! I asked Billy, before the workout, what the temp was like in the workout room. When I told him I needed a temp of 68 degrees to workout in he laughed at me and told me to "get ready for a desert!" He wasn't kidding! Here are some pics:


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Thanks, Sweetmama! I'm pretty happy about meeting the great Tae Bo man. :thumbup:

Hey, have any of you heard from Birtt? Any news on Kinley?

I hope you are all doing well!
TBM...wow that looked like quite an exciting day! I have done my Taebo DVD loads of times (not for years now though :blush:) and it's a really great workout. Nice to know why they are all sweating so much.

I heard from Britt to say she had been on here but didn't want to post. She was really happy with the money that was donated by her Bnb friends into the Kinley support fund Chipin page I started - $1041 in all. She said they were going to enjoy every moment they had with Kinley as they weren't sure how much time they would have. Nothing else really...

SM...Wow over 11 weeks already? You will be outta 1st tri before you know it!

Joli...how are you doing hun? Any news on that job?

AFM...well I have been POAS for the CBFM for 8 days now and it still says "low fertility". I have also had massive amounts of pelvic pain and two days of random spotting. If it was ov time I would say fine but instead I'm taking it as a warning that my body is screwed up as usual. I hate waiting 3 weeks to ov only to get AF 10 days later. Gonna get on the progesterone this cycle to try balance things out.
Taebo - you're looking hot hon! I'm sure you looked awesome on the video, let us know when it's released. It sounds like it was a great experience.

2016 - I got a written offer! More money, Wed and Fri afternoons working from home in my contract, 28 days holiday, medical, life insurance etc. Pretty awesome! I am just waiting for a copy of the draft contact with the rest of the terms, then I'll probably be handing in my resignation. I'm not surprised it's going to take a few cycles for you to get back to normal. Are you using progesterone cream or supplements?

Harrison has been doing some cool stuff this week, he now understands "where is the light"; "where is the boat"; "where are your shoes" and he points to each object when we ask! He also can stand for about 40 second and took 2 steps. Lots of fun :)
That's fantastic Joli! I am so pleased for you!!! :yipee:
Harrison sounds so clever - standing for so long and steps already! Wow he is growing so fast!

I got another low today...am thinking I don't like the monitor so much. Feels like I have to get up and get a BFN every morning. :growlmad: OPKs are also blank with no hint of the second line. :dohh: CM is on the up the last couple of days and I have had headaches and have been irritable which are normally signs of ov approaching so maybe soon. I normally ov CD19-24 so I know there's still plenty time I think the monitor is just making me impatient.
I am taking the same supps I took when I fell pg with Stewart:

- Prenatal, Omega 3-6-9, Royal Jelly, EPO, RRLT and Ginseng up to ov
- High dose folic, Ginko Biloba and Progesterone cream after ov
Thanks 2016 :) I'm hoping when I resign, my work will put me on 3 months gardening leave - it will be perfect timing for weaning and hopefully I'll be able to relax for AF to come and ttc! Sorry you got another low - have you got a moniter for next month as well or only this month? Do you know whether GG had AF back before she got pregnant again? I'm trying to think whether I have any chance at all of realistically ttc #2 whilst still bf and without AF...methinks not...?
Thanks 2016 :) I'm hoping when I resign, my work will put me on 3 months gardening leave - it will be perfect timing for weaning and hopefully I'll be able to relax for AF to come and ttc! Sorry you got another low - have you got a moniter for next month as well or only this month? Do you know whether GG had AF back before she got pregnant again? I'm trying to think whether I have any chance at all of realistically ttc #2 whilst still bf and without AF...methinks not...?

Wow 3 months will be a great break between jobs. :thumbup: I've never had a break between jobs...finished the Friday and started the Monday sort of thing. Very stressful.
GG gave me the monitor to keep as she won't ever need it again. Not convinced if I want to use it another cycle especially since the pee sticks are so expensive compared to cheap OPKs. It does apparently learn your cycle and ask for less sticks the next time. Hopefully there won't be a next cycle eh? :winkwink:
I think GG stopped BF around 8 weeks so had several cycles before falling pregnant again. I have seen many women on here fall pg while BF and go on to tandem nurse! Anything is possible though there is no way to tell just how sensitive your body is to the prolactin. As we discovered it took stopping every last drop before my cycle fired up again. I think it's a great idea to use the leave to wean Harrison off in a relaxed way taking him all the way up to 1 year and cow's milk. I am so envious you managed to carry on so long. It still breaks my heart when I see old pics of Stewart BF and I wish he had just carried on and not gone on strike. I loved it so much. :cry:
But still he is happy and thriving on formula (once we found the right one) and I don't think it really matters in the end.
Finally got my "high" on the monitor on CD18 and my peak today CD19. Ov is supposed to happen the day after the first peak and my positive OPK today confirmed it. :happydance:
Thing is I could see the OPKs fading in a day or two before the monitor told me I was fertile so I am currently thinking that OPKs are the best (and cheapest) way to go in future. Of course I am hoping this is it for me! :dohh: I have already worked out that my due date would be our 10 year wedding anniversary 25th May. I love it when dates collide but I know I shouldn't work things out like that cos it only leads to disappointment. Testing will commence at 9dpo next Sunday.

How is everyone else?
Where is everyone? :shrug:

2dpo...7 days until testing....bored.

How is everyone?
Where is everyone? :shrug:

2dpo...7 days until testing....bored.

How is everyone?

Yeah, the 2 week wait sucks! I'm on cycle day 10. Took a test yesterday...negative. I don't have a lot time for a real post, but I just wanted to let you ladies know that I'm thinking of you. :hugs::hugs:

Good luck to all of you trying to conceive! :dust::dust::dust::dust:

I'm leaving tomorrow for Hollywood to take part in another fitness shoot with Billy Blanks! Taking my daughter with me since she is turning 15 tomorrow. We'll leave early in the am so we will get there in time to do some sight-seeing (probably around 4pm or so). She wants to locate MJ's star (among others) on the Walk of Fame.

What are the rest of you up to? Joli, are you working at the new job? So proud of you for resigning when you weren't being treated fairly. Good for you! I hope this new place of employment treats you well!

Has anyone heard from Britt recently? Is Kinley doing any better? I'm praying for her!!

Take care!

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