Hi Ladies!
I'm still alive and kicking... though it's been a stressful few weeks to say the least! I resigned from my job, as they took away my 2 afternoons a week working from home, which really depressed me (I have a new one lined up in another firm who has given me that flexibility). They didn't take it very well and were pretty threatening with litigation etc. as I have a lot of client contacts that they were paranoid I was going to steal away from them. To cut a long story short, they wanted to inspect my home computer, so I didn't want to write anything private on it, knowing that some nosey IT person would be snooping around. I hope you all don't mind, but I'm back now!! It's all done and dusted, and all in the past as far as I'm concerned! I now have 2 more months of gardening leave, which is awesome (i.e. getting paid for 2 months, but not having to work!), so I've been spending tons of time with Harrison, which has been so wonderful!
He's turning 1 years old in 11 days time, I just can't believe it! Our babies are growing up so quickly! So his latest cute things...
- he's trying to walk and can do about 10 - 20 steps before falling
- he says "shoos" (shoes), "this" (for everything!), "chees" (cheese) and "ish" (fish).
- he can point to the light, helicopter (we have a lot pass by), boat (we overlook the waterfront), nose, ears, head and feet, and he kisses when you say "kiss kiss"
- we say "Harrison, no no no..." and he looks at us sweetly, shakes his head...then carries on the naughty little thing he was doing!
- he loves to paint, and play with any kind of buttons
On TTC - you know that I have problems ovulating, so I started seeing an accupuncturist last week - anyone have any opinions on how it can help with fertility? He seems to think he can bring my cycle back in 3 months time, so I'm hoping that will work! I'm going to the docs on Tuesday to take a look at the ovaries to see what's going on inside.
2016 - so you're on 8dpo! what day are you testing? Is DH happy for you to be ttc again? My DH knows that I intend for us to ttc again, but I think inside, he'd rather wait a bit, I think he misses our relationship before Harrison - not that he regrets it in any way, he just misses the him and me time and worries that he won't get that opportunity if I get pregnant again.
Taebo - you look like a hot hot mama! That's so great that you were asked to do another shoot, so proud of you!
Nicole - that's awesome that you're ttc again too! Have you finished bf? I will start weaning in 2 weeks time when Harrison turns 1 years old, I'll cut out the day feeds first...I think it will be hard for him to give it all up completely, I might keep the morning feed going until I have no more milk - but that depends on how the ttc goes!
I've attached a few updated pics! xx
Sweetmama - how's the pregnancy going?