(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

...and the spotting has started. I am hoping the progesterone can keep AF away for a couple more days to help rebalance my cycles, but on the other hand it's tempting to just stop it and get on with the new cycle. Guess I will give it until 14dpo - may as well as I started with that intention. *sigh* I just wanted it to be quick and easy.
You ladies are bor I N G! LOL...you'all are doing what I do: go missing in action. But the problem is, you're all doing it at the same time. It's much too quiet here!

Let's hear some updates! How's TTC going? How are your little ones doing? Anything new and exciting going on in your lives?
You ladies are bor I N G! LOL...you'all are doing what I do: go missing in action. But the problem is, you're all doing it at the same time. It's much too quiet here!

Let's hear some updates! How's TTC going? How are your little ones doing? Anything new and exciting going on in your lives?

:rofl: So quiet and boring I lost the whole thread until you posted!

Update for us:

Stewart - Is super fast at crawling, pulls up on anything (pref something unstable or dangerous) and says Mama, Dada, Oh No and Amber (the cats name). He never sits still and continues to wake me 3-4 times a night. Last night every 1.5 hours! Feels like all I do at the moment is chase round after him trying to stop him injuring himself! :dohh: Oh and he's got 8 teeth with 9&10 coming through now. He is a flappy somewhat fussy eater and goes ballistic if you try feed him or even pick some food up to show him. His favourites at the moment are Duck in plum sauce (not the best but he doesn't have it often), Chicken ravioli, Lettuce, Green melon, breadsticks, anything spicy. He is such a cute cheeky monkey and I just love him so much. :cloud9:

TTC - well after a complete meltdown when AF arrived last time, I decided to relax about the whole thing. So no supps for me this time and really going to wait until at least 10dpo for testing (day AF is due). AF lasted a crazy 8 days this cycle so far but at least wasn't as painful as last time. I've decided instead to focus on weight loss and am doing the 2 week Scarsdale diet. Have lost almost albs so far in 2 days!

In other news, we found our dream famy home and our offer was accepted! Hope to move in the next couple of months. :happydance:
You ladies are bor I N G! LOL...you'all are doing what I do: go missing in action. But the problem is, you're all doing it at the same time. It's much too quiet here!

Let's hear some updates! How's TTC going? How are your little ones doing? Anything new and exciting going on in your lives?

:rofl: So quiet and boring I lost the whole thread until you posted!

Update for us:

Stewart - Is super fast at crawling, pulls up on anything (pref something unstable or dangerous) and says Mama, Dada, Oh No and Amber (the cats name). He never sits still and continues to wake me 3-4 times a night. Last night every 1.5 hours! Feels like all I do at the moment is chase round after him trying to stop him injuring himself! :dohh: Oh and he's got 8 teeth with 9&10 coming through now. He is a flappy somewhat fussy eater and goes ballistic if you try feed him or even pick some food up to show him. His favourites at the moment are Duck in plum sauce (not the best but he doesn't have it often), Chicken ravioli, Lettuce, Green melon, breadsticks, anything spicy. He is such a cute cheeky monkey and I just love him so much. :cloud9:

TTC - well after a complete meltdown when AF arrived last time, I decided to relax about the whole thing. So no supps for me this time and really going to wait until at least 10dpo for testing (day AF is due). AF lasted a crazy 8 days this cycle so far but at least wasn't as painful as last time. I've decided instead to focus on weight loss and am doing the 2 week Scarsdale diet. Have lost almost albs so far in 2 days!

In other news, we found our dream famy home and our offer was accepted! Hope to move in the next couple of months. :happydance:

I so enjoyed your update on Stewart! Yes, they always seem to prefer something unstable to use when pulling themselves up to stand. This is so true!

Congrats on your diet and focus on losing weight. I'm not familiar with the Scarsdale diet, but just to warn you, if it is some kind of unhealthy type of diet so prevalent today, I'll have to come back here and preach to you about it. :haha:

How exciting about finding your dream home and having the offer excepted! Super cool! I hope you will show us photos of your home once you are settled in. :flower:

How are the rest of you ladies?
TBM - Scarsdale diet is very strict but it is all healthy non-faddy food. It's not shakes or starvation. Basically it's grapefruit and lo cal toast for brekkie every day, lean mean/fish/egg/low fat cheese and salad/veg for lunch and dinner. On some days you have 0% fat greek yoghurt with fresh fruit and pecan nuts for lunch. Yum! In between you can snack on celery and carrots. No fat, sugar or cheating! I am eating 8+ portions of fruit and veg a day and drinking loads and loads of water. It might be very low calorie but I am certain my body is getting far more nutrition from what I am eating now than KFC and random bowls of ice-cream and chocolate bars at 10am. You only follow it so strictly for 2 weeks as a type of detox then start to reintroduce more wholegrain carbs. I feel very good on it. :thumbup:
Sorry I was MIA ladies, it's been a busy here. I was out hunting for moose so we could have some meat for the winter. We got a big moose which will give us close to 600lbs of meat.
LOL that sounds so crazy, something that just wouldnt be done round here!

Hello Ladies, how are you all? me, libby and bump are well :) did anyone every hear from mommymichelle?
Moose? Seriously? That's cool! :thumbup:

taloolah...nope not heard from her and I haven't seen her posting anywhere else either.

afm...To my suprise my OPKs have started getting darker today so I am expecting to ov around Saturday which is 2 days sooner than normal! :yipee: I know that doesn't seem like a lot but I always get frustrated waiting 3 weeks instead of 2 to ov so it's a bit of a treat. I wonder if my new healthy eating and exercise regime has anything to do with it. :shrug: I'm also taking it a lot easier this month and haven't being obsessing about TTC like I normally do. Makes the time pass much quicker. Hopefully I don't start to obsess when the TWW kicks in! :dohh:
Hey everyone! I know it's been a really long time since I posted, everything is good here. The kids are doing well, I'm getting a little weepy because they're going to be turning 1 and 3 soon. I have been dtd a lot in hopes of catching an egg...but so far I still haven't ov'd since Daniel.

2016: It's so exciting that you're ttc again! It's hard not to be obsessed. I'm starting to focus more on it and I'm not even oving yet. I'm going to get more opks tonight because I had a pretty good line the other day. How is your diet going?

taloolah: Glad everything is good with you and your babies! How are you finding the second time around?

taebomama: So happy to read your updates! I can't believe you were in a taebo video, very exciting! You look amazing btw, makes me think I really need to get more into fitness.

sweetmama: Congratulations!!! I don't think I've posted since you came back. How are you doing?

hibiscus: How is Jack? Hope you're doing well.

Has anyone heard from Joli or Britt? I am always wondering how Kinley is doing. Hope I didn't miss anyone sorry if I did. It's been so long.
Hi Ladies!

I'm still alive and kicking... though it's been a stressful few weeks to say the least! I resigned from my job, as they took away my 2 afternoons a week working from home, which really depressed me (I have a new one lined up in another firm who has given me that flexibility). They didn't take it very well and were pretty threatening with litigation etc. as I have a lot of client contacts that they were paranoid I was going to steal away from them. To cut a long story short, they wanted to inspect my home computer, so I didn't want to write anything private on it, knowing that some nosey IT person would be snooping around. I hope you all don't mind, but I'm back now!! It's all done and dusted, and all in the past as far as I'm concerned! I now have 2 more months of gardening leave, which is awesome (i.e. getting paid for 2 months, but not having to work!), so I've been spending tons of time with Harrison, which has been so wonderful!

He's turning 1 years old in 11 days time, I just can't believe it! Our babies are growing up so quickly! So his latest cute things...
- he's trying to walk and can do about 10 - 20 steps before falling
- he says "shoos" (shoes), "this" (for everything!), "chees" (cheese) and "ish" (fish).
- he can point to the light, helicopter (we have a lot pass by), boat (we overlook the waterfront), nose, ears, head and feet, and he kisses when you say "kiss kiss"
- we say "Harrison, no no no..." and he looks at us sweetly, shakes his head...then carries on the naughty little thing he was doing!
- he loves to paint, and play with any kind of buttons

On TTC - you know that I have problems ovulating, so I started seeing an accupuncturist last week - anyone have any opinions on how it can help with fertility? He seems to think he can bring my cycle back in 3 months time, so I'm hoping that will work! I'm going to the docs on Tuesday to take a look at the ovaries to see what's going on inside.

2016 - so you're on 8dpo! what day are you testing? Is DH happy for you to be ttc again? My DH knows that I intend for us to ttc again, but I think inside, he'd rather wait a bit, I think he misses our relationship before Harrison - not that he regrets it in any way, he just misses the him and me time and worries that he won't get that opportunity if I get pregnant again.

Taebo - you look like a hot hot mama! That's so great that you were asked to do another shoot, so proud of you! :)

Nicole - that's awesome that you're ttc again too! Have you finished bf? I will start weaning in 2 weeks time when Harrison turns 1 years old, I'll cut out the day feeds first...I think it will be hard for him to give it all up completely, I might keep the morning feed going until I have no more milk - but that depends on how the ttc goes!

I've attached a few updated pics! xx

Sweetmama - how's the pregnancy going?


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Aaah Joli! Sorry you beat me to it! I was going to come on here and pass on the message you were coming back soon...but have had a mareish last couple of days!

Harrison sounds like such a bright little chap. I am always impressed when babies walk before their 1st birthday. It feels like it will still be ages before Stewart walks. He can walk along pushing a walker though a bit clumsily and will cruise and let go of things for a couple of seconds before falling down. How long does it take after this before they walk? Do you have any plans for a 1st birthday party? We are just going to have a small family gathering with my parents on Skype from SA.

As for TTC. I used an accupuncturist and I swear she really helped balance my cycles, lengthen my LP and, when needed, I am also sure it's what helped my secodn ectopic resolve without surgery. If nothing else, it is incredibly relaxing and takes away a lot of anxieties related to TTC. I don't think there is anything "wrong" why your cycles have not started and feel it is most likely just the BF. It only took me literally a week after I stopped pumping (and that was only 1oz once a day) to ovulate. Your body could just be very sensitive to prolactin.

Well I am 9dpo now and got a spectacular BFN this morning booooo. I have been a lot more relaxed this cycle which made it easier but I am still feeling a bit fed up as we have been TTC since June without success. Ok part of that was waiting for my cycles to start again but this is now my 3rd cycle. I just don't understand it because last time I fell pg pretty much every cycle I had a LP longer than 10 days (even if two of those times were ectopic). I just hate being stuck in limbo not wanting to buy new clothes that might not fit in a few months time, planning things around what might and then doesn't happen. :nope:
Anyway, AF is due at 12dpo with spotting at 11dpo so I am running outta time here.

In other news, I have been looking at childcare for Stewart 1 day a week so I can go back to work. I had various ideas of making money from home but thought I would earn more if I go back and work for my old company. We are due to move to a bigger house in a couple of months so need some extra money for mortgage repayments. I went to look at 4 childminders though and I wouldn't have left a dog with them, let alone Stewart! 6-8 children in a tiny, grubby back room approx 6m square????? :wacko:
Plan B is to look at some nurseries in the town where I work. That way I get an extra 2 hours with Stewart travelling to and from work, less money to pay for childcare, and I am super close if he ever needed me in the day. There are some nurseries that do look fantastic on their websites and, although I was against nurseries at first, I have realised they might well be better equipped than these random women who have decided to make money cramming as many kids as possible in a tiny room and putting on the telly.

Sorry I am rattling on now...glad to see you are back anyway. Must go get Stewart's dinner ready. :flower:
Hey 2016 - I reckon Stuart will be walking within the next 2-3 weeks, it's amazing how quick they pick it up once they get the knack of cruising! Then he'll be unstoppable! Thanks for the info on your accupuncturist, I have my second session tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to it! Although I did go to the gyno today, and he said I still have polycystic ovaries and he though it would be unlikely that we could concieve without going through fertility drugs and IUI again :( I really was hoping we could do this naturally this time round. First thing is the weaning... I think the day time and even night time wean will be ok, but it's going to take quite a while to wean Harrison off the morning 5:30am feed. Any advice on weaning?

I saw on fb that you went to a better nursary? It must be really difficult in the UK. Here in Hong Kong, pretty much everyone has a philippino helper you either lives with you or comes over every day. We've had the same helper since I was 1 years old, so she's like part of the family.

Booo to your bfn :( have you got spotting today?...
Joli...3 weeks? Really???
Sorry to hear about your gyno appt. Unlikely does not equal impossible. I was told "impossible" remember? But if you are willing to go through IUI again at least you know what you have to do.
I'm afraid I don't have any tips on weaning from BF. Stewart just decided he didn't like my bewbs all by himself! :haha: Perhaps ask in the BF section as they are normally quite nice and helpful in there.

Yes the nursery I went to see today was really really lovely. I almost think that Stewart would have a far better time there than at home with me! They have so much space, lots of different areas for sensory play, noisy play, a brand new awesome outdoor area, a homely quiet area for those that like to sleep in peace. There is at least 1 child to 3 carer ratio though today when I went it was 1:2. Stewart was quite grumpy this morning and grumbled the whole way driving there but, soon as I walked in, he was down on the floor crawling off like a shot. He did a dirty nappy within a minute of arriving and I was going to go get my change bag but one of the carers offered to do it and Stewart didn't get upset or give a hint of the usual wrestling match he gives me. When I left he was grinning ear to ear and waving bye to everyone. Maybe that's why it won joint 1st place for "Best nursery in England"!
I don't think it's the cheapest as nurseries go but the price includes all nappies, medicine, outings, formula and food. I don't think I would ever choose a nursery based on the cheapest quote though! :rofl: Only thing is it is a little tricky (though not far) to drive from there to my office but I am sure I would get used to it and surely it's worth the inconvenience just once a week to have him in a place I am truly happy with?

I am supposed to go see 2 more tomorrow but there is a slight hitch....while bathing Stewart tonight I noticed a slight rash pretty much all over. He does get prickly heat most bathtimes but these spots looked a bit bigger and redder. Thinking about it he has also had a runny nose and cough the last few days but I thought that was the dregs of the cold we both had. And the grumpiness today and slight lethargy. Anyway we are thinking it could be chicken pox! I guess it will become clearer tomorrow if he wakes up and the rash is worse. If it is, I obviously can't view the nurseries but that is cutting it really fine with me needing to go back to work in just 5 weeks and nursery places filling fast.

I got another BFN this morning. Wasn't even going to bother testing but what can I do when I have a dozen cheap pee sticks in the house! The spotting hasn't started though and it normally does around midday. I am hoping this is a sign of my cycle starting to sort itself out with slightly earlier ov and a longer LP. :happydance:
:witch: is here. LP the same as always but I guess 11 full days is ok. Onwards and upwards.
Hi everyone!!!!!

Remember me??? :happydance:

glad to see all the old faces still so active..

how are u all doing.. looking at the pics .. your babies are sooo cute!!
Arjun is doing great.. just turned 1 year old on the 26th.. & he is running everywhere!!

Now ttc#2 journey begins!

Of course we remember you Devi! Glad to hear Arjun is doing so well. Would love to see an updated pic. :flower:

So exciting that a few of us are TTC together again.
I'll post pics soon. How is everyone doing ? Who all is ttc?
2016, Nicole , joli, is britt still active ? (baby?), mommymichele?,
I'll post pics soon. How is everyone doing ? Who all is ttc?
2016, Nicole , joli, is britt still active ? (baby?), mommymichele?,

Me, Joli, Nicole I think. Taebomama comes on here too as the actual TTC thread is pretty much dead. GG is already pregnant to a little brother for Libby due in February. She can't come on here because she closed her account to focus on uni, then got pregnant and had to give up uni but the admins won't allow her to reopen her account. She created a new one, taloolah, but they said that was also not allowed. :nope: Sweetmama is pregnant in 2nd tri. Haven't heard from Hibiscus or Mommymichelle in ages.

Now about Britt. Her daughter Kinley was born on 9th July but due to what appears to be negligence on the hospitals part, she was deprived oxygen during a long labour and after being born by EMCS. Britt nearly died and was given a hysterectomy to save her life. Kinley survived but has been left with serious brain trauma. Haven't heard from Britt in over a month now but last she said they were just trying to enjoy the time they have with Kinley. :hugs: Britt doesn't come one here anymore for obvious reasons as it's too painful. :flower:

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