I'm loving all the name chat! Devi - I totally understand where you're coming from with choosing an auspicious name (living in Asia!). We will choose our name, and then get it checked by a Feng Shui master to make sure that it's suitable - it's totally the 'done thing' out here! Middle name of Nikhil is awesome, it's so unusual!
2016 - I think you and I have really similar taste for girl's names! I really likes Scarlett and Ava as well! Since we're not having a girl, I'll throw some other of my ideas which you might like (even though I think Felicity is a beautiful name (and the name of my favourite teacher at school!)) - I also liked Amelia (and call her "Mia" for short), Isabella, Serena, Angelina.
GG - Darcie is a really cute unusual name as well - have you thought of any boy names?
ClaireNicole - I totally agree with MM, it's hard to be objective about a name if you closely associate it with someone negative...but if you like the name, I say go for it! (James Anthony is my brother's first and middle name, and he turned out ok)
Now that we know it's a boy, we're starting to settle on some name ideas... our top choice so far is Harrison Joel Roman Troupe (Harry for short) or Alexander Joel Roman Troupe. We're also toying with Nathan, but not sure!