MM- I'd leave me too! I know just how you feel! and then the half of me that doesn't want to kill my OH for CONSTANTLY driving me crazy wants to kiss him for being such an angel... because only an angel would put up with me like this!
Hibis- SHUSH... you look ADORABLE! theres not even a little part of me that would look at you and wonder if you were preggers... I would just KNOW which means it doesn't look like fat at all! I know its hard.... but celulit-y for the sake of the baby!!! So its totally worth it and will totally go away after the baby is born!
Joli- YAY IT'S A BOY!!!!!!! Its so weird thinking that I'm going to know in a week....(June 4thish) well probably not til the 7th or 8th..... but I've been saying boy all along... and I think maybe because I knew I'd be happy with a girl... but never even thought of a boy... so now I've gotten myself all physced up to be aboy... but I keep having dreams about a little girl... AHH. I'll be happy either way... but I'm totally wanting a boy! Pink is cute and all but boys are so fun! either way... I know what you mean about being happy for the baby you have but missing out on the baby you don't... and your right. were just going to have to have another one lol or 2...but don't tell OH I said that lol!!!
I've been good. Selling my life on ebay lol Baby is just SQUIRMING in my tummy sometimes.... I'll go almost all day without feeling it... and then try and sleep and bubs starts

in my tummy. Its driving me nuts lol I remember that about my 1st one too... trying to

and not being able too because baby thinks my inside is a jungle gym! Not feeling any movement yet though on the outside... which I know might take awhile because I'm fluffy lol but I'm ready for OH to be able to feel bubs kicking! I'm waiting to cuddle him and have the baby kicking him though my tummy so he knows how annoying and how wonderful it is!!!
Tink- My sister is naming her baby Finley! Boy or girl they have decided thats the name they love! I hope your kids get better soon!!! Happy 24 weeks! Its great that your Viable now!!! (thats 24 weeks right??)
2016- EEEEks on the MS. I think I would rather be throwing up for no reason throughout the day then nauseaus all day... but I still feel for you!!!! I hope the MS is OVER soon!