Hey lovely ladies - I'm loving all the chatter!!
MM - congrats on the big boy!!!!

Those are some awesome pictures for your family album! And I really like your choice of name as well - very strong and masculine. We're thinking of names now that we've been able to reduce the options by 50%! lol
Hibiscus - I totally agree with ClaireNicole, you look fabulous! You very very clearly have a baby bump, and it's round and perfect! I'm still in the weird stage where to people that know me, i look pregnant, but for those who don't know me, I look like I have a pot belly! It's so sweet of your DH to tell you that he thinks you're looking more attractive than ever - and I'm sure he sincerely means it....you must have the pregnancy glow about you now!
ClaireNicole - we secretly wanted a girl - we should have swapped vibes! haha. But honestly, we're thrilled to be having a boy, DH was happy this morning that his family name would continue (as he's an only child), and we've agreed that all of our babies can have a second middle name with my surname. Ok... I'll share some info which might make you guys giggle... my surname is "Roman" and DH's is "Troupe", so with our babies, we will have little "Roman Troupe's" hehee. So we have to steer clear of names like Maximus haha. Anyways, sorry the aside! Claire - I'm really looking forward to finding out what you're carrying! Particularly since you've been having baby dreams about girls... The name Carter is very hip, I wonder if you could alter it for a girl... hmmm...Cartier? maybe a bit tacky! Cartia? maybe a bit better... Carley?
2016 - happy 9 weeks!!!!!!!!!
Devi - that is so so awesome about DH being able to feel the baby kicks! Is this the first time DH has felt them? It must be so magical to be poking and have little feet poke you right back!
Tink - I had to look up what "viable" meant in pregnancy terms... according to the internet, it means that babyhas a chance of surviving if born prematurely - that's amazing to know that you've reached that point, and it must be such a comfort to you!