Okay I am 100% caught up! and
Joli... Please don't leave us for too long! I know were not talking about anything anymore (even though I never got to talk about it lol) but I know you have NEVER offended me!

Oh and your bump... is adorable!
omgggggggg Hibiscus!!!!!! Your tummy is so cute!!!!!!!!!!
LadyBird having a boy!!!!!!!!!! I'm kinda jealous!!!!!!! YAY!
and Tink.... 3rd tri... well thats just SCARY!!!!!!! I feel so safe in 2nd tri!!! Like I don't have to worry about pushing this little girl out anytime soon! Are you going to be the first baby mama on the thread???
In my news.... I got baby first pair of shoes! HOW CUTE! Little pink tennis shoes! For all her newborn running around lmao! I have gone cloth diaper CRAZY! But OH is doing okay with it... hes at a point where hes like "buy whatever you want... just pleaseeeeeee quit talking about diapers" lmao

Just WORE HIS BUTT DOWN!!!!!!!! Next month we're doing out major baby shopping! We have 600 dollars for the baby needs fund! OHHHH and I spent a full 24 hours babysitting my nephew who just SCRFEAMED most of the time because hes getting really clingy with my sister Jenna... who I am obviously NOT! And I have decided I'm not ready to be a mom

OH said too late! But Any single moms out there... I seriously applaud you because I couldn't do it... and MommyMichele.... I don't know how you live with all the ones you have! You must be a saint and deserve a nobel prize!