Hello lovely ladies - I just can't keep away from ya!

Sorry for going offline for a while, was getting too caught up in BnB alternative universe! haha I've totally been keeping up with your updates every day though
Hibiscus - do you think the bleeding nip is related, or something seperate? I have been having tremendously painful nipples - every time I get even a little bit told, they hurt so badly that it feels someone is pinching as hard as they can, and it takes forever to warm up! Also when I go jogging, the salt from the sweat makes my nipples sting - I think I must have tiny cuts from chaffing...no bleeding, but still very painful! I think it is worth following up with the doc just to put your mind at ease
Tink - that is a beautiful bump! You're actually looking pretty small for 28 weeks!
2016 - Great that the MS is finally gone! I can't believe it's been with you for so long, you poor thing!
Devi - that's fantastic that you're going to have a baby shower! I can't believe how far along you are already... I quite honestly still remember you getting your bfp! Where are you going to have your baby shower?
MM - have fun at your baby shower too! Anyone konw whether there is there a kosher time to have a baby shower? Does custom say you are supposed to wait until you're a certain number of weeks?
GG - happy house hunting!
I had an incredible 4D scan last week at 20w, so I thought I'd share some pictures of the little guy with you - I love the first picture, I can see him smiling!