hello everyone, sorry I've been absent for a while but I've been struggling to deal with things.
I've been lurking though. 2016 congrats on yr 12 wk scan pics, squiggle looks great.
Joli - Your 4d scan pics are beautiful, especially the smiling one.
GG - well done to yr other half! best of luck with the move, glad you've found a lovely house, must be such a relief.
I know I've forgotten people but thats all what I can remember at the mo, my head is a bit haywire at present.
I've had the results back from my quad blood tests and they are 1:41,000 and im low risk so I was pretty chuffed with that.
I had my 20 wk scan yesterday and ive attached a pic below of the profile. In a cruel twist of fate the sonographer told me it was a girl, that was until she made me lie on my side as bubs wasnt co-operating. She then said "oh hang on, look what I've found, there's a winkie hiding behind the cord" and she showed me. Got to admit my heart did sink. So its definately another boy.
They also put my due date back to 12/11/10 so Im 19 wks 6 days but as far as Im concerned Im sticking with my original date as I know when I ovulated etc. Not that it makes too much difference anyway.
Ive attached pics of my bump now, a 4d from my gender scan at 18 wks 1 day and the potty shot from my gender scan