Team CD 80+

Twiggy what time do you have to go for your bloods?

3:15 today hun! Im not looking forward to them :( pray for me i dont do what i usually do with the doctor saying 'you look awfully pale, are you ok?' and then me giving him the 'yep, no really, im fine' and then hit the deck as soon as i get out the surgery lol.

Hope the AC works for you heidi has worked miracles for alot of ppl. Hopefuly you are one of them! Let us know your scan results when you get them so we can help you figure your thoughts out! I really do hope you get good results...i feel so much more related to you guys's as you all know the heartache that i feel...only when u have irregular cycles can u actually understand. So glad i have you girls to talk to...just wanted to say thanks i guess...:blush:

il post again here later to let u know how bloods went! xx
Thanks Chele, in a way i'm more concentrating on getting regular cycles rather than a bfp at the moment it just really gets me down some times, so i'm glad to start fresh and now i can start on the AC too, if it doesnt work i will go mad!!! lol

I totally get you on that one. I too am just concentrating on getting the cycle right and the rest will follow.

good luck for the bloods twiggy. It's so true what you said. I am so glad to have you all too. DH just rolls is eyes when he sees me on here but he knows I get the support I need and anyone else who knows I am on her is supportive about it too, as they are not in our situation and can't really comment. Only make the usual remarks - "it'll happen", blah blah blah.
I always worry about passing out after injections and stuff, but my bloods really didnt hurt like i thought it would, all though i did pass out when i had my bellybutton pierced when i was 16 embarrassing!
So how did they go Twiggy?
As for me the surgery computers went down so they hadn't put my results on the system so i called back in the afternoon and it still wasn't fixed so i'm calling them back tomorrow :(
I know i technically don't qualify for team +80 cycle at the moment, but i don't feel like i fit in anywhere else and i do feel like you girls give me allot of support and genuinely understand me and what i'm going through with these horrible irregular cycles that last for months, and going through test and stuff! xxx
Aw Heidi, you are welcome just as much as anyone here! And 60+ still isnt that fun really huh?! We luv havin u here so dont feel like you dont definitelty do!!! Let us know tomorrow wen u get the results!

docs today, more bloods taken as did show normal levels of LH in my bloods. Also i had high lympocytes? but aparently thats the cells that fight off viruses/infection (which is prob for this cold iv had the past week!) Im now waiting for AF so i can go in for cd21 progesterone test!! So i spose its a good result. Least i know im making the ov hormone!!

hope u girlies day was ok...xx
glad the results are good hun! I'm going to call the doctors in a minute.
I was just wondering what have your longest cycles been? mine was after my withdrawal from BCP which was 153days!
ooh, keep up posted on results hun...think my longest ever has been in the 150 range as well...iv never really worries about it until now im trying to concieve (infact wen i was in my teens i thought i was kinda lucky!!) Now cd91....looking like another record breaker :(

So i just called and said are the results in and the bloody receptionist who answered the phone still in mid conversation with some one may i add, just said well they dont go on the system till after 1.30 so i explained that they should have been in yesterday but your systems were down and she went to to say yeah but by the time a doctor looks at them blah blah blah.....and by the time she'd finished she realised they were on the bloody system!
So she just said there was 'a note' on there to say re-test, and that my GP will have to call me MONDAY morning to explain it all to me. So now i have to wait and i'm getting quite worried now
what a stoooooopid woman!!! I got the receptionist for my 1st bloods results and theyr not allowed to tell you sh*t!! I was worried outta my nut!! Anyway luv, dont worry urself too much...if it was super-urgent theyr wouldnt leave it over the weekend. no way. So if they need to re-scan then it may just be because something wasnt very clear or they want to see a couple of days progression. Oh yeah and if they had found something serious, by law, they would have to tell you. So i can understand how worried you are sweetie but really, try not to be- theres not really any warning signs. I mean they were guna ask for more tests anyway as i doubt after doing one scan that would be the end of it? Even if they found nothing they would still carry out further tests to see if it may be a different route....

so try (i know its waaaaaay easier said than done) and not worry too much. I reackon its nothing drastic...just more tests, thats all!

keep your chin-up girl, monday's not too far away! xxxxx :hugs:
I think my longest is about 80-90 days, so this cycle is defo a record breaker

More heartbreaking news last night :cry:
DH got a text from his cousin saying his wife was pregnant. They only got married in February! So I said I wish you hadn't told me that. He gave me some hugs and asked if I was ok. It took a while to sink in,but then I had a rant that it's not fair that if this cycle had been a sticky bean on a normal cycle I would also be 3 months pregnant by now.

and his response

shut up about it, it's beginning to annoy me.

Gggrrrrrrrrr :hissy: :hissy: :hissy: :hissy:

This morning we had a small argument about it in the car, me ending up saying fine, I'll shut up, go through it all on my own, go to the appointments on my own and deal with the results on my own......... he just sighed and said to stop being silly.

Anyway, for the time being decided not to harp on about it all in front of him, just rant on away here - if that's allowed?

Whyyyyyyyyy, whhhhyyyyyyy does it have to happen to us! The good people, the people who will love and care for a baby 10,000 more than others.

Sad now :cry:

Anyway, hope everyone has a nice weekend, and the sun tries to shine
Hey girlies, not been on for a few days but........

look at my chart, do you see what I see or is it wishful thinking..........:shrug::shrug:

On the advice of freefalling on another post I've been following a low carb diet for the past few weeks, so... if it shows what I think it show I wonder if it is courtesy of the diet???......... I hope not cos I'm missing sandwiches like crazy.....:rofl:

How are you all?

Hugs to chele, men are arses sometimes!

Gypsy- fab news on the progress from the appointment

x x x
aw no....chele, hun that really sucks. I mean big time. I think if any other close friends of mine get pg im just cutting contact- and im NOT joking!! Its such a kick in the guts huh? I can completely get what you're feeling, down to the horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach to the ball in your throat when you heard. My lovely OH decided to tell me his best mate (who will prob be best man at our wedding) and his gf are expecting- in the crisps isle in tescos!!! I literally used ALL my strength not to burst into tears. Got home and cried pretty much all night. But anyway- let yourself have a cry and be upset coz its natural. And if you need to vent, do it here! We'll be here to listen and support! We're the only ones that actually genuinely get how it feels anyway, so go on and have a good load of posts havin a right good moan!! We'l luv ya the same!! lol. My OH thought i was insane wen i cried as much as i did, he couldnt understand it, and came out with 'iv never met anyone on this planet that wants a baby as much as you do'...i was like 'cheers. yes. i am insane. and yeah i do want one that badly, thats why it hurts so much'. Rant away my dear...we all know how it hurts, esp us ladies here. :hugs:

rabbit!! you sly fox!!! Check out your chart, that has absolutley rocketed up!!!!! Have u been BD'ing enough?!! Its mad isnt it that we can ov so late?! But i asked the doc yesterday and he said you can have a perfectly healthy and normal ov in a long cycle- its just a longer, more annoying wait to get there!!!! If mines right, i ov'd cd83....its bonkers!! but rabbit, we can show those damn 'monthly cyclers' we can get bfp's too....:happydance:

Wellllllll as it happens we did the deed on saturday 30th and monday 1st........ but i'm not getting my hopes up, i'll just be pleased to start a new cycle! x x
check you out Rabbit! wow that's looking promising. I sometimes think, even though I will never admit it that diet does have an affect. Hope it's ovulation and :sex: leads to a :baby:

I haven't posted my jan cycle on Fertility friend as it was only half a cycle (my first temping from cd 18 onwards - a 30 day cycle as well) but it was soooooooooo stable, and at that time I was on the Lipotrim diet - they were also a lot higher, much higher than this cycle.

So this week I have done another week of Lipotrim and look at my temps. They've gone completely stable. I've come off it now and gone back to the WW diet I've been doing so will see if they go erratic again. Low carb diets are supposed to be the best for PCOS, but I LOVE pasta.

But then again I had a perod of stable temps a couple of weeks ago, so who knows

Twiggy - i Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv you, thanks for understanding what happened. The crisp aisle?! Wow, men really are insensitive sometimes. Don't think they'll ever get it! But so happy I can vent here and get it all off my chest.

xxxxxxx :hug:
hey rabbit your charts looking good,ill keep my fingers crossed for you.

heidi sorry the receptionist was a cow and didnt tell you anything,its all about "confidentiality",thats the reason oh has to go to the next fertility appoinment with me for them to ask him if he has asthma,smokes and ever had any operations,all those questions could be answered by me but no they wont have it.try not to worry,easier said than done but itll soon be monday.

twiggy & chele i know where your coming from about the oh,mines being ok at the minute but sometimes he doesnt think before he opens his mouth,they just dont seem to realise how desparate(is that the right word)we are for a baby.
Wow rabbit your chart is looking great!! fx'd for lots more high temps!

Chele, sorry to hear about your OH, some times men just don't know what to say and when they do its always the wrong things lol, ranting here helps us all for sure!

Thanks gypsy,I'm working all this weekend so i hope monday comes around quick at least at work my mind is distracted slightly. It's annoying having to wait for another appointment for bloods again then waiting to find out another week after that what the results are, ugh.

Twiggy when do you hear back about your 2nd lot of bloods?

Twiggy when do you hear back about your 2nd lot of bloods?

Not for a couple of weeks aparently?! Dont know why wen the first set only took a couple of days!! No matter, im really waiting for AF to show so then can get cd21 app booked in...nowt much answers until then anyway!

Yep, men can be pretty insensitive to ttc...they just dont have that maternal instinct, dont think they feel the natural feeling of wanting a baby!! Meh, least iv got you guys!!

well been at my friends 21st bbq lunch thing..didnt drink alcohol! I took the car and just said we couldnt afford taxis, drink etc! So bullet dodged. Now all i need to find out is if it was all worth it tomorrow morning when im guna do a test....:blush:

fingers crossed for the test twiggy xx
ooo twiggy fingers crossed for u!

im a bit lost with everyone now, iv not been on in a while .. would be grateful for a short update on everyone. Im on cd116 today!!! took temp this morning for 1st time in a long while and it was 36.1 but thats probs coz i was drinking last night and i know that drink can affect temps.... hope everyone is ok! xxxxxxxxxx
well girls, couldnt sleep last night for knowing would be testing this morning- and for a :bfn: :( im not too gutted was a bit of a long shot so just movin on up..will maybe do another test on tues or wednesday just coz i had the feeling this time- symptoms are still quite prominent...OH thinks it could be, but im 10 dpo today (i think?) and frer was deffo negative! Hmm...we'll see, im fine tho! Goin over to my parents house for sunday dinner in a bit.

Hi Drakey hun, not seen u in a while, hows things going?! cd116 sounds fun! Im not that far behind you now cd93 an all!!

Thanks for the messages chele and rabbit! Hopefully next time i'l be able to come back with a :bfp:! xx

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