so i guess trying not to fret over it too much but as im sure all of us long cyclers know and have thought about- its not the end of the world...chele hun, are you on clomid or anything?!
Chele you made me LOL wen i read ur post....think il post a video of me running down the street with a pee-drenched stick in my hand...probably in my dressing gown screaming
"Iv got my bfp, IV GOT MY BFP!!!!

LOL that would be soooooo funny, can just see you with toilet roll stuck to your leg as well, all the neighbours wondering whats going on....
No not on clomid. Yet but keep you posted as that's what I want.
So I went to the doctor today.
She said "we'll give you some drugs to start your period and then do the bloods on cd 21" My heart sank...........
then she continued "but to be honest as you're not ovulating we'd just be going round in circles and 2-3 months further down the line with probably no answers. So I'd prefer to send you for a referral to the hospital."
Woop woop just what I wanted. Yipppeeee. So am being referred to Jessops hospital in Sheffield. It's a womens/maternity hospital you get sent to for your lady problems, so am dead chuffed and just awaiting the letter for my appointment. Then I think they'll look at Clomid.
Still no idea when

will show, but yipppeeeee just need my appointment now.