aw Chele, you know i feel
exactly the same as you esp being on practically the same cycle...and i even said your exact words to my OH yesterday...
"...most women have THREE cycles in the time iv only had one...i just wish i had more chances!!!!!! Feel really cheated
I think if any more of my friends get pg i'l just cut them outta my life- its actually getting to that point- its just too hard to see them with their growing bumps and there's ALWAYS something...the first scan, finding out the sex, they bought the pram, they bought the baby's first outfit for coming home from hospital....and then dont even get me started on the birth....
its just like every little step is another kick in the guts. Hurts so badly when all i want in this world is to just do all those things!!!!
...aaaaaand rant over. could hit myself the way i go on about this...feels like its ALL i ever think about.
so anyway my weekend was good, spent saturday with OH down at my family's for a BBQ, then spent today at the beach with OH with my family and the dog lol....but i actually did an opk on friday night...haha just to see if it was -ive after me getting 3 +ives and right enough it had gone i
could, (VERY UNLIKELY) but
could be in a 2ww? If these opk's were right and i did ov on thursday...then im 3dpo- but coulda just been a trick my body's playing as cd88 seems pretty hopeless tbh.
I duno, i was getting wierd AF twinges at the beach today and bbs have been surprisingly sore (when at the family bbq, picked up little sis in a hug -who is 14 for the record- and dropped her suddenly as it hurt so much!) So we'll see if it is either AF or pg...but im guessin maybe AF- hell...i'v been wishing for her visit for so long now, typical now i might be in a 2ww i dont want her!!!
So hows all the 80+girls feeling? Heidi, chele, drakey...we're all getting close to our apps

yey! xxxx