Hey everyone!
Long time no speak, How are you all doing? I hope your all keeping well and more importantly positive!!

I haven't been on here in a while, as I have taken pretty much a break from B&B to just chill out and not obsess over every little detail!

But I thought I would update you all on my situation.
Been for my ivf appointment 2 weeks ago, which has given us our first IVF Cycle scheduled for January 2011! Which is great news, as it's no where near as long as I thought the wait would be. We will have 2 free attempts of this on the NHS, so that was good news too!
Just got back today then from our appointment for IUI, which is scheduled for First Cycle Attempt in August 2010! Can't believe how fast it has happened really. Not really 100% sure of what to expect, but here is what I know so far...
...I am to take Norethisterone on 30th July to 8th August so that it will start my period to match the timetable at the hospital. Day 1 of my cycle will be 12th August 2010.
12th August 2010 - Ultrasound scan to check all is good
13th August 2010 - Start Suprecur Injections
14th August 2010 - Start Gonal F Injections
20th August 2010 - Ultrasound scan cd9
23rd August 2010 - Ultrasound scan cd12
25th August 2010 - If all is well 1st IUI Treatment today!
In a state of shock I think at the minute, as only had my referral appointment today, and feel that this has all happend very quickly. I am very excited, but really not sure what to expect. Never thought that this would happen this way. Always expected things to be a lot easier. I guess some things just don't turn out the way you want them to sometimes.
Anyhow, just thought I would pop by and keep you updated.
Hope all is well your end, let me know how you are all doing, and speak to you all soon.
