Team Conceive Stress Free!!

How have I been? Um.. busy, over-working, sleeping, bitter, tired, roller coaster of emotions really... Got my good moments and my bad moments. I get days where it's actually good and then others that are just well, harder. :shrug: It helps that I can see the amount of money being saved towards baby fund but at the same time it's a crush to my hope knowing that the chances of us ever conceiving naturally is really very slim... At least there are stuff the drs can do to help us get the baby we want. At least we will have a baby eventually.
Atleast you have a goal to look forward to :thumbup:. Me and you both are in the waiting game.

AFM, im on cd15. I finally got the new health insurance processed and that's going to be effective November 1st. But Im going to wait until I'm with DH to go to the doctor so we both can find out and I dont just go by myself. I really need my support system. For some odd reason, DH and I both have that "prepare for the worst mentallity" in which we both said was pretty bad to do, so we are just going to go in and find out what's wrong. I have been tossing and turning all night so not really any sleep for me. Also, a tooth that has been causing pain, popped out on its own :shock: I think something hit it when I was eating but atleast I dont have to deal with pain :thumbup: Now if only my wisdom teeth would pop out on their own..would save me a trip to the dentist :haha: 36 more days until Im on vacation in Connecticut with DH :happydance: Im super happy. And then DH graduates on Nov. 30th and I move to Connecticut around the beginning of December after I come back which is Dec. 3rd! Atleast I will be up there before Christmas and my birthday. My DH already bought me my gift and its an IPOD eeeekkk :happydance: I needed a new one so he bought me a 160GB IPOD Classic :happydance: He knows just what to buy me. Now I got to think of what to buy him for Christmas. Im hoping to atleast be able to ttc during the trip if not then December definitely. And the funny thing is...if we conceive December (my birth month)...beanie would be due in September (DH's birth month) which DH was always hoping would happen secretly :haha: But we shall see. As for as my body goes, I just been taking the prenatals but I get too much cm. Yes, I know it sounds weird to complain about cm but seriously, I either have to put a panty liner on or end up changing underwear in midday because it leaks out as if its the after result of dtd :shrug: Don't know whats going on neither. Thought it could be like early ovulation or something :shrug: My cycles are being all over the place. The earliest for my cycle to start was I think 16 days and the longest 52 days so thats my new range instead of 35 days now. So now we just :coffee: Also, today, I have to enroll in dental insurance so getting all the enrollment etc out the way so I can start the health and dental process. Most likely going to do the dental work before the health because I want to be pain free before ttc but we shall see.
Good plan- take care of any dental work before ya get preg cuz there are some things they cannot fix when you are preg.

Awwww iPod! Awesome! I settled on buying this iu sweatshirt hoodie for mine for Christmas. Might find one small gift to add to that cuz he saw me buy it. :-= the small gift shall be a surprise, maybe some kind of plug in speakers for his iPhone to use with the white noise app. We will see. I just need to buy gifts for other peeps in my family- my parents and nephew and niece. I might donate to charity for my sis and bro for their Christmas gifts since we do not buy each other anything for Christmas.
DG-yes thats why im going to do the dental work first so i dont have to have limitations. And that sounds like a plan for Christmas.
AFM, im on cd1 today. AF has started 20 days after the abnormal bleeding and found out that ovarian cysts cause abnormal bleeding in between periods :growlmad: Well, i had a talk with DH and I was going to wait until I went up there yo handle the whole going to the doctor to get treated BUT DH now is showing concern and he wants to go with my previous plan which was to seek medical help BEFORE i leave to Conencticut next month. So im changing my PCM (Primary Care Manager/doctor) to a female and will schedule an appt immediately when my insurance goes into effect which is next Thursday :happydance: So will be seeing the doctor soon. I'm just ready to get rid of these cysts so I can finally conceive with no problem and have a LO in our arms.
Boo that stinks Mz. Hope the dr can do something and you can conceive your rainbow baby! I'm due for af soon- normal cycle. :shrug:
Well, i havent updated in awhile. Alot has happened :dohh: I went to my ob/gyn on Nov. 6th and she diagnosed me with PCOS :nope: So currently, she wants me to take BCP for 6 months to regulate my cycles and get rid of the cysts and then after 6 months..stop taking them and in her words "have sex every day because you want to catch the first egg that is released after you stop the BCP" :haha: So since the 11th, I have been taking BCPs and it has been working wonders. I have more energy, my libido is through the roof, its a very low dose BCP and to top it all off...NO SYMPTOMS :happydance: Its like im not taking BCPs at all :thumbup:

Now here's my current update: AFM, im on cd26. Took my BCP already. I dont have a clue why im up right now. Well, i've noticed that with these BCPs I have alot of energy and my libido is through the roof :thumbup: Also, the downfall is that I get loads of creamy cm throughout the whole day with them. Normally, i get creamy cm but then eventually it dries up. But ever since I've started the pills, the cm just never goes away. So i have to stay with a panty liner just in case. Also, so far no spotting or bleeding while taking the pills so I guess thats a good sign. Next week sunday will start week 2 on BCPs which is a huge milestone because when i was on BCP previously after the m/c, i couldnt even get through week 1 without deciding to stop taking them. AF is due in 9 days so lets see if i still have a bleed or the BCP will stop AF from arriving. Im hoping it stops AF from arriving because i dont want to have another AF while im on vacation. Well, im pretty much done packing finally :happydance: So now its just time to wait for the 22nd to come so I can see my wonderful DH and we enjoy our 2 weeks together :happydance: Also, later on this morning, Im going to help a friend exercise so im feeling pretty good about this. I finally can be a physical trainer to somebody :haha: I just want to thank the Navy though because they did work me out so now im stronger and more toned and I finally got my abs back :happydance: It took alot of hard work but it worked although my abs like to disappear when I eat etc :rofl: But now I got to keep myself in shape because weight gain is a symptom and I just dont want to let myself go because im on BCP and try to get back into shape once I stop them. Better now when I have the energy than later. Well, let me wrap this up because if I keep talking, I will have enough to write a book :haha:
Wow pcos! Glad the dr figured it out and you got a plan! Hey we could very well be bump buddies this time next year!
i know! im sooo happy to finally find out whats going on and being bump buddies would be great :hugs:
:hugs: so what else you been up to? I'm still occupied with work and school. I'm a workaholic. :shrug:
i've just been busy packing for my trip to dh (finally got it done), helping MIL pack up her things in her house because the bank auctioned off her house and pretty much kicked her out so she is moving into our place and been busy spending time with the family before i leave on my trip.

Update: Today is a lovely cool day and Im enjoying the weather as much as possible because I dont know when the next heat wave will hit. Today, im on cd27 and tomorrow ends the first week of BCPs :happydance: I have only 5 MORE DAYS BEFORE I SEE DH :happydance::happydance::happydance: Im over the moon happy right now about it. DH booked his tickets to come down here Dec. 20th-Jan. 6th. So he's going to be here for Xmas, my 23rd birthday, new years eve nand new years :happydance: He said that for my birthday, he wanted to do a cruise to Hawaii :cloud9: I would love that but we shall see. Atleast now we got 5 months to vacation, enjoy and explore before we settle down and start back on the ttc wagon. I think this 6 month break is exactly what we need to save up more money, go vacation with just the two of us and get to have our "alone" time and enjoy being with each other. I think this is our mini vacation :haha: From what im getting...the BCPs will be out of my system in no time once i stop because the midwife told me to have sex every day with dh right starting from when i stop taking the BCPs because the best thing is to catch the 1st egg that comes after the BCPs. So im hoping it doesnt take long. Hoping that after these long 2 yrs of actively ttc, a 6 month break can solve all the problems and we get our LO finally. Its been a very long journey for us and im just ready to finally enjoy the blessing we've worked hard for. Now back to these BCPs...these little things cause ALOT of cm :haha: Dont know why..maybe because its preventing pregnancy so thats why :shrug: I have no clue though. I should've ovulated by now though seeing that im on cd27 but then again you never know because of my crazy cycles. Hoping i can go back to the normal 28 day cycles I use to have but i guess thats wishful thinking :blush: Well, im all packed and ready to go to Connecticut. Finally got it done but atleast I dont have to worry about it now :thumbup:
Shradha- I'm good. Keeping myself busy. Fell a little behind in my savings goal on account of finances for IUI that I hadn't figured out that would happen but it'll be ok. We'll either catch up or postpone. No biggie. Work has been keeping me really busy and that's good in a sense. But I have to be careful too because I need to make sure I'm taking care of myself in the process as well.
AFM, im cd28 today. Time is flying by in my cycle and tomorrow I officially start week 2 of the BCPs. Thursday I will be on the plane to go see DH so I am super uber excited :happydance: I have been waiting for this day for the longest. DH and I both have doc appts on Monday :thumbup: Also, since im finished packing, I can focus on other things like MIL moving in, working out etc. Well today is Saturday and Im going to enjoy my Saturday. Might go to the beach or the pool. We shall see though.
i have never been to hawaii let alone on a cruise. so im hoping we can go.
tomorrow starts week 2 of the bcps and i just starting to get the nausea symptom on and off.
thanks DG and yes the nausea was short lived. Thank goodness. Now im back to normal and no symptoms :thumbup:

AFM, cd29 today and just started week 2 of the birth control. 4 more days until I see DH :happydance: I bought 2 dresses at the mall and Im going to take them with me along with my boots. I showed him the dresses and DH being DH said if i bring those dresses then im going to get pregnant while on birth control :dohh: He is such a guy i tell you :haha: Today, going to hang with my friend and just relax. Yesterday, me and her went to the mall and then we went to see Twilight :cloud9: Enjoyed it!!!! Best movie ever!!! I want to see it again :blush: Let's see if the BCPs will give me a bleed. I seen that women were getting breakthrough bleeds etc but I havent gotten any bleeding so far so im assuming thats a good thing. Im hoping it doesnt jumpstart an AF too. Hoping i can enjoy my trip AF worry free.

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