OMG ladies i awoke this morning and thought what the hell im gonna test...11dpo and within a minute i looked and nearly fainted...

!!!i haD A FEELING THIS MOTH BECAUSE IVE HAD SO MANY SYMPTOMS!!! ooops sorry about the capital letters im all in a tizz!!!
Symptoms for me:
My boobs dont hurt at all, and around period they get tender but are fine!
The stuffy nose that lasted a day, i thought that was strange!!!
Weeing all the time, thought it was cystitis (i still think i got a bit of infection) better get it sorted!
The horrible backache sunday thought i was gonna keel over it was throbbing! Thougt it was my kidneys and thought i had kidney infection

The pale pinkness on the tissue again i put it down to the cystiis!!
And cramping all yesterday thoght te witch was comming any minute, and the twinges on my left side!!!
My wee smlled alot stronger but again thought it was the infection
I cant believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope its a real

its all pink and i dont have to squint to see it, obviously notas dark as control line but dark enough for me and OH to cry over it!!!
The dcotor said i might go through the menopause as early as 25 (im 26 now) because of the chemoterapy for the cancer i had 5 years back, so this might be my last chance for a baby and i couldnt be happier omg im cryin happy tears ohhh i havnt seen these in awhile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
first time using pre-seed too!!!