Team Jelly Belly!!!

Its almost time Jai Jai, that is so exciting! I cant wait!

R- I am sorry he relapsed, maybe he was having an off day. I hope he gets back into the swing of things. You are doing great though with the potty training, unfortunatley my sil had an awful time with her daughter when her son was born because she felt like the baby could wear a diaper why couldnt she. and an attention thing. So i would say you are doing great. :)

Mel- I really hope you are figuring out the crossroads :) Keep us updated, and if you need any help we are here to listen!

AFM: My dr. said that yes it could take anywhere from 10 days and more to get af, so i am hoping the birhtday bd can happen! I have not read if i can drink while taking any of the meds, but i plan on drinking a lot this weekend, so i hope its ok. If af does not come then i am sure its ok because i wont be taking the clomid yet.

I have an unusual topic, and i doubt anyone feels this way because this forum is specificaly for ttcers, but some days I am like, hmmm maybe i should wait another year. Now that the dr is reassuring that it will happen very soon, i am getting nervous too. I think the idea of not knowing when it i will happen was safe, now I am panicking some days. I am young, and that has a lot to do with it too. But there are younger people on here and all my friends with babies are my age. Dh said he could go either way, a baby would be great, and if not we are fine now. I guess another reason is we are going to have a roommate starting the day after my bday. She is great, younger, actually I am her boss and softball coach. She goes to college full time and works two full time jobs so we will hardly see her. But i have been going out often with her and partying is fun still to me. Its just all bad timing I think. But then when is it ever perfect timing for a baby. Ugh. So confused, and anxious all at once. maybe its the meds all the hormones and stuff lol.
well still not convinced that it is the :witch: still lightly spotting nothing major, but its bright red so wondering if I did a little too much house work or lifting? I don't remember lifting anything heavy though, but I did wake up with a very sore back this morning :-s No Tim and I still have not had :sex: I have a doctors appt tomorrow morning for them to check and make sure my IUD is in its proper place, I've told him that I am spotting still so he didn't want to do anything...I said you know the doctor told me I would spot on and off for up to 6 months with this IUD!! Think I will remain a virgin for awhile... :cry:

Alright Jenna spill it...I want to know jellytot's name!!!! :D I promise not to say anything on FB! Glad "she" is engaged, woo hoo!!!! :yipee:

Thanks Ash, he did this right after Kaiya was born too and went completely back to not using the potty until just recently, he's a very stubborn kiddo, not sure what's making him revert back this time, I'll just give it a bit longer I guess. :dohh: And I think its good that you are feeling this way about not wanting one for another year, I've heard that people that decide that ususally get their BFP right away...I hope this happens for you too hun! :hugs:
Ash, I understand how you feel. DH and I thought about having a second baby for awhile, but even after I got pregnant I thought about how much I was giving up again. I liked my life before getting pregnant but I am very happy that I have this little boy on the way! There never is a right time, so if you want to have more fun have it. Enjoy your "me time"!
Ash I had the same feelings too :hugs: I think it is natural espesh when your young and you think about what your giving up....but think about the gain and I mean it will happen one day - you put it off and I bet before you know it you wish you hadn't and all your friends will have babies and settled family life and you will suddenly wonder when it happened and will have no one to party with :rofl: gosh a paint a bleak picture :dohh: sorry :blush: that didnt mean to sound so weird!!! I just mean there is never a RIGHT time :hugs:
Hi Girls,

Hope you are all doing well.

MS has just about gone, still threw up this morning but I am hopeful I won't tomorrow.

OMG Jenna, things are really moving along. Do you think there might be a chance you wil have to have a C-section?
hmmmm it maybe an option Debs if I can't curb my SPD - I reeeeeeally want a natural birth though!!! :(
Hellooo ladies!!

So sorry i haven't been on, i'm currently attending training sessions out of office so no internet available. By the time i get home i'm so tired that i just flop into bed. To make it worse, there's a 90-day paper assignment that I have to do after the training, and since i'm going to be on maternity leave, they're kind of expecting me to finish it before i give birth!! as if i can predict when that's going to happen.. aih.. training ends on the 17th.. so the 90-days start right after that.. and i'm due anytime from 31st August onwards (actual due date - 19th sept). I don't know how i'm going to get it done in time! :nope:

Anyway, enough ranting about work...

Gabby, so so so happy to hear that little Jack is out of NICU, and i hope that the two of you get better soon! Glad that your DH is being great help at home :) i wish i could see pictures of you two, can anyone pass me Gabby's facebook account details so I can add her? On second thought, can i add everyone?! :D

Jenna!! OMGosh!! Anytime soon!!! All the best to you, hope things go smoothly and you get to have a normal birth!

Debs, here's hoping MS goes away super soon!! Then you'll get to enjoy your pregnancy without worrying about the nausea and headaches! :happydance:

Lea!! Can you believe it?! We're almost there!!! :happydance:

Rhonda, how's little Kaiya and B? Hope they're doing ok! Fingers crossed that your spotting is really nothing :)

Ashley, I'd say either way, just go for it! :D True we might be giving up on some when we have a little buncle to take care of, but I think that in the end, it'll all be worth it and heck, I'm sure we'd be able to find ways to squeeze in some "me" time ey? (i don't know if i'm making sense, i can hardly understand myself nowadays, lol)

Sara - everything alright on your side? Haven't read much from you in quite a while (but then, who am i to talk, lol)

Mel - Hope you overcome the crossroads hun :hugs:

Caroline - how's the BDing getting on? *grin*

Oh yes! I have lots of pictures of my babyshower that I want to share with all of you!! Too many to put up here so I figured maybe you could all view it on FB instead? You can view the album here...

errr... no one knows that I'm on BNB (I don't think DH knows either :D). You ladies are like my very own private secret society.. heheheh.. so try not to leave comments there mmkay? *giggle*

The baby shower was awesome, i laughed so much i felt like I could pass out with laughter :happydance: my friends organized games and brought so much food and they were so great that they handled everything from setting up to cleaning up! All i did was just have fun!

So that's it from me! Hope I'll be able to drop in more soon.

Hugs to all of you!!
Wow Liyana looks like you have some amazing friends and you guys look like you had a blast! I've added you as a friend :)

and unfortunately it is the dreaded :witch: Its much lighter than normal because of the IUD and in time it will get even lighter, maybe even go away completely which would be fine by me!! So today is only CD4...and I have a wedding to go to tomorrow, sigh, of course she's made her appearance in time for that. Doctors visit went well, she said the IUD is in its place so I got the green light to have :sex: again :dance: if only the :witch: would hurry up and leave already!!!
Wow I really cant believe no one has posted on here in a while! Well my bday weekend was awesome. i had so much fun it was ridiculous! thanks everyone for replying to my semi breakdown lol. I am now on day 9 of the provera and i am supposed to get af any day now. I have read somewhere that it is an awful one, so i am worried a little. then i can start the clomid and then the ultra sound. it feels like its taking forever lol. DH went for his analysis, he was so flustered though and nervous, he was not fully "prepared" and i am worried about that result as well. fingers crossed! i hope everyone is well, it is a dreary day here today and it always rains on wednesday. i feel like watching a movie lol. Yesterday was my first day back to work in a week and it was awful, like i wanted to leave my job and not return. it is better today, but still not good, i am sure things will calm down. :)
hey all, sorry to have been awol - feeling very down about TTC and kind of trying to not be around BnB - although have been seeking SA advice in the LTTC. Got the date moved forward a little to 10th of sept, but decided to try and go private anyway.
think AF is here already - lots of gunk (TMI -sorry) and spotting for days. Waaaay early - only about 8-9 dpo today! GRRRRRRR

looking forward to meeting your jelly baby Jenna

Hope AF is kind to you Ash - you still going to TTC??

Debs - 2nd trimester =- whoooo hooooo
sorry that the :witch: is coming already :( hope she is kind to you :hugs: good news about SA etc :hugs:

oooh Ash think ppl are slow on the posting in here as we post in each others journals too :D :haha: sorry :blush:
Sorry I have been gone gals, I stopped even checking in here because it was always so slow and then when I do check there are pages for me to catch up on. Ash I am on provera this month too. Waiting for AF to show up so I can take the clomid too but so far I am not getting her and now my temps are all crazy. I am going to the drs today to find out why she is not here since I only took 7 days of provera and anytime I took 10 days, AF showed up on the 3rd day after the last pill so I still have no AF after 9 days since my last pill. I will let you know what I hear today. Good luck on the clomid I didn't have too bad side effects from it but my CM did dry up so I got preseed to help and this time around I am going to take baby aspirin because my lining seemed thin after the clomid and I am also going to take Robitussin and use instead cups, that is if AF ever shows. Jai-Jai, Rhonda and Debs, I talk to you gals in your PG journals so I am already updated with you but everyone else I am so excited that even though we might be slow at times our little group has survived this long. :hugs: to you all.
ok well dr just gave me more provera, pregnancy test said negative but I knew that already so now I am taking 10 more days of provera, if af doesn't come after 7 days from my last pill I go back but I don't know what happens then so hopefully I won't have to find out.
Af came today, I took one pill and she comes so now I have some on stand by incase 50 mgs does not work. :yipee: for me!!!
:wohoo: for Sara!!! :D I wish I could give you my AF and she'd leave me...going on day 12 here, so frustrated!!! :growlmad:
Hi Girls,

I have only read this page. I will go back and catch up on everyones news.

Sarah, so glad that bloody :witch: finally showed up, now you are all ready for a visit from the :pink: FX the clomid does the trick this time around.

When I was on Clomid my FS put me on a dose of Eustrogen at the same time to help prevent drying up, might be worth mentioning it to your doctor.

DH and I went and bought the cot and compactum today, should arrive in 6 weeks. I have attached a picture of it and the bedding we have decided on.

Hope you are all having a fabulous weekend.

Big hugs,

PS: I am going to go and catch up on what you have been up to.
PPS: on the 22 September we would have been friends for a year :hugs:


  • Babys Bedding.jpg
    Babys Bedding.jpg
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    Caitlin Cot and Compactum.JPG
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I'm so sorry I haven't posted here. I have just been quite frustrated and there's a lot going on between sickness and every day life.

I have been keeping up though...

:hugs2: to each of my beautiful, wonderful Jelly Buddies.
Caroline definitely feel free to pop over to LTTC and ask questions about SA etc.
The girls there are awesome.

Mel, I wish I could give you a :hug:. I don't know what you are going through but I am if and when you would like to talk about it you know we are all here for you. I hope life gets less complicated very soon.
Debs- Love the bedding, thanks for the well wishes. Wow, already in 2nd tri? I better be able to join you in the PH area even for a bit since I dropped the ball with Rhonda :rofl: 1 year already? For this thread or for the cycle buddies thread I kind of threw myself into before the team jelly bellies? Isn't it funny how we were really the only team out there and now there is a whole section for teams? We are trend setters :rofl:

Well Af is still here and I duh it is only 2 days but I am glad she didn't just disappear since she started a few hours after I had taken the provera, I was worried she would have stopped because of it.

R- so sorry she is staying so long at your house, is it because of the Mirenna? FX this roller coaster ends soon.

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