Team Jelly Belly!!!

Oh my word!

Hope you and Jack are both happy and well. We are all thinking of you and sending you our best wishes and big hugs.
I said this in your other thread but HUGE CONGRATS Gabby!!! And Welcome to the world baby Jack, Happy Birthday! :D I can't wait to see pics! Hope your doing well Gabby and so glad your done with the more GD or bedrest for you hun :wohoo:
Congrats Gabby, I will be jumping over to your other thread to read what you have of your story so far.

Sorry I have been AWOL I have been here I promise but when i kept checking our thread it was always empty so I don't come for awhile and have a million pages to catch up on.

Debs- Love your belly, you are starting to get one.

Jenna- I totally freaked when I read about you falling, i posted in your PG journal.

R-I actually have talked to you in your PG journal too so I already told you that I love love love that video.

I love all the new bump pictures and Gabby I am glad you posted a last one even though I don't know if you knew it was a last one when you took it. As for me I am waiting for the drs to let me know if my blood work is in today like it should have been but they screwed up and the lab never picked it up last Monday so it was ruined and I had to give 5 more vials on Wed. If it is back from the lab I will go in today for confirmation on if I have PCOS or not so we will see. I am so excited to read about Jack and see his pictures, I already know he will be so darn cute already though, look at his Mamma. I will let you all know what i find out.
Good luck Sarah I hope you get your results today and your doctor can finally help you to get that much deserved BFP.
OMG Gabs....eeeeeeeeek I hope your ok - congrats - gonna go read ur thread now.... :hugs:

Sara - good luck

Debs - hope ur feeling better!?!

will cacth up more later feel like poooo
Yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Gabby and Jack!!! I hope you two are doing well. I can't wait to see pictures of your cute little guy. Can't wait to read your birth story!

Debs, what a cute little belly! I hope the doc gave you good news today!

Jai, I'm sorry you still feel like pooooo!

Sara, I can't believe they screwed up your bloodwork. I hope you can get the results soon and at least know what your up against.

Wow our 2nd jelly belly baby! Gabs was right when she said she would most likely go before Jenna! 2 down and 5 to go! I love that our "to go" number keeps getting bigger.
Well i get the results in about an hour, i guess they came in over the weekend :yipee: so I will post when I get back home. Thanks for all your well wishes.
Hey girls! I'm at the hospital and we only have a computer but my cousin brought her laptop for me for awhile. Thank you all sooooo much for the congrats!!!!! I'm in tears it was so nice to read all the lovely comments

I dont have much time but just letting you know i'm feeling pretty good. Up moving around and all. Just dealing with low blood pressure so thats about it.

I went in b/c of contractions and the NEW on call doc came and checked me and tested to see if i was leaking fluid..b/c i said i thought i had been for about a week. Sure enough my waters had ruptured and we dont know when. I was leaking slowly! Also Jack was having decerlations on the monitor so they said lets go and do the section.

I didnt even bring my bag b/c i thought for sure i'd go home! Well I had baby Jack...he came out 6lbs 60z!!!!! He was 33weeks and 6days old. He came out blue but then started to cry!:)

He is doing pretty good, stable for now. he's on cpap with 38% oxygen. They won't allow me to hold him yet and so far i've only gotten to touch his leg.:( He is in the NICU. they wont give him any food, not even tube feeding untill his respritory gets better. He's SUPER cute and looks just like his brothers.

they said he's so big b/c of the diabetes.

I will update soon again and i will try to get the pictures up soon! i promise!!!!

Sorry for all the misspellings not use to a laptop and typing fast.

HUGS TO YOU ALLL......i love yoU!
We love you too Gabs! Get healed up quick and you'll have Jack kangarooing in no time! 38% is not bad at all!!!! He's going to do great honey, I know it! :hug: Congratulations times ten thousand!! :hug:
So great to hear from you Gabby!!! :hugs: I'm glad your doing well and already up moving around, your a champ! I too had to deal with the low blood pressure, its not bad and should fix itself in no time. I'm glad Jack is doing well, I wanted to cry when I read that they wouldn't let you hold him...that's so heartbreaking! :( I hope you can soon, and Jack if you are listening, get better soon sweetie so your mommy can hold and feed you. Your strong Gabby and have been through this before you're awesome and we love you so much, hang in there love!
Congratulations Gabby!!! Jack is adorable - I saw the pics on FB! Hope by the time you read this you've had your cuddle! Hugs to you and your new bigger family! Woohooo 2 jelly babies already! I hope your hubby is giving you both lots of love.

Wow, lots going on with the rest of you Jellies. I'm glad you're both ok Debs and Jenna - please take it easy both of you.

MT - hope you did Ov.
R - the video is the cutest thing I've seen! OH was watching it too - he loved it!
Sara - hope you get your blood works
Liyaan - enjoy your shower
Everyone else - hugs to you all - sorry I can't remember everything it's been ages since I was on here!!

Feeling very down about TTC this month, so been avoiding BnB. AF was evil, which sucked, especially as I was on my hols at the in law's house - but had to come and say congrats to Jack and Gabby.

Got an NHS appointment for OH's sperm test - 28th of Sept! Grrr - going to try and get a private one done. I can't believe it's that long just for the sperm test. If there is something wrong I think we'll have to go private. Not going to book our holidays until we've had that - in case we need the money. Sigh.

Hugs to you all xxx
Well my results were all normal, and apparently my dr is not a Gyno so now i wait for a referral to the gyno which should take a week. I guess it is just a waiting game for me now, no idea what to do now besides twiddle my thumbs.

cholesterol 181
triglycerides 71
HDL 54
LDL 113
TSH 3rd generation 1.614
Free T3(thyroid) 3.3
Free T4 1.08
White blood ct 5.6
glucose 96
Betta HCG quant <2
FSH 4.6
prolactin 5.4
Progesterone 0.80
Testosterone 64.7
Estrogen total 238
SHBG* 71
*SHBG= Sex Hormone Binding Globulin
Morning girls :hi:

Last day off, haven't seen blood since Thursday so that is a relief. I got to see my little baby yesterday and my FS is still convinced it is a girl based on the angle and from what he saw between her legs but said to hold off buying pink until after I see him at my next appointment in two weeks time.

Gabby, oh my word I echo everything Rhonda said I couldn't put it into better words myself you are sooo awesome.
I can't wait to see the pics of little Jack and hope you get to hold and feed him soon.

R, how is it going with Kaiya? Is she feeding better and letting you get more sleep at night?

Jenna, how are you doing? I hope you are taking it easy. I told my FS how your hospital sent you home and he was furious they would never do that to you here in SA they would pamper you for a minimum of 24 hours that is the law.
All these babies are coming early I hope you make it nearer to the 40 week mark.

Sara, I already put this document in your journal but here it is again. I hope it helps.

Liyana, we anxiously await the pics from your baby shower!

Lea, do you have a date set up yet for your baby shower.

Caroline sorry the witch was such a b***. I am glad that you are thinking about going private at least hopefully you won't have to wait so long, September does feel very far away just for SA results. Good luck.

MT, you are so lovely to want to look after everyones babies but you are going to have your hand full with one of your own very soon.
I hope you medical insurance stuff gets sorted out so you can get a helping hand speeding it along.

Ashley, I never know when you may pop in but we miss you and wish you all the best.

Thinking of you all, hope I haven't missed anyone out.

Big hugs,


  • SMR0421 blood comparison.doc
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Hi ladies!!

Quick drop in!! I can't find my camera cable so can't get pics into computer yet!! argh!!

on another note, my cousin (who is 7 mnths preggy) has complained to me that her baby's moving rather slowly nowadays, not as hyper as it used to. Is this normal?
should she call up the doc??
Good Morning everyone :D Feeling pretty good this morning, Kaiya had a 6 hour stretch of sleep last night :dance: She ate at 8 last night and didn't wake up again to eat until 2am! I was so happy! Let's pray that sticks! She's definitely not as good a baby as Brayden was, he hardly ever cried and was so happy all the time, she does cry quite a bit...thank goodness for the swing! She's getting so should see the fat little cheeks...I just love kissing them :D Well I started my diet and worked out for the first time last night, boy did that drain me of everything I had, I was so tired last night the second my head hit the pillow I was out!

Oh I forgot to mention...Kaiya's nursery is FINALLY all done!!! :yipee: I haven't taken pics yet, I will soon I promise!!

Liyanna if I were your cousin I would definitley call the doc and get checked out just to be safe!

Debs I'm so glad you're bleeding has stopped hope it stays away, so excited for you to have a little girl too!!

Sara sorry your having such crummy luck with doctors lately, at least your results are normal though, that has to make you feel a little better. Hope you get more answers when you get to see a gyno hun :hugs:

Thanks Caroline, Brayden is always coming up to Kaiya and giving her kisses, I'll have to show him that video when he's older and they 2 of them are always fighting and saying how much they hate one another :rofl: I can't believe they are making you wait until Sept!! Doctors should try to do thing a lot faster for couples trying to have a baby, I think its wrong that they make you wait so long for everything and give you such a run around!

Jenna I hope everything is ok hun, you've been awfully quite lately, I miss you so much hun!!!!!

and MT just giving you some :hugs: :D

anyone heard from Sarah? I'm guessing she's decided not to try for #2 just yet...hope I didn't scare her away with all my horror stories :rofl:

Gabby I posted in FB also but Jack is just beautiful hun, we'll all have to have a big reunion when ALL of us has had our babies...if only we lived closer! Speaking of closer where abouts in CA do you live Sara, I might be going out there next summer as one of my good friends lives over there and is getting married, the wedding I think will be in Santa Cruz, is that somewhat close to you? I'd love to see you while I'm over there!!
Thanks ladies. Could someone PM me Gabs FB name please, I've gotta see her little guy!

Things are going so well it seems for everyone. I hope Jack is doing fantastic! I can't wait to see Kaiya's room! And Debs, I am so glad you're feeling good hun.

I'm doing alright. I feel like the antibiotics might be working already, I still have 4 days left on the z-pack, well today is one of the days left, I just haven't taken it yet. Anyone know if there's a worse chance of getting pg while on antibiotics? I talked to my doc about that, but I think I just need to kick this sickness, I can't keep missing work like this, and I'm miserable. I just hope if I'm going to get my sticky, that taking all these drugs won't inhibit that.

Jenna, I'm worried now. I hope you're ok.

Caroline hun...I am so sorry. I hope you can get it before September. :hugs2:
MT don't stress about the antibiotics, my FS explained to me that while you are in the TWW there is extremely little blood flow between you and the baby so definitely finish the course.

Don't forget a lot of women are out partying and filling their bodies with all kinds of things and they still get a BFPs.

Hope you feel better soon. Do you have any idea when you might get to see a gynae or fertility specialist?
Thank you Debs.
Well I got a referral from my GP for a new GYN...but I have to research and see what my insurance allows/covers. I might just bite the bullet and see my regular GYN and talk to her about all this stuff. I know she'll want a CD22 blood draw and that's the first step I'm sure. I just really dislike her and don't like her lackadaisical additude. Maybe I'll call my insurance rep today.....
Thanks Debs for the message. I miss you all too! CONGRATS GABBY! That is great that Jack is here! So wonderful and I cant wait to see pics. :) Update from me, well my SIL miscarried. It is sad. I feel bad for her and my brother. They will try again in Oct. I am going to the dr today for my routine pap, i am going to talk to her about the clomid as I am now on Cd 31 and I am sure this cycle will be like the rest. Hopefully she can help me get pg again. I just cant believe that a year ago now I was finding out I was pg, and it has been so hard to get pg again. Seriously, last time it was the first try. I just get so mad thinking about the fact that its been a year. I know others have gone longer, I dont know how they do it.
:hugs: Ashley. I hear you sweetie. It is such a long road back but I believe it is going to happen for you. You may just need a bit of help as you said. Going to the doctor could definitely hurry things along. Stress goes a long way to inhibbiting things as well.
If you are feeling stressed perhaps you can look at taking something herbal like 'Gabba'.

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