Team Jelly Belly!!!

My visit with the dr today was so positive and encouraging, lord knows i needed it! My routine check up went great, everything is visibly fine. I am going for fasting blood work tomorrow and DH is going for a semen analysis on Monday. This is the first step toward a bump! I am so excited. She was so encouraging and basically said I will be pg in no time! LOL. I hope this is the case. She was talking about all sorts of medication and future steps to getting pg, so I am sure it will take time, but at least it is a foot in the door. I already feel that much closer. :)
oh Ash :hugs2: that is GREAT news! so happy your appt went so well; first step to that happy ending :yipee:
Debs- glad the bleeding stopped, Yeah for finding out a def sex in a few weeks.

Ash- so glad you got your foot in the door.

I had a GYN apt and he gave me a pap (yuck) and progesterone to get AF started and clomid for the following month. I am glad to feel like I will be in with a chance now. So excited to just take the clomid since my cycle off in hopes to O on my own was a bust.
Great news Ashley and Sara - fingers crossed for a BFP soon. Wish our NHS was more useful!

Think I'm ovulating today or tomorrow. Getting down with the BDing - whoop whoop!

Hugs to all the jelly bellies and jelly babies xxx
Hey ladies...hope all is well. Sorry i've been super sick and trying to go home and back to the hospital...its just kinda crazy. Just wanted to update on jack!

Update on baby jack! He's doing AWESOME> They are so surprised how well he's doing since he was so early. He's nippling his feedings now, and moved to an opened crib today! That means he's not in an incubator. If he keeps up the good work I'd say he'd be home by next weekened....which is 2 weeks in the NICU just like they planned! He's a little fighter and I know all the prayers have worked so well!!!!!!

I love my new little man so much and hubby is SO in love with him. We slept there last night and he got up at 11pm and 2am to feed him and then had the alarm set for us for 5am and was SO cute. He is being VERY helpful, cleaning the whole house,laundry, and took boys for a bike ride. I'm very proud of my hubby.

So i have lots of pain in my right lower abdomen and having fevers. I'm on antiboctis and they think it's an infection. Well i'm afraid it could be blood clots as these are the same signs i had with those.....but i'm hoping its not.......calling doctor tonight if i'm not any better.

Miss you all and hope all is well! big hugs
Hope it is not the clots again gabs :hugs: so glad things are all ok!! love youo poppet xx
Great news Ash! I'm glad your feeling so up and up hun, hope this positive vibes gives you your much deserved BFP!!!

Sara good luck this cycle with the clomid, i'll be stalking your chart for that happy ending!

Caroline, hope you caught the eggie hun, fx for you!!

Aww Gabs I'm so sorry, i know how awful it is to have to go right back into the hospital after you've just left and not be able to with your lil man, its heartbreaking!! I hope its not clots and maybe just what I had and something they can fix easily with some meds, I'll be thinking of you dear. Awesome news about Jack, he sounds so strong, hope he is home with you as I type this and your getting all your snuggling in. :D Tim was very helpful the first week and now its back to his old self :dohh: Hope Brian keeps up with it though, its a huge help I know!

Oh almost forgot...the nursery pics are up!! Check out my journal if you wanna see...
Aw Gabs, hope the meds are working and you're feeling better. So glad you've got your little boy home with you now. He's so lovely! Hope your hubbie is keeping up the good work!
R - the nursery is fab - but I've said that on FB!
Mel how you doing? any symptoms?
I've still not Oved yet (I know i've not put my temps up on FF - but I've not got over 36.4 which is what I need to have Ov'd) Still getting postives on my LH sticks - so hopefully it'll be soon.
I think I've figured out my ovaries!! One gives me short cycles - ov's about Cd14-15 and AF comes about CD 23-25 - and is painful and evil, and there's more mid cycle spotting.
The other ovary goes late Cd 18-20 and so AF comes about Cd28-30, less spotting and less evil AF.
Weird huh? but it's pretty consistent. So bizzare to be able to figure out my body so much just from temping and what-not!

I'm on late ovary this month - at least AF isn't so bad with that.

Hugs to you all xxx
Hey girls,.....i'm home with JACK!:) I'm still feeling like crap but i've been swtiched to a different antibotic and they say it's a kidney infection so we'll see.

ARGHHHH 3 kids is HARD> ...and gavin has a cold and fever.:(

Rhonda~WHEN WILL MY BOOBS STOP HURTING???????????lol....but seriously i wear a sports bra 24/7 but they are still engored and hurt so bad and rock long did yours take?

Okay girls so jack is suppose to feed every 3 hours and he takes about 45mins to eat. Well he needs at least 55cc's each feed and all i can get in him is 40cc's at most! otherwise he pukes and chokes on it. He was suppose to have 420cc's in 24hours...he's only got 340cc's...and they say under 375 to call the doctor. I'm waiting for them to open today, and he has to go in anyway but i hope they dont take Jack back to the hopsital....?:( I've never dealt with this so idk......

I just thought i'd update you. I'm sorry i havent read anything lately. miss you all!!!!! HUGS
Aw, I wish I knew what to say about Jack not eating enough. I hope you get your answers when they open today. I am glad you are home with him though. i am sure 3 kids is hard! I hope gavin feels better too.

I think I ov a couple days ago. Which was like cd 33. I am on cd 36 now. LOL. DH will go for his semen analysis on Thursday. We could not keep our hands to ourselves over the weekend :) and you cant bd at least two days before it lol. I had nine viles of blodd drawn on Thursday last week so i am waiting for all those test results this week. They should be in by this Thursday after DH's testing.

So I have prepaid a deposit to go white water rafting in September this year. I went last year in July and I was 4 wks pg and didnt know it. I drank some then and the rapids were not too bad so I was ok, but this year it is the harder rapids. If I get pg before obviously I would not be drinking, but would I have to give up the white water? I am assuming since the rapids are the hardest that time of year. I would gladly give up the white water and the deposit, I was just curious. I dont think I will be pg by then, but one can only dream huh. :)
Gabs I think taking Jack to the doctor when they are open is a good idea, especially since you have to see him anyway. I can't really give any advice on engorged, sore boobs or how much a baby should eat. I hope you get the answers you are looking for.
So glad it wasn't blood clots. Hope your kidneys get better quickly.

Ash, I think it is wonderful that you are planning things ahead and not putting your life on hold. I went parasailing two days after my IUI but I suppose that is quite relaxing as supposed to white water rafting....hmmm. I would say do it if you aren't sure you are preggas but if you get a faint BFP maybe best to forfit your deposit mainly because you will doubt yourself not that it would actually harm the baby.

I am going to Rhonda's journal to have a quick peak at the nursery and then I am off to watch some telly.

I can't believe you Americans don't make TV series during your Summer, what am I meant to watch...old reruns!!!!!!! :rofl:
Gabby I only remember them hurting really bad for 2 days I think and it took about a week for them to start going back down. Its much faster than if you try breastfeeding and decide to stop, that took forever for them to stop hurting! It wont be long hun. I hope you get good news at the doctors today sweetie!
Ok so here is a question for everyone. I am not sure what to do. The Dr. called today with my results. Everything is normal! I am fine! Why my cycles are so crazy is beyond her. So she put me on Provera to cause af and then clomid to take for ov or whatever. i am supposed to take the provera now till af arrives and then on cd3 take clomid till its gone. then on cd 14 have an u/s to see eggs. My question is, what if i ov over the weekend on cd 34 or whatever and dh and i bd like 5 times :blush: :happydance: and i am pg now, in the tww. wont the provera cause me to m/c and bleed? so should i wait until this cycle is over, and af comes on her own. then on cd3 take the clomid and cd 14 the u/s? and then use the provera the cycles after? or should i risk it and take the provera today since we have not gotten pg for 9 months now and need the help? what should I do? I want to get the ball rolling and i can with the provera today, but i just know we bd this weekend and I am on cd36 today. hmmm :muaha::shrug:
Gabby so glad to hear that Jack is home!!!! I hope the doctor can help you with his eating.

Ash, I don't have an answer to your question, but I think it would be best to ask your dr.
Thanks anyway. Well I am just gonna say that the dr. called back with more blood test results and all is still good, so she told me to start taking the meds today because it is likely i am not pg still. So i did. O well, who could blame me for being curious. So I started them today, and i will get af soon, and then have my u/s. Here is to more tests and hopefully a bfp after this cycle! :beer: O and My and my twin brothers bday is this Friday and DH is Bday is tomorrow. We are going out all weekend to celebrate, and Dh is mad that my meds will cause af during our celebration. O well though :( I am sad though he is going out of town until Thursday so no bday nookie for him. He is not supposed to anyway because of the semen analysis Thursday, so maybe af will hold off until Friday :blush:
Hi Ashley,

I am no expert on Provera but I think Sara probably is. I would guess from what I have read it can take up to ten days for AF to arrive so I would guess you and DH will be able to get some good quality :sex: in before her arrival and after his SA.

I am so happy you have the ball rolling so fast. Good luck with Clomid there are quite a few cases where it has worked first time around and great that you will be getting a scan done to check how many follicles and how many eggies are there. Pity they couldn't just throw in an IUI at the same time.

Looking forward to you getting your BFP very soon.

How are our other lovely TTCers? Sara, Mel, Caroline....hope you girls are doing well and hope it won't be long before you too get to see a BFP.

No news to report here, probably a good thing.
Just really cold.....brrrrrr

Hope you are all well and enjoying the summer sun shine.

Big hugs,
Heat wave over here Debs, feel free to takes some, its going to reach 90 today and its humid and sticky...going to be like this all week and we don't have a pool! I'm making Tim dig the little blow up kiddy pool out of the shed tonight, if I get desperate I may jump in and join Brayden :rofl: I'm feeling a little crampy today and noticed a small amount of blood when I went to the loo, trying to figure out if AF is making her first appearance or if I'm just spotting from the IUD? It has been 7 weeks so it could be the dreaded old :witch: Oh how I have not missed her!!! Well I've been having a lot of success with Brayden this week and the potty training thing, he did great yesterday, told me every time he had to go and went on the potty, I was so impressed and he had been telling me for a week when he had to go poop and we ran to the potty and he did it, but today for some reason he has no interest in it, wont tell me when he has to go and doesn't really seem to want to be bothered with it at all, even pooped in his pants :( I thought we were making progress I'm so confused!!
Sorry I haven't really posted here lately. I am just at a crossroads. I am stuck, but I have options, if that makes any sense.

I've been following the thread though...I'll be back on tomorrow and 'chat' to everyone :)
aww Ash I am pleased that you are getting things sorted that is great news - hope it works out and that the :witch: stays away so you a DH can get some birthday :sex: in :hugs:

Debs - glad your ok hun how is the ms?? I will go check your journal :hugs:

Rhonda - sorry that Brayden has relapsed - would not have a clue why but maybe he is just playing up for attention again? Well maybe it is your first :witch: appearance!? :grr: I do not miss her I can tell you!! Have you and Tim done the deed yet :D

Gabs - Glad Jack is home safe and well - I know I have spoken to you but lots of :hugs:

Sara - hope your ok?

Mel - I will check your journal and see what your crossroads are but lots of decision making :dust: for you

:hugs: for everyone else

AFM: Baby JT is now engaged and getting ready to go :D ate some pineapple yday to bring on labour :D need to get some more, and some tea - mw told me to :sex: twice a day :shock: i dont think i will be able to achieve that atm - not done that much since TTC....has some bad cramps last night.....I was a right whimp and forgot that actually I get sweaty and shaky and very light headed with pain :( looks like I may not do well in labour then :dohh:

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