Team Jelly Belly!!!

Hey Debs, I am going to take it from cd 5-9 at 50 mg, I expect it to arrive within 10 business days, I hope it is sooner.FX for everything to be going good and some good follicles for you.
Debs! How exciting! I am coming in behind all of the prior things, but how long have you been TTC, and with what other issues? I need to go study up on you! I can't wait to hear about the IUI, please let me know because I am really curious!

Gabs, I hope you're having another stellar day hun! Post a pic soon please, all of us are dying here to see what you've done to that hair! :thumbup:

It is soooo beautiful out right now! I better keep it at that because I don't want everyone to be upset at me, no snow, no cold...etc...hehehe \\:D/
Hey 4/5 dpo too early to symptom spot :blush: ???
:rofl: Mel some say yes, some day no. I think that if going by average implantation dates 6DPO-12DPO you should not have any symptoms until this has occurred. That being said, there are a few women who have felt like they were PG before it seemed able to determine, Implantation can occur at an early time, it all depends on where the sperm where when they met the egg and how close to the uterus it was and how fast the egg traveled. That being said, what are your symptoms. :rofl:
MT I'm going with no its not to is the very beginning of my "symptoms" the month I got my :bfp: and I had them from me crazy but I think if you know your body really well you can pick even the subtlest things up...

1 DPO - tiny bit of white cm (I'm always completely dry until af)

2 DPO - tiny bit of white cm

3 DPO - tiny bit of white cm, trouble sleeping at night

4 DPO - tiny bit of white cm, trouble sleeping at night

5 DPO - tiny bit of white cm, trouble sleeping at night, lazy, very unmotivated, dry mouth and thirstier than normal

6 DPO - tiny bit of wet clear cm, a lot hungrier than normal, still very thirsty, a little absent minded, strange feeling in bbs, almost like they were on fire? Woke up with a stuffy/runny nose

and there is more in my ttc journal if your interested
Debs, The time is fast approaching. You could have your :bfp: before the end of the month. My FX are crossed for you sweetie!

Sara, that sucks that you were sick last night but glad you think it wasn't the provera.

Rhonda, that's good news that Brayden is feeling better. Don't stress about the house it will get done.

Ashley, good to hear from you and that the job is going well. Relaxed approaches can work.

Mel, I hope you enjoyed your day off.

Jenna, think pink! Glad DF is acting better bcuz being lovey dovey is so much better! My appt is next Thursday.

MS is still here but not as bad as yesterday!
:rofl: Thanks girls! I have always been one to think it absurd to symptom spot before the alotted 6 days at least past OV. I appreciate your symptoms Rhonda, I am just feeling a bit off. Here is the start of my list so far:
Today I noticed that nothing sounds like it would be good to eat, abnormal for me.
I was making home made chicken noodle soup and kept feeling like gagging as I was boiling and picking apart the carcass (which is actually discusting, so might not be a symptom..haha)
The sudden starving feeling followed by the urge to puke.
and copious creamy cm is back. (had this a couple months ago with my suspected chemical)
I get twinges and pokes all through the 2ww, so I'm not going to put any stock into that this cycle.
Oh, and I'm tired...for no reason.

Nothing really to write home about, but the cm is pretty darn hard to ignore.
Anybody know if this is an indication that I've got too much estrogen, the creamy cm, that is.

Thanks ladies! I did have a wonderful day off :D \\:D/
Mel, I like your symptoms so far and the picking apart a carcass is disgusting but if you have done it fine before there is no reason it should gross you out now :rofl: I suddenly was car sick going up the freeway when I found out I was PG with Sebastian so abnormal signs are good. As for the indicator of creamy CM I have no idea, I always believed I had high acidic CM which means my husbands guys usually get knocked out before they get a chance to sneak in :rofl: I think my Dr told me that one time but I can not remember. I guess since I am TTC it should be something I look into. Every woman is different though, some more creamy than others, that sounds so funny saying that :rofl:
Hey girls....its late and I had to work all day! i glad that i stay home! hehe....what a long day and i missed the boys so much. I will post a pic tomorrow....but its VERY cute I have to say! Everyone at work loved it!:)

Btw.....what do you girls think i'm having.....honest????

Umm...havent gained any weight..have a belly, sick and nausea all the time...ummmm dont craze too i dont know what else to put...but idk i feel like its a girl but i just really really dont want to get my hopes up!!!

Hope your all doing tired and dont feel like reading and responding to ALL posts...sorry girls!:)
Every woman is different though, some more creamy than others, that sounds so funny saying that :rofl:

:rofl: That's just too funny...I want to have a creamy center! :rofl:

Well I'm about to be a Google whore and look at creamy cm. I have had it each cycle in abundance but this time it seems to be showing up earlier and in greater abundance. Oh, and the carcass thing, it's probably just because it had a stronger smell to me than usual........HA! ANOTHER SYMPTOM!

Gabs, I'm banking that it's a girl. I am hopeful for you that you'll finally get her. Can't wait to see your hair and your bump!!! Please post both!

Funny, maybe I bite my toe nails too...sounds like I can't wait to see Gabs hairy bump :rofl: :rofl:
poor gabs, first she bites her toe nails now she has a hairy bump :rofl: We are not picking on you at all Gabs it just seems that team Jelly Bellies posts before they read what they typed, you included. :rofl:
Hello my beautiful Jelly team!!!

There's so much positive aura here that my computer screen is practically glowing with joy! :rofl:

am at work right now and super busy (2 weeks worth of work to catch up to), so might not have time to reply to individual posts, hope you ladies don't mind.

I'm all clear for now, thank you for asking :) just got back from my check up this morning and I saw my little Dot again! Dot's got tiny legs and arms now and as we were watching, Dot shook its tiny tushy at us! It was so funny even the dr laughed!

Anyway, will probably only have time to sit down and catch up with most of you over the weekend, till then lots of love from me!!

oh and yes, after going missing for two whole weeks, THE WHOLE OFFICE now knows i'm pregnant, and the other ladies who have had experiences are all offering their advice and tips :rofl: it's so sweet of them i tell you, and yesterday, even the CEO dropped by my cubicle to ask how i'm doing and is everything alright. He's taken me off all physical jobs and will be giving alternative projects that will be less taxing on me. Gosh, i'm so touched :blush: So from now onwards, it's all development work for me, no more travelling and roadshows!
:dance: Liyana thats great news!!! CEO's are norm v nice.....x

Mel - well my symptoms were, more creamy cm, drinking more, and a few twinges!!! I tested at 8 dpo and got a VERY light almost unseeable :bfp: told Rhonda and she made me buy a FRER so I did that and got a defo :bfp: ooooh :yipee: I am sooo excited just reliving it hahahaha

i didnt really have any symptoms as such as i didnt think the cm was a symptom - tbh the month i got preg i was so upset stressed etc cos i didnt really temp to begin with and my cycle was all over the place i didnt get EWCM like norm and i had no idea i ov'd and didnt feel positive at all Rhonda was trying to get my PMA up but I was down and thought i was out so didnt really have many symptoms.....hang on one sec i think i wrote them somewhere else and not in my journal :rofl: I am trying soo hard to help u obsess!!!
ummm spots in random places which i never got and still getting :grr: and I got a kidney infection!! oh and veins were more prominent everywhere bbs, hips, hands and still have that!!! they got turquoise too, and I had this with my chemical too - thats it :D hope it helps u to obsess more :rofl:
after i found out i was preg - about 12dpo i was exhasted, boobs already bigger and harder and i was bloated so much my trousers popped open :rofl:

As for me my mood has totally changed I am defo happier, more laid back, more energised and laugh more!!! My bump is growing by the day - will post a pic soon, jst went to do it last night and my battery has died so i need to get my charger and i think its at my parents so will do it later!!! I went shopping yday and got maternity bras and jeans and combats :D there really scrummy!! :wohoo:
I didnt get that HR job :grr: and need to get another job pronto!!! Also suppose to go for a PGCE interview today so i can get a qualfication to teach primary school, but I cant find my GCSE certs so I had to cancel last min and say car had broken down :ninja: soooo annoying I hope I get another date to go!!!!!

Hope ur all well - keep me updated and cant wait to see ur new hair and ur bump gabs

MT - anymore symptoms now u have read mine? I have hieghtened sense of smell now!!! defo drink loads more still and have to!!

I had a dream about my scan last night that they wouldnt give me a pic :grr: and i couldnt see the nub either :grr: in fact i had about 3 or 4 bad dreams last night and was crying alot!! poor DF, he was soo sweet though!!! he is still being MUCH better and making sure washing up is done all the time :wohoo: keep it up!!

also my parents won a holiday - dunno if i told u, anyway we get to go to cornwall for a week at the end of June and DF's Mum is being really nice and has got this deal through where she pays £80 and we can go to Greece for a week too :D how exciting!!! 2 free holiday :yipee: just have spending money!!
my quiz results:

67 % chance of having a girl :rofl: I think its a boy!!!
Hey Jenna! Thank you for posting your symptoms for me! :)
I have to say that my first thought with all your symptoms in view is that you're having a boy. Under a week and we'll all get to see your baby...maybe they'll see the nub too!

I don't really have 'symptoms' aside from what I've posted. I was really hungry yesterday and I went to the loo a lot, but that's because I was drinking like a fish. I think my blood sugar was a little out of whack yesterday too because I kept getting dizzy...yes, I know this COULD be a symptom but it could also just be me, it happens occasionally for me anyway and the blood sugar is more likely to be the reason for it.
The tiredness for no reason was weird, I got up about the same time I always do and I was ready to take a nap at 10:30am! I'm having those pricks of pain that I usually get during the 2ww, but it actually felt pretty strong this morning. FF puts me at only 3dpo today, but I don't have any idea if that's right because I don't know how to peg ovulation once the LH surge is gone and you get neg opks. Enlighten me?? Either way, I got a positive one last Friday just before my temps went down to the lowest point on my chart. I suspect FF is wrong and I am in fact about least 5dpo.

L-I love that Dot shook their tushy at you!!! :rofl:

Well this is it, I have a long day ahead. I will check up on you all tonight! :hug:
MT I remember being tired a lot at first but my real symptoms didn't start until 6-7dpo, when I got bright blue viens all over my chest and thighs, the ones on my chest are still there and brighter than ever this morning, its a little scary to look at! I had a day where I was very thirsty and a day where I just could not get enough to maybe...I'll keep my fx for you hun but we'll wait till your 7DPO to really obsess :)

Jenna in reading your symptoms I too immediately thought boy! I was glowing and so happy and way above my normal personality when I was preg with Brayden. This baby I have been the exact opposite, depressed, moody, def not glowing and feeling yucky and ugly all the time. Still going to :pray: that its your baby girl though :hugs:

Gabby I think your having a girl this time, I mean who else would give you that much trouble...:rofl: Are you having a 12 week scan??

So I had a night from much for Brayden feeling better, he woke up at midnight screaming and crying so hard, I went into his room and he was on fire, I took his temp and it was 103.3 I don't get it!! He was feverless for 2 days, wtf!! So I tried and tried to give him medicine but he was so worked up and didn't want any it took Tim and I to hold him down then he was crying so hard he threw it all up, fabulous. So he came to bed with us I stripped him of everything but a diaper and gave him more meds, his fever broke and our bed was soaked, I didn't sleep all night because I was so worried about him, I didn't want him to be cold, which his skin felt and he wouldn't let me cover him up at all as he would start freaking out again, it was a very long night and I've been up since midnight so very sleepy today!!! I am going to call and try to get him into the docs today so see if he has bronchitis or and ear infection or pnemonia...or something that is causing this fever to last for a week. I feel so bad for the poor lil guy! He was 98.4 when he woke up this gabby being a nurse and all, what would cause a kid to get high fevers but only in the middle of the night? He hasnt been taking naps during the day and not sleeping well at night, this week he's woke me up at least twice screaming and caughing up a storm...but then during the day he seems fine...I hope they can get him in today I can't do another night like last night!!!
Lol its ok girls....usually my bump is hairy haha. When pregnant with the boys I always noticed my skin got like a little bit of light hair all over it. I never get the dark line down my belly though!:)

As for a pic of hair....when i shower today...haha if i do then i will post a pic.

As for really isnt any no need for a pic. I havent even gained a pound..i've lost weight. Everyone at work said they could totally tell I lost weight.

Yes I'm having a scan next week.....They told me at 13wks it was a i have to admit i'm soooo scared for my scan.....i'm sorry but i just really want my little girl since i know this is my last pregnancy....kinda sad.

Rhonda~....about your said hes been coughing..any other symptoms? I'm sure you know this but most kids generally will just spike the fevers at night and then be fine during the day. Is he complaining of any kind of pain, eating less?? He's def got some sort of infection since his fevers are going so high. Hopefully its just an ear infection, or something easy. Anyone sick at daycare?

Its rainy out here today...and i'm tired from my day at work yesterday..blah i dont feel like doing anything.:)

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