Team Jelly Belly!!!

Rhonda~ you totally are lucky that you are SO different from your pg boy and girl.....I feel different but its not a huge difference....idk maybe it is another boy. The thing is my moods change so much when i'm pregnant. I will be so happy and then next month I'm crying everyday. haha
Jenna, 2 free holidays that's great!

Liyana, what a nice CEO to care so much!

Rhonda, I hope Brayden gets an appt today and you can find out what's going on and he can feel better. So sorry the little guy is feeling so bad. It will get better though.

Mel, I didn't symptom check at all I did notice creamy cm in my 2WW and I'm normally pretty dry. Was tired a little before I took my HPT on the day AF was due and have been tired ever since and nausea just kicked up this week. Did I mention I am beyond irritated at times.

Gabs, Looking forward to seeing your bump. Think pink! No nub next week!
Rhonda~....about your said hes been coughing..any other symptoms? I'm sure you know this but most kids generally will just spike the fevers at night and then be fine during the day. Is he complaining of any kind of pain, eating less?? He's def got some sort of infection since his fevers are going so high. Hopefully its just an ear infection, or something easy. Anyone sick at daycare?

Yes some of the kids at daycare have bronchitis which has me thinking, he's def eating less, and not sleeping and I know he's exhausted, he's very clingy and wont leave my side, which he usually isn't, at least not to this extent and he has grabbed his throat a few times after coughing and wincing like it hurt so I don't know. Bad news is whatever it is I'm now getting it :hissy:

Oh and I got the line down my belly with Brayden but so far not with this baby...I can't remember when it showed up exactly but took forever to go away after I had him...not a fan! I totally know how you feel Gabby, and I [-o< that this is your little girl hun. I'm not sure if this is my last baby or we'll try for another but I'm glad to be getting one of each that way if I decide not to have another later on I'll still have my princess. I really hope this is yours!!!!
Awe get the line?? I'm sorry that sucks! I would freak if i got that. I do wish my belly button would pop out.....but it never does! :(

That stinks that your getting sick....I hope its nothing to bad. Did you get an appt for Brayden? Gavin woke up with a stuffy and runny nose....grrrrr he better not be getting a cold now! Its his party this weekend.
Oh no you don't...LOL my belly button is already half way out...and I hate it! But I must say its a lot easier to clean this way :rofl:

And Gabby just because your symptoms are very similar or very different doesn't mean squat! My mom said both her pregnancies were identical and she could have sworn she was having another girl because of it the second time around but nope, out popped my brother, and he's definately all boy!! My SIL had extremely opposite preg and swore she was having a girl this time but nope...another little boy, so don't worry if you feel the same or different, it really doesn't mean anything.

I hope Gavin is not getting sick, I remember we had to cancel Brayden's 1st birthday party because he came down with the flu...ever since this little warm up came along everyone is getting sick! But I guess we asked for it didn't we, well the warm weather part anyway.
Gosh.....okay so I invited family and friends to Gavins party. Well mostly family all family is just coming as my friends and their kids never replied. We have over 30 guests coming so we are having it at my mother in laws because our house doesnt haven enough room for all those people.

Well.....of course today two of my friends are like what does Gavin need? They have decided they are coming! GRRRRRR One has four kids and her and her hubby...and the other is just her and her hubby and new baby. Its fine..but gosh thanks for last minute. I've already order all the food and everything. And mother in law is probly going to be annoyed that MORE people are coming.......!!!
I hear you on that Gabby!!! I invited about that many people to Brayden's party last month and only 1 person RSVP'd I was so angry as I didn't know how much food to get, people just aren't very considerate nowadays!
Hello! I am taking a break and thought I would check on my ladies!

Poor kids, my nephew is pretty sick right now too and it is all because of that warm up you are having up north. NO FUN!

Thank you so much for telling me your symptoms! I am a little disheartened because I'm thinking that creamy cm in general is normal for me. I admit, yes, I have more than usual at times, but *sigh*, I don't think I can really count it as a symptom-YET. :D

It's funny what we all hope for in our pregnancies, I would want to see that that weird? It's sort of like a stamp of approval to I have something to look at besides the bump. I don't know though, I might change my opinion if I actually get it one day.

I'm tired. I can say that for sure!

Awe Mel your cute! You want a line. :)

I didnt share my i shall now. I had ewcm alot and cramps SUPER Bad...but that was about it. Nothing really at all. One thing was I wasnt spottting like i normally do and that gave me the clue that I may have been preggers. Also hubby said i felt very warm during sex one and i knew at that moment i was preggers. :) i went to the loo and i stood up and wiped(was in a hurry. lol) and omg a HUGE glob of snot looking cm was like hanging out of me and all over the place. ew i know...but idk why i have SOOOOOO much. Its ewcm and thick and alot of it. I hope its normal......pregger ladies...any of you got this?

Just took the boys to play at mcdonalds....i hate it there and we dont eat the food but just needed to get out for a minute. Now i must start cleaning as my house is a mess...grr
Gabby no I haven't had that yet.

I got Brayden an appt for 3:15 today so leaving here in bit to go get him at daycare and take him to the doctors, I hope they give him something to make him feel better, yet at the same time I don't because if he gets put on antibiotics he can't go to daycare tomorrow so I would miss another day this week...sigh my check is going to suck!!
I wonder why i have such bad discharge...mabye an infection. But i have been put on Macrobid once a day for the rest of my pregnancy to prevent Kidney/bladder infections.

I might mention it to her next appt.

Glad you are getting him to the doctors. Hopefully they will be able to look and listen and find....and not have to do xrays or lab. Poor little guy. Hope you dont have to miss work again. Good luck and let us know.
Oh btw i will post a pic of my hair tomorrow...b/c we are going out for my sisters birthday so i will be dressed up and actually showered and hair done. hehe
I was glowing and so happy and way above my normal personality when I was preg with Brayden. This baby I have been the exact opposite, depressed, moody, def not glowing and feeling yucky and ugly all the time.

oooooooh i dont feel glowing or happy about myself i am jst in a better mood for the last coupld days and laughing! I have never felt uglier am depressed and seeing a shrink tomo afternoon to help me deal with my negative depressing thougts. i feel ugly fat and jst cry all the time BUT I do feel its a :blue: but jst wanted to clarify I am at my lowest in about 4yrs.....:cry:
Girls....I never realized the whole nub thing and seeing if its a boy or girl. That shall be interesting now i'm excited for my scan!

Jenna~sorry your feeling so low. I have those days too. Some days i cry all day long and i saw how much i DONT want a thrid baby! That makes me depressed when i hear that...but then other days i'm much happier and excited. Its up and down. Dont worry sweetie its all these friggin hormones we've got going on!:) I seem to become happier in the second trimester..hopefully that will be the case.
Thanks sorry i was just catching up!! I hope things will get better too......I hate it feeling low and insecure and i think it really unsettles everyone not jst me.

I have not had that EWCM thing, but a couple times I have had wet pants almost like i have peed myself!?!? but other than that jst more creamy that norm? xxx
Jenna you're beautiful, and you're not fat, you're growing a miracle inside you!!! Please let the Dr. help sort out your feelings because I can't believe you feel so low when none of this that you said is true!! :( Aww sweets :hugs:
Hey gals, the one day I am not on early it is crazy in here,

R- i hope Brayden is ok and it is nothing too serious, good thing is that if it is an infection and he gets antibiotics he should feel better soon. Let us know how he feels, try to watch for you getting worse so you can get taken care of before you get too bad. I had the line a little bit with Sebastian and my belly button popped out too, I agree my belly button had not been so clean in years. :rofl:

Jai-Jai- glad you are getting two vacations, it sounds like you need it and it will probably be good for you and DF to get away. I hope you feel better emotionally, Soon you will know if it is boy or a girl for sure so good luck , I still hope it is a girl so you don't feel pressure to name a boy Richard :rofl:

Gabs- I do not remember if I had the EWCM a lot but I know I did have it, I thought it was normal, if it was an infection I think it would smell or look creamy or itch IDK thought so better to be safe than sorry, Hope Gavins B-Day is a good one and I :pray: that you are having a girl, I want 3 kids too so hopefully I can join you gals soon to meet my quota. :rofl:

Sorry I am in a hurry and did not respond to everyone, I just wanted to catch up a bit, I will be back later to check on Brayden thought. :hug:
Just popped by to thank you all and hope that you all have a lovely day today :D xxxx :hugs:
Morning girls.
Hope Brayden and Rhonda are feeling better today. hugs to you.

Jenna, honey, you're so lovely and absolutely stunning judging by your facebook pictures. I know that if you're having depressive thoughts a doctors is the best thing, friends and family and us on here can help support you, but we can't really make you feel better properly. but we'll always give you lots of love and hugs. Are you at uni still? I think most have free psychiatrists that can be really helpful. I hope you get to see the right person. If you don't like them, find some else!

Mel, I had creamy CM in my TWW - but not massive amounts, if you've got more, that's good right?

Gabby i hope you've not got an infection. Fx its just your body having an icky moment!

I *think* I ovulated yesterday. I had friends over last night and forgot to test till about 10pm but got a nearly as dark line (Had a lovely night, we were going to talk about Tam's wedding, but ended up talking about babies and pregnancies as one friend has two, one is pregnant with her fourth and one had an ectopic while on the Mirena coil (eek! but she says it was while it was in trials...) so of course I let on that we're trying. Soon everyone is going to know!!)
Anyway despite OH being very poorly I still got what I wanted (woo hoo) and my temps is up slightly today... fingers crossed we got that eggie!

Right best get to work and have friends stopping over tonight for a guitar hero/rock band session with the kids in bed, so might not see you again for a bit (unless work is slow!)
Morning ladies. Today is Gavins Birthday. gosh how time flies!....he was born 1year ago and 5minutes. So sad....he actually wasnt even breathing yet. CRY> is everyone?

Rhonda~how is Brayden and you feeling? What did the doc say? HOpe you got some sleep.

Jenna~do you see the doc today? Good luck and it shall do you wonders.

Chocolat~i dont know your sorry hun. YAY for oing I hope you got the eggie!!!:)

Debs~are you in ;your tww yet?

Mel~any new symptoms today?

As for me I'm quite crabby. Me and Oh had an argument last night and he slept on the couch and then left without saying goodbye! HE KNOWS never to do that...brat. The argument was about punishing owen.....figures right. I am not as strict like my husband and he was yelling at owen last nigth and i budded in and oh boy he did not like that! grrr Well going to start house work and make a cake for Gavins birthday but i'll be around all day. :)

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