Team Jelly Belly!!!

So I can't chat long and I'll have to play catchup later but didn't want you guys to start worrying as I haven't been on here in days, Brayden has been running a fever since Friday night with a nasty cold so I was home with him this morning, just getting into work now and DH is going to watch him this afternoon, and we will probably do the same thing tomorrow if we have to, I hope he shakes this soon, his whole class is out with this at daycare, some of them have bronchitis so I'm watching him closely, hope he doesn't get any worse.

Wow Jenna your 12 weeks hun!! And Gabby is 11 weeks and Caroline I have to correct you I'm not 18 weeks...I'm 20 weeks 2 days!!! :happydance: Well I have a ton of work to do so I'll try to hope on later to write to everyone, miss you all!!!! :hugs:
Jai, Glad DF is acting better! I hope it lasts because you don't need the stress and it is selfish of him to act this way. If he can't get it together tell him to kick rocks! Like you said the only thing that matters is you and the baby.

Debs, that would so great for you to get your :bfp: on the day I see my pudah!!!

Sara, hope all is going well at the doctor's and she is giving you what you want.

Liyana, glad everything is ok and you can go back to work!

Choc, my FX are crossed for you!

Gabs, you poor thing. I'm with Debs, this is the last thing for you. Enough is enough. Please God, from here on out I want some good and fun pregger moments for Gabs!

MS has hit me a bit today. Can't seem to shake it I hope tomorrow is better.
ooooooooh we told everyone today its soooo exciting!!!! although Jos dad was like if its a boy it has to be called Richard!! well sorry if i offend anyone but 1 i hate that name and 2 wat efffing right does he have to dictate wat my baby is called :grr: think :pink: now to jst avoid it all together!!!!! Richard after his Dad well I have never met Jos Grandad and neither has Jos so get lost!! if he said a middle name fair enough but he cannot tell me what my baby is going to bbe called no way :ninja: rant temporarily over :rofl:
Richard is my grandpa's name and everyone calls him Dick. I do not like it so no offense taken here. He has no right so we will think pink from now on though our wishful thinking is all in vain since you are already PG.:rofl: Glad everyone took the news good.
R- Hope Brayden gets better soon, let us know.

As for me I am back from the Drs and I was given,filled and took my first tab of provera so all is great on the western front. She wanted to do a thyroid check but it costs $70 so I have to wait since I do not have $70, oh well, at least the request will still be good when I get ins taken care of or $70 whichever comes first. I feel good that by the 21st Af will be here, then if I O, it can be anywhere from the 9th to the 17th of March and AF or BFP (wishful thinking) will be some time between the 20th and the 28th of March, perfect timing for a BFP, if I do say so myself. Well here is to a good cycle.
FX and loads of :baby: :dust: for this cycle!!!! xxxxxxxxx come on eggy come on :spermy:
Hi girls! Sorry I wasn't able to come back on today, things were a little hectic once I got to work...and then again when I got home tonight, just put Brayden to bed so I'm now able to get some me time for a few minutes before I go to bed. I'm so glad to hear such good news coming from everyone, I seem to notice a pattern with all of us, when it rains it pours and we all get struck with bad things and now we're on the upside again so yay!! :happydance:

Sarah I am dying to know...are you having any symptoms??? Any sign of the :witch: yet? Or has your drunken night of wild :sex: done you in? :rofl:

Sara yay for the provera!!! I'm so excited for the :witch: to visit you hun and am praying so hard that this will be your month!!!!! :hugs:

Gabby I am so happy your doing better sweetie and on the mend, sorry to hear you've gotten something else too, its just never ending for you isn't it? You better get your girl out of this!! :D

Debs...twins?! OMG wouldn't that be awesome!!!! I'd be so excited if you really did end up with them, and one of each would be perfect!! :happydance:

Jenna a scan next week, yay!! Oh I am thrilled!!! I'll be able to guess on the sex of your :baby: as long as there is a nub in your shot, be sure to get a pic for me, I am soooo excited!!! I hope that DF smartens up or I'm coming over and it wont be pretty! :trouble: So glad everyone in your families took the news well too I know how worried you were about that :hugs:

Lea I hope you feel better hun, a few more weeks and you'll be past this, and 2nd tri rocks!! :D

As for house has stopped leaking (knocking on wood) and has been dry for 3 days.. :yipee: I borrowed a roof rake from someone I work with and DH got all the snow off our roof, there is still ice up there but hopefully the sun will be able to get to it now and melt most of it this week, fx!!!! I asked the u/s tech where my placenta was because I said I hadn't been feeling the baby much at all and it was worrying me, well here is why, my placenta is half over my belly and half on my right side (instead of along my backside) so that is why I'm not feeling her much (she's not an it anymore, I love it :happydance:) so I hope once she grows more her kicks will be harder and I feel them! No names yet, DH is being a pain the arse about it, he still wont look at any and the ones I like he's just like, eh they are ok...:grr: He said there is no hurry and we don't have to know right now, I said you made me wait 20 weeks till we found out and now you still wont talk about them...he makes me so mad! :hissy: He keeps this up and I am naming her bymyself!! Right now my 3 favorite names are Kaydence, Kaiya and Aiylee...not sure which I like more though...what do you guys think?
Rhonda, in my language, Kaiya means wealthy :D (although it's spelt Kaya)
Kayden is my cousins little boys name so I love the K names you picked out. I think you should just continue to pick out ones you like and when/ if he is ready he can put his two cents in, until then if he snoozes, he looses on helping pick the name. :rofl: I know that is mean but I can pretend that is what I would do. :rofl:
Ok, so I got the timings wrong of the PG ladies - can someone with a better memory then me do an update. It think it was reassuring to see that we're about halfway there!

It'd be fab to all get BFPs on our next cycle, but even if we go at one a month, we'll still all be preggers by the end of the year - but lets think positive. Lets all get knocked up before R's little girl arrives. (I like the k names too...I have no good girls names here, only a boy name we both like, so lets hope I have a boy first).

Oh Debs - twins would be so awesome. I've ALWAYS wanted twins. I'm sure it's hard work, but so worth it when they're a bit older. If there weren't more risks with multiple births I'd be stuffing myself with drugs to get them right now, but clearly that's not sensible, and I do try and be sensible. (twin girls would be sooo lovely though - maybe after a boy, so they have a big brother to look after them!)

Gabby, HFM sounds grim. Hope you're feeling better today.

Sara - wooo hooo pharmaceuticals kick ass - you go get that witch and give her a good talking to for ignoring you for so long.

Looking foward to your scan N - I think, based on no evidence you're having a girl!

MsTwiggy - what is your language? Malay?

I think my body is gearing up for O. I've got watery CM (I didn't get EWCM last month and I think this is as close as I get) and I'm feeling good actually. Still weirdly vivid dreams. No second line on the OPK yesterday at 6pm, but that's ok. I took my temp a bit early today at 6.45 then went back to sleep for half an hour and took it again 7.15. There was a 0.3C jump to the later I'll plot the first one, I don't think it makes much difference. Didn't manage to BD last night - oops, so best do it tonight. We're rubbish! :blush:

Hugs to you all have a great day xxx :hug:
I think you should just continue to pick out ones you like and when/ if he is ready he can put his two cents in, until then if he snoozes, he looses on helping pick the name. :rofl:

Sara you crack me up :rofl: PMSL :rofl: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: someone pass the tenner, I have not laughed so much in ages (ok I know I am prob the only one that found it hilarious) its jst soooo something me and my friend say a lot ooooooooh :rofl: and breeeeeathe
Morning ladies! How are we all today?

Debs~AWESOME news babe!!!!! I really hope this is it for you!:) I'll be talking to the big man upstairs!:)

Rhonda~Glad you have no more it getting warmer by you yet?

Sara~great! Af will be here soon!!! YAY>..........BRING ON THE BFP!!!!

Lea~sorry your feeling will be gone soon!:) Hang in there babe. were you sick with you DD?

Jenna~ Scan next week..eeeeeee how exciting!:) I think i have one next week tuesday...cant member.

Lyiana~how are you? How was your first day of work?

Ashley~...where are you hiding? I hope all is well.

MEl Tia~ I'm assuming your in the tww, Bring on teh bfp!

Sarah.........are you hiding for a reason...........:??????

As for me......girls i feel so good the last few days! Well sick at night but i can tell second tri is on its way! I have soooo much energy! It feels great. I think too the weather is nicer so i am just happier about that. Gosh last week i was so depressed and i feel like a whole new person!:)

Well i had an ob appt yesterday and she said hand,foot,mouth is ok and i and baby should be fine. Heartbeat was 160's and shes like its a girl....haha. we talked and she said if for some reason i didnt go early....shes let me go till august!!!:) SOOOO EXCITING!! I have a c section scheduled for August 21st!!!! I have to be positve even though I'm sure baby will come sooner just glad I'm given the opportunity to go that far!!:) One thing though i am suppose to have scans every week b/c of the drug i take..thats what we did with gavin.....and i asked her about it and shes like just once a month?? I'm like i thought every week...shes like no i dont think so. well i had the boys with me so didnt get into it. but i know its every week and at my scan next week i will ask the tech to double check and then i'll let the doc know. I guess b/c i kow i went from tons of fluid to NO fluid in a week...i wont feel comfortable going a month without a scan....ya know? I also have NST's twice a week starting at 24weeks. Well anyways.....Boys are doing good and so am i! We are going to take a nice walk today, then i get to have my hair done, and use the gift certificate that hubby got for my nails, and toes!:) How exciting!!!!! more thing...i am going to work tomorrow!:) So happy! Just cant lift more then 20lbs!!!

Sorry its just a great day for me!:) The big man must be giving me a break!:) Finallly!
Oh :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Gab!!! I am soooo happy you're feeling good! You really deserve an easier time :wohoo: Post pics of your new hair! I hope you thoroughly enjoy your pampering!!!

Everyone, it's 2WW time for me! I am 3dpo now...I'm using my positive OPK as an indicator that I OVd either Fri or Sat. I usually can tell and the temps even seem to match up, though not as easy to tell as last cycle on my FF chart...either way I don't have crosshairs yet. I am doing the basic membership now, I think I heard that they still give crosshairs when you have that and not VIP right?

Ladies, I am so happy to be part of this group but I really am feeling crap about trying to remember everyone's things :( I have an absolutely HORRID memory to start with, so to all of you that I don't regularly comment to/about I'M SOOOO SORRY. I just need to get to know you all better :) I'm sure some of you are having a hard time remembering me too since I haven't been part of this group for long. :hugs:

Deb-I'm so excited for you to be able to TTC again!!! Let us know what's happening as it happens for you! yay!

Sara-Dear, I anticipate your visit from the :witch:, for once she is a welcome part of our group! :D

Jenna-please post your lil bump! I'm grinning just thinking about it! You're so tiny and cute!

R-I wish I could help with your clean up efforts since it's stopped leaking now! Yay!

Caroline-Keep peein' on those sticks babe! I will be doing a :dance: :bunny: :dance: for your BDing PMA...:rofl:

Liyana-How do you pronounce your name? My sister's name is LeighAnnah...

Lea-looking forward to some great news on the scan!!

Ash-Sweets, hope things are going well with you!

Sarah-What's up?? Hope you're ok! :hug:
...In looking at the TTC board, anyone wanna change our Team logo? It's pretty, but I was wondering if anyone wanted to change it up a bit?
YAY.....tww !! Mel I really really hope this is your LAST tww for 9months!!!:) I would be soooo happy!!!:) right now my hair is like um midneck length and light light brown with thin blonde highlights........I dont know what to do? Thought about going dark..? Shorter? Idk! grrrrr I'm so pale so unless i wear makeup i'm going to look HORRID with dark hair...but then again it brings out my blue eyes. I've had blonde for a year now and getting bored with it ....but usually stay blonde for summer....ppl always like blonde or brown with me.....hubby loves brown......any ideas? Thanks girls
Gab-I think I need to see a current you have one? I know you had one up before...

I'm a fan of auburn hair. Have you ever done a red tone? Not fire truck red, but a dark chestnuty red. I'd get medium tones for your light skin/light eyes. I want to see a pic!! LOL
I'll look for the most recent...and yes i've had dark brown with aburn.....but nonone really cared for that. My skin is very pale in winter...and i have blue eyes. lol i'll hunt down some pics....okay.
OK! :thumbup: (I guess I was thinking about my hair when I was talking about it..haha. I loved when I went dark, my eyes looked like anime!!! They were this green/blue/aqual color-really popped!)
Okay first one.....clearly just had a babY..HAHA, its winter, and no make up and glasses....but thats about the length of my hair now.

the blonde one is around christmas time.....just hanging out at home...?

I think i look good dark when my hair is longer.......i'll put a pic up too.


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This is non pregnant...longer dark hair..haha


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Almost forgot.........Gavin is going to be 1 on Friday!!!:) YAY...and..hes starting to walk! I'm super excitied for him! He is trying so hard! yay

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