Team Naughties - The Best of the Rest!!

Well not going to see the pups now as my DH computer has had a bit of a melt down so i am stuck in the house for the afternoon. on the plus side i got a nice strong + on my OPK this afternoon, something i have not had for a while so its looking good this month. Just got to send in the troops to catch the thing now. I will make sure the preseed is armed and ready to go.
Hi Mamawannabe. Sorry you are feeling so stressed. :hugs:
I think it is a wee bit too early to test if you not due until Wed. PMA all the way! The last 2 months I tested too early and all it did was disappoint me so this month I waited until my due date.
You mentioned that you have been tearful. On Thursday I cried whilst watching Springwatch of all things because a baby bird died and then i cried yesterday at Star Trek!!-not even an emotional film :rofl:
Keeping everything crossed for you.

:rofl::rofl: thats great..... springwatch!!! I think I am going to save my PMA for next month as did FRER this morning and that came up with BFN and i'm only 3 days away. Anyway not too sure I could cope with work exams and bean!!!! At least next month I will be nice and chilled and I also have a holiday to look forward to... bliss!
Morning all! Well its peeing it down with rain here again! Hasn't really stopped since friday night so my veggies will have to wait to go outside now. I am not planting in this kind of weather.

We have a morning of housework and errends but then after lunch we are off to my brother in laws to see his whippet puppies and let the dogs have a run around in the fields. As its private land i can let Ela off lead and let off steam without the worry of a dog having his way with her :) I will be sure to take some pics that you can all coo over as the pups will be 3 weeks now. Just got to be really strong to make sure we dont end up with one

Samzi - those tests are looking good hun fingers crossed for you.

msmith - awww bless you! I remember when i got my :bfp: i was a right mess one min i was fine then i got upset at the slightest thing and then i was like the wicked bitch of the west :)

Mammawannabe - Sorry things have been so stressed for you, are your exams over now?

Jenny25 - Good luck hun lets both catch thoese eggs together!

To all how i have missed hope you have a great day (dispite the weather)

Thanks Razcox... exams not over until 12 June and so anotherr week to go arrrghhh!
Hi All,
Shame you did not get over to see the new pups, Razcox. When you do get to visit defo get photos which we can coo over.
I have been a bitch today. Not sure if that is the hormones or just in a foul mood :rofl: Poor OH has had to deal with it.
Can't believe the weekend is nearly over-boo to work on Monday. If all goes well only 7 months more of work :happydance:
hey ladies :hugs:

how you all doing?

vimto is the only thing that keeps my sickness at bay - very odd!!
hi ladies.

hope you are all doing well.

pipkin - glad to hear you ov'ed and everything is back to normal.
jenny - i would deffo use opk's twice a day near ov time. i got + for 2 days but with some people is seems to pass within a few hours. they are not good for everyone but i would certainly recommend them.
razcox - i hope you catch that eggy. fingers x'ed
mamawannabe - there could still be hope for you. if you read the FRER box it will give the the percentages of correct test for each day before af is due. they are quite sensitive but if implantation is late the hcg might not show yet.
samzi - hope everything is ok with you. remember i got quite a lot of brownish bleeding between 5-7 weeks and everything seems to be ok with me. if i were you though id ring the doctors tomorrow and explain that you are pregnant but have had some bleeding. they will more than likely send you for a blood test to put your mind at rest and maybe an early scan like i had. oh and your pics look very promising. the top one is much darker.
msmith - what great news. do you mean you never want to join the Knocked up Naughties or do you mean not just yet??

sorry if i missed anybody. will pop back soon xxx
Freyasmum, any sign of the :witch:?

Hey msmith
The :witch: got me last Thursday. I've been feeling a bit down about it actually, which is why I haven't been around much.

Which is not to say that I am not MEGA excited for both you and Samzi!!!
HUGEST congrats to you both. :hugs:
Just popping in to say hi to my girls.

Congrats ms. Smith!!! I am so thrilled for you and Samzi!:happydance::happydance:

And to all you ladies who are O'ing or about to O, go get BUSY!:rofl::rofl:

:hug: to all of you!
Freyasmum, any sign of the :witch:?

Hey msmith
The :witch: got me last Thursday. I've been feeling a bit down about it actually, which is why I haven't been around much.

Which is not to say that I am not MEGA excited for both you and Samzi!!!
HUGEST congrats to you both. :hugs:

hey honey dont beat yourself up iknow how you feel but just try and have a little pma and we will get their hun dont you worry :hug::hug::hug::hug: i know its hard when we dont get the result that we want but it will happen thats the attitude that ive gotta take :hugs:

well whats going on with me Oh has had a bug and feels like poo i told him well it couldnt come at a better time it should be my fertile week this week at some point so im gonna jump your bones as much as possible :rofl::rofl::rofl:
also their is threats of tube strikes this week which will make OH travel into central london for work longer and i mean it could take up too 3 hrs too work and the same home again but today the tubes seem to be ok i said god have they got it in for me this week over and above him having a bug and that he is gonna be shattered which means very unlikly nooky time :( im on cd14 so i :sex: today early hours hehehe had too sneek some in ha ha so no compaints their my weekend has been good been very relaxing watched a good movie last night called seven pounds oh my god its so sad i was crying :rofl::rofl::rofl:
does anyone watch private practice omg i watched the whole season 2 from friday too sat thats why ive hardly spoken all weekend my god im addicted and season 3 doesnt start till end of aug in america so im gonna be hanging on too see what happeneds to violet and the crazy woman kate arghhhhhh:hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy:
how is everyone doing is everyone ok <3 xxxxx
hey ladies
Wow HOOOO, well done Samzi :happydance: I hav readded you to the 1st page where you belong x
Hi ladies :)

Just popping in to see how you are all doing? and to send some baby dust your way :dust: :dust: :dust:

Convinced that we are going to have a lot more :bfp: s coming up very soon :)
How is everyone else doing??? Got another + on my OPK's yesterday and my DH is forfilling his side of things so i think things are looking pretty good. Got some EWCM today so i think i may be OVing either today or tomorrow . . Will just have to BD everynight now until my temp goes up.

Looks like we have a bit of a gap now in the testing, how is everyone in the 2WW doing?
Sounds promising Razcox!

I'm not in the 2WW, but am feeling much better this evening. Have just decided to stop wallowing and start taking action. Have posted a list in my journal of action points for me for this cycle.
Listen to me "action points"!!! :rofl: I go to too many meetings!!

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