Morning all! Well its peeing it down with rain here again! Hasn't really stopped since friday night so my veggies will have to wait to go outside now. I am not planting in this kind of weather.
We have a morning of housework and errends but then after lunch we are off to my brother in laws to see his whippet puppies and let the dogs have a run around in the fields. As its private land i can let Ela off lead and let off steam without the worry of a dog having his way with her

I will be sure to take some pics that you can all coo over as the pups will be 3 weeks now. Just got to be really strong to make sure we dont end up with one
Samzi - those tests are looking good hun fingers crossed for you.
msmith - awww bless you! I remember when i got my

i was a right mess one min i was fine then i got upset at the slightest thing and then i was like the wicked bitch of the west
Mammawannabe - Sorry things have been so stressed for you, are your exams over now?
Jenny25 - Good luck hun lets both catch thoese eggs together!
To all how i have missed hope you have a great day (dispite the weather)