OHHH i had goosepimples wheni read your header nicky, do not do that! BLoody failed! Get walking, bouncing, raspberry leaf tea, sex, swimming, shake that little missy haha!
What!?I'm sorry! Did they try to put that thing inside you? Forgive me but I forgot what is is called.
It looks like a flat tampon. The pitocin did not work for me with Jace but that thing did.
Hey Nicky ... hoping that things progress for you soon ... lots of labouring winging its way over to you. Cmon lil Miss Ortho ... xx
9 DPO and counting for me! No other news really. Apart from that I am on Jury service this week and next, quite interesting so far!
Pingu-stylee andto all xx
Nicky, why are they so desperate to induce? How many days past your due date are you now? xxx