I think the
is on her way here, although my temp was low but I woke up at 6.30am and my alarm went off at 8am for me to take my temp well i turned it off and went back to
and woke up again at 9.10am so I took my temp and it was low
mind you at 6.30am I was awake cold as I had no covers on due to oh and the dog nicking them
so I dont know if that affected my temp, but it has a white circle, due to when i went to sleep and woke up again wasn't 3hrs constant sleep and also recorded the time when i took my temp. Anyway if all that wasn't enough I think she is coming as I have major backache, im moody, have cramps in tummy and slight brown spotting on wiping sorry if TMI so im walking round with a pad on just in case as I know she is going to hit me soon according to my chart based on my ov she would have been due tomorrow. But if she does come Im not going to be all
about it for 2 reasons 1. she will have come on her own without assistance of tablets
and 2. My LP (luteal phase) has increased from 9 days to 13 days (if she turns up today) was 9 days the 3 cycles before the one i got my last bfp on ok i mc'ed but im happy if i have increased my LP
Hope your all ok Dawn xxx