Team Rainbow Mummies - Gay Surrogates, Lesbian, Transgender and BiSexual TTC Group

EIN, there is nothing wrong with looking now. In fact, the sooner the better. There is soooo much the donor has to be aware of as well as you all. Getting everything in place early, will save you alot of time when you are trying to meet harsher deadlines such as OV!!! I say look now and get all your bases covered. You may end up using more than one, the shipping, the meeting, mind changes, etc....

AFM Ladies...15DPO, CD36! Current SS: Tired, BLOATED feeling heavy and clothes not fitting, feel wet but not much CM. Temp crept up a tiny bit this morning. Staying pretty persistent and above coverline. We leave for vacay tomorrow early, so I will test then, FXD! 16DPO!
Check out my chart below…

:dust: :dust: :dust to the Thread!!!!!
Fingers crossed for you!! Excited to hear what happens! I hope this is our month. Have a great time on vaca!

I don't think its ever too early to start looking...keep your options open. We started looking a few months before hand and then went to a fertility specialit to get tests done just to rule anything out since the process is so expensive...but when you find what you want it generally only takes a few dawys to get! Good luck to you!
I'm just wondering how soon did you all start looking for donors? I mean we're not going to TTC till 2013, however we're probably going to have go with an annoymus donor, as neither of us has any close male family or friends that we could consider. So is there anything wrong with us looking right now? Also is it wrong that if we find the right donor, I think that Ape may change her mind? :muaha:

my 2 cents:

My partner and I deferred TTC for about 2 years. I now think we should have begun sooner. After months of issues and a laproscopy, i found out i had endometriosis, fibroid tumors and a septated uterus - all fixed with lap surgery. So far 3 IUIs and no BFP. We have always used donor sperm from a cryobank. It took us a long time to decide which one to go with and then we even had to decide on alternates just in case the sperm quality was poor. I have only used 2 diff donors and I have had to buy the specimes in advance and have them stored because they do sell out.
I suggest to start looking and save your $ will be spending some serious $$$ TTC.

Good Luck!!:thumbup:
yea saving your money is no joke! It is NOT cheap. But so worth it :)

Im 13DPO no a.f yet but i feel like im getting sick :( gonna pump myself full of vitamin C and hope it works! Does anyone know of any safe allergy pills to take while TTC?

Just thought id share this with everyone...alot of people talk about gemstones that are attached to fertility and this lady on etsy has a shop devoted to fertility jewelry :)
yea saving your money is no joke! It is NOT cheap. But so worth it :)

Im 13DPO no a.f yet but i feel like im getting sick :( gonna pump myself full of vitamin C and hope it works! Does anyone know of any safe allergy pills to take while TTC?

Good luck and feel better!!!
I'm. Out this month :( dissapointed...but still hopeful for nextt month!
Hi ladies, sorry to just drop in... but I was wondering if I qualify to join the group? I'm an aromantic asexual... I don't really fit in anywhere else on BnB but my method of TTC is pretty much the same as the rest of you :blush:

:dust: to you all xx
Of course you do! Everyone fits in here :) welcome :)

Thanks adroplet you guys mean a lot :) I'm trying to stay positive but its hard not to think about it so I've been taking long walks with my ipods so I don't have to listen to myself :)

How's evveryone else doing
It's going really well thanks. I had two donations from my donor on Friday night (O-2) and Saturday afternoon (O-1), I've ovulated today if the positive OPK yesterday was accurate. I'm just being patient now, gearing up for the two week wait after a 3 month break! How's your cycle going? I haven't had a chance to catch up on the thread yet... xx
im out this month... Got AF this morning...but it was our first month really trying we had a few donations at home and then an IUI with donor sperm at the drs office...but im trying not to get too down about it! Do you know your donor personally or anon??
Hi ladies, sorry to just drop in... but I was wondering if I qualify to join the group? I'm an aromantic asexual... I don't really fit in anywhere else on BnB but my method of TTC is pretty much the same as the rest of you :blush:

:dust: to you all xx

Yay!! Welcome. :hugs:
Well, update, bfn... but no af, so, we are going to try to get in with the doc this week when we return.

So sorry WILSONS :hugs: I hope to see you get a bfp in Sept! I have a thead for testers... join me.

Welcome :wave: TTC! Happy to have you, and of course you're welcome here.
Hi adroplet :flower:

MrsMM - Going to see your doc is definitely a good idea... I've been keeping an eye on you on the big at home insem thread :thumbup:

Sorry to hear that wilsons. If it's only your first month TTC you've still got plenty of time to conceive, I'm about to hit my one year mark! :hugs: I met him a few months ago on a sperm donor forum but at the time I was TTC with a friend (which hasn't worked out after 7 months) so I got back in touch with him asking if he was still willing to help me. Turns out he is and he's a great guy. This is my first cycle working with him. He's a known donor... I'm going to send regular updates and pictures of the baby and he's going to write a letter and send pictures of him and his own two sons once a year. Because I'll be a single parent, I'm bound to get asked at some point why he/she doesn't have a Daddy, and I like the fact that I'll be able to show him/her something of their biological father. He's happy to have contact with the child when they're older too if it's what they want.

What's everyone else's set up with their donor? xx
Hi everyone, hope you don't mind me joining in. I'm bisexual and my dh and I are ttc our last baby. I certainly don't want to upset anyone by being here but I don't really feel like I fit in any other ttc group. TBH, this thread feels right and I'm thankful MrsMM pointed it out in another post. Cheers and baby :dust:
Mrs mm glad your back! How was vacation...your still in the game! Yay!

Adroplet that's awesome that you have a friend willing to do that for you! We had a few that backed out...who know guys were so attached to their sperm :p

Welcome pink or blue!
Thank you, Wilsons! I hope next cycle brings you a :bfp: :flower:

I have a known donor, I found him on FSDR. He's really cool and laid back, we've been talking since early July. This is our second cycle with him and he's been great about driving here, he lives just over an hour away from us. He's open to contact whenever the child is ready to meet him and is looking forward to updates, pictures, ect. There's no set schedule, it's up to us how often we send them. :)

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