Team Rainbow Mummies - Gay Surrogates, Lesbian, Transgender and BiSexual TTC Group

Hello lovelys!
I've been having a browse through, and you're all so inspiring!

Our situation to most is pretty normal.

we're a bisexual couple, in a hetero relationship.
Basically, we both like both.

And we recently got a load of abuse for saying we wanted to start a family, it's ridiculous!

Reading about things on here made me smile so much, and i'm just so proud of all of you..
Hey girls how was everyones weekend?? I was away with work which kinda sucked but happy to be coming home to dw today :D have a good day girls xoxo
:wave: ELECTRO!!! So happy to have you. I for one think that as a Lesbian I have had toooo much criticism so that, you won't get from me. I do not pass any judgements on those that would like to start a family and be parents, it is sooo enlightening, rewarding, and heartwarming to be a parent. I am sure you two will be awesome parents. Please share with us whatever you want and good luck in this journey! :dust:

PINKOR, I am tomato fanatic. I think that right now, I am really enjoying things that are salty. Which isn't normal for me. But I don't know if that's something different or that probably happens during AF or its onset that I just don't notice....

WILSONS, I am soo happy that you are getting home, I know that DW will be happy. Weekend has been busy, DDs b-day party was great, draining but fun. BFN this morning that brought me down a little, but, other than that, the weekend is going well.

SS 12DPO: Cramp-y. Gassy. Less Bloat-y. Feeling "wet" below te belt.

AFM...Stalk my chart!!! BFN! So I probably won't be testing again till Wednesday, tooooo nervous!! Temps staying up, but are decreasing, which is keeping me nervous. My chart was possible Triphastic FF (Day 26) indicated until today's temp. Still missing a regular symptom of AF or BFP, sore bbs! Hope everyone's weekend is going well. I will jump right on here and update after I test soon.... Still creeping to the end of waiting... :coffee: (that's tea) :haha:FXD! :dust:
Hi electro:) happy to have you guys!

You know what I think is so funny about other people when they find out your married to a woman and pregnant is how haha they really think were out sleeping with the masses of men. :p even my mom when I told her was like ummm how did that happen!

How was your dd party! Happy birthday to her!!

Been sending all my positive thoughts your way this month mm don't get too discouraged af isn't here yet *hugs

All you tomato eaters yuck yuck yuck :p

Welcome Electro!
Mm, my fingers and toes are crossed for you.

Afm, had a great weekend. My parents had a big Halloween party last night so we sat out by the fire for half the night. Almost 5dpo, its gone by pretty fast so far. Been having some cramping sort of like the beginning of af and some lower back pain. Im trying to not read anything into if which is tough. It seems that my apple craving has turned into an egg craving, deviled eggs to be exact. However after making a batch of them today and then eating 3 I couldn't stand the smell of them anymore.
Finishing out our weekend by babysitting our 3yr old nephew while my sister is at the ER with our niece, she got into poison ivy and is now covered in a rash. :(
Hope you all had a fantastic weekend!
Poor little neice, poison ivy is no fun. :flower: hope she feels better soon.

SS 13DPO: Cramp-y. Less Bloat-y. Feeling "wet" below te belt.

AFM...Stalk my chart!!! BFN again. Now I really am not testing until Wednesday as I await AF... Temp increased slightly, not sure what's going on here, keeping me nervous. Still creeping through a waiting period, on one or their other anyway... :coffee: (that's tea) :haha:FXD! :dust:
Thankyou for making me feel so welcome!

Dr's appointment in the morning!
A little scared actually! =[

I'm just journal stalking you lovelies! ^^
I know every once and a while I wish I had another lesbian ttc to talk to.
Hi Everyone

Just to let people now, we went for our scan to check my OH womb lining and good god its thick!!!! :wacko:

Back on hormone tablets until the 7th November and pesseries from the 2nd November.

We are going back on the 7th to have embryo number 2 put back in and hopefully will defrost well so can keep the 3rd just incase.

We have decided if we are successfull we are going to donate the embryo! (so far my partner has donated 34 eggs to people!!!!)

Welcome to 'Electro' good luck with everything!!!

Saw this on another forum and thought i woudl oinch it to get to know everyone a bit more i have filled in the bits for me!!!!

All you have to do is complete it for you OH !

Your OH/DH's Name? Charlotte
Age-Birthday-Zodiac Sign? 27 Aries (i think)
When and how did you both meet? Local bar
Your relationship status? Married
How long have you been together? 7 Years married 2 1/2
Give your OH/DH a nickname and explain why you picked it? Charley Bear, just came natural after going to build a bear together, so have a cuddly furry charley bear and a real life one lol
Describe them in one word ? Everything
What was your first impression when you met them? who is that idiot!!
What reminds you of your OH? My Lo they are like 2 peas in a pod
If you could give them anything what would it be? Another baby
When's the last time you saw them? this morning
Ever wanted to tell them something but couldn't? No
What's their best quality? Honesty
One thing you don't like about your OH? the trainers she loves!!
One thing you love about them? She make me laugh so much my belly hurts
One thing in the world you would rather hurt them for? My Shoes
On 10 cm scale, measure your love for your OH? Well above 10cm

Hope this works evenif just for a bit
:hi: and welcome, Electro! Good luck at your appointment!

Aljm~ Ouch for the poison ivy, I hope your niece heals quickly.

MM~ I hope you see those 2 nice, dark pink lines soon!

Wilsons~ :rofl: Can't be helped, they're really good. :p

Carrie&Char~ Good luck on the 7th and lots of sticky vibes for you!

Your OH/DH's Name? Shaun
Age-Birthday-Zodiac Sign? 32 Gemini
When and how did you both meet? High School art class
Your relationship status? Married
How long have you been together? Together for 13 years, married for 11
Give your OH/DH a nickname and explain why you picked it? Bennington, idk, :haha: he looks like a Ben to me and he's always been a cuddly teddy bear.
Describe them in one word ? Wonderful
What was your first impression when you met them? I'll bet he already has a girlfriend..
What reminds you of your OH? Anything Marvel or DC, he's a huge comic book geek
If you could give them anything what would it be? A little girl
When's the last time you saw them? Just now
Ever wanted to tell them something but couldn't? Nope
What's their best quality? Hard working
One thing you don't like about your OH? His inner interior decorator, there's only so much rearranging I can take :p
One thing you love about them? The way his mind works
One thing in the world you would rather hurt them for? My 'me' time
On 10 cm scale, measure your love for your OH? The number doesn't exist :)
Your OH/DH's Name? Hope
Age-Birthday-Zodiac Sign? 22 Aries
When and how did you both meet? Elementary school, we hated each other :)
Your relationship status? Married
How long have you been together? 6 years married 4 in February
Give your OH/DH a nickname and explain why you picked it? I call her idea why lol
Describe them in one word ? My world
What was your first impression when you met them? I hated her, and i had to sit with her on the bus. She was bossy :)
What reminds you of your OH? everything and anything, she makes me laugh so much
If you could give them anything what would it be? the world, she would want for nothing
When's the last time you saw them? a few hours ago
Ever wanted to tell them something but couldn't? No
What's their best quality? Humor and she is so loving
One thing you don't like about your OH? she is a people pleaser!!!
One thing you love about them? She make me laugh so hard everyday
One thing in the world you would rather hurt them for? hmmmm...idk how to answer that one
On 10 cm scale, measure your love for your OH? infinity and beyond, i love her and appreciate her more than life can say. She does so much for me!

pink or blue haha i was the pickiest child growing up and still am ive never eaten tomatoes or onions and especially now the mere thought of them grosses me out ;)
Hello Ladies,
So happy there's a forum for lezzies who are TTC, I don't feel so alone in my journey. So I was in my second attempt at TTC in October and I had so many signs that lead me to think I was preggo (or maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me), but at last AF came to town so now my wife and I are waiting for the witch to pass so we can try again. For this time we're gonna use preseed and also considering using the instead cup but I'm a little nervous about it. I've never used it before and I don't want to mess up. I have a few days to think about it, we'll see. Baby dust to all in their 2WW.
Awww, this is the most supportive and fun thread ever!

Your OH/DH's Name? Irene
Age-Birthday-Zodiac Sign? 31, Jan 24th, Aquarius
When and how did you both meet? We met via an online forum for asian queer women in 2007
Your relationship status? Engaged
How long have you been together? 3 years, 9 months
Give your OH/DH a nickname and explain why you picked it? I call her my bunny because when I first met her, she was always hitting the gym and yet didn't want me to call her gym rat, so I picked something cuter - gym bunny
Describe them in one word ? Loving
What was your first impression when you met them? I thought she spoke with a strange accent and always had such an intense look on her face. I later learned its because she wears a hearing aid and thus needs to concentrate to hear what people are saying.
What reminds you of your OH? Anytime I see anything that has bunnies on it. I've taken to buying so many bunny themed stuff!
If you could give them anything what would it be? perfect hearing.
When's the last time you saw them? just. we both work from home and are currently in our office
Ever wanted to tell them something but couldn't? No, I tell her everything.
What's their best quality? She is incredibly patient with me.
One thing you don't like about your OH? She's so messy! If we didn't have proper house rules, our apartment would be a wreck!
One thing you love about them? She makes me happy, even when I am throwing a tantrum or have some crazy whims and fancies, she always manages to make me smile.
One thing in the world you would rather hurt them for? I'm very honest with her and whenever she's doing something that I cannot accept, I will tell her.
On 10 cm scale, measure your love for your OH? Can't measure it. I just love her.
:thumbup: WOW :thumbup:

Thanks PinkorBlue11, Wilson228 & Ebelle , for doing the OH thingy, ebelle love the bunny gym name as my Oh calls me a gymrat for going to much sometimes!!

Welcome 2mommies :kiss:

Well we started the cyclogest pesseries this morning, charlotte says not a nice feeling at all !! :cry:

On count down now 5 days to go.

Also my friends nicola and vicki had a little girl yesterday ""Freya"" through assisted IUI dreams do come true she was born at 11:14 on 01/11/2011, she is adorable, well happy for them 2 new mummies to add to the group!!
Your OH/DH's Name?Shay[/COLOR]
Age-Birthday-Zodiac Sign? August 28th, Virgo
When and how did you both meet? 1997, our best friends were dating each other. I was suppose to meet her after our match, but I saw her playing on the bball court during my Volleyball halftime. Looooved her look!
Your relationship status? Married
How long have you been together? Married nearly 2yrs. Together for the rest.
Give your OH/DH a nickname and explain why you picked it?L.P. she would kiiiiilll me if I explained it here! :haha:
Describe them in one word? Greatest!
What was your first impression when you met them? Player!!! :haha: But could see why, she was sooo ME, just with more arogance!
What reminds you of your OH? Almost everything, we know each other so well....
If you could give them anything what would it be? Eternal Happiness!
When's the last time you saw them? 4am!
Ever wanted to tell them something but couldn't? Nope.
What's their best quality? Extremely good natured.
One thing you don't like about your OH? Too nice and often overlooks negativity to a fault.
One thing you love about them? The way she loves me and our family.
One thing in the world you would rather hurt them for? Not sure if I am answering this right, but currently, the only thing I would hurt her for is our daughter!

SS 15DPO: Fatigued. Heavily Bloat-y. Gassy.

AFM...Stalk my chart!!! Losing any symptoms (well, except those that indicate AF coming) Trying to stay hopeful because... no :af:! Temps staying up, so I am not complaining. May try to test tomorrow if no AF tonight, just too nervous as I know that an irregular cycle now is due to the MC in July. It has only been 3 cycles so maybe things are not sorted out yet.... Still waiting... :coffee: (that's tea) :haha:FXD! :dust:
Your OH/DH's Name? Julie
Age-Birthday-Zodiac Sign? 29, September 30
When and how did you both meet? We met through MySpace. She had only lived in town for a couple of months and I had only been out for several months and neither one of us knew where to meet a single lesbian.
Your relationship status? Married
How long have you been together? Together for 2yrs 9mons, married for 1yr and 7mons.
Give your OH/DH a nickname and explain why you picked it? Not very original but I call her Babe, in fact I rarely call her by her name.
Describe them in one word? Amazing!
What was your first impression when you met them? I thought she was cute and very easy to talk to, there was never an awkward moment with us.
What reminds you of your OH? Those clear balls with the liquid and glitter inside. When they were real popular a few years ago I went to about 10 different store looking for one for her for Christmas.
If you could give them anything what would it be? A baby.
When's the last time you saw them? Right now, she took a half day at work and we're about to take our dog for a walk at the park. :)
Ever wanted to tell them something but couldn't? No, never.
What's their best quality? She is a very caring a loving person.
One thing you don't like about your OH? She can never find anything but that's because she never moves anything when looking!One thing you love about them? I love her child-like nature and her kindness.
One thing in the world you would rather hurt them for? Nothing.

So, my niece ended up not having poison ivy, they said it was just a reaction to something she came in contact with, however it's not going away and she has scratched her back raw. :(

AFM, I'm halfway through the TWW! Trying not to sympton spot but I am feeling bloated and my bbs are a little sore. DW tried to convince me to test last night but I refused (go me). I only have 2 tests and I am not buying any more so I need to save them. Hopefully the second week will go by as quickly as the first.
Aljm~Glad to hear it's not poison ivy but sorry she's very itchy and her poor back. :( Any idea what it could have been? :hugs: for her

AFM- :witch: is up to no good and has paid me yet another visit. :nope: BUT I'm not letting her ruin my good mood and I'm sending tons of :dust: to you all in the tww and getting ready for ttc! Get those lines, ladies!! :)
Hi everyone.

I am a lesbian, married to my wife of 3 years and we have a 1 year old son, concieved by my wife with known donor sperm. The donor is one of our friends and is a 'Fun Daddy' with our son. He has only changed 1 nappy! We are happy to be the main day to day parents and have him in our son's life, they love each other so much!
I am on the birth certificate for our son which is great and I love being a mum.

I am TTC our 2nd with the same donor, I am on cycle 6. My wife only took 2 cycles to concieve so I really feel the pressure! It is also a lot more difficult to find time to relax and I wake up at all different times so I am charting but I am not convinced how accurate it is!

I have bought a ClearBlue Ovulation Kit as I was using the OPK strips and I was struggling to get a good line, but I have had great CM (sorry if TMI!)
I am hopefully ovulating either today or tomorrow according to CM and our donor friend visited last night after our son was in bed. I use a syringe and I used a mooncup (not my period one!) last night straight after and it did feel a lot better when I used my vibrator - less leaky! (again, sorry if TMI!)

So I am awaiting my next period to use the ClearBlue kit, I am feeling more relaxed at the moment with this one.

It has been good reading all of your stories, we have a little local group of Lesbians with kids but we don't really want to share that we are TTC as we don't know them that well (and I am a very private person).

Since the birth of our son I have been inundated with people telling me 'your turn next!' and 'don't leave it too long!' It drives me mad as I am TTC but it isn't always that easy. I just laught it off saying how young our son is and it is working so far.

We think I had a chamical pregnancy right on the 1st cycle but we will never know for sure.

Sooo - that's the essay done!

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