hehehe yay for symtom obsessing!!!
Today I'm feeling pretty crappy, but then I've had 'one of those days' so its to be expected.

Am very irratible and emotionable though, not sure if its lack of sleep or a 'symtom'.
I'm the same Kota... Feeling really stressed out, tired, irritable, emotional... I haven't been sleeping well, this TTC thing is making me too anxious, especially the temperature taking. I still haven't had a clear rise, but also I keep waking up about 20 times EVERY night!!! I just want to be able to relax and enjoy doing this, but I can't control it, keep waking up during the night. Like last night I managed to fall asleep at about 1am, then I woke up at 1:20! Fell asleep again and woke up again at 1:28!!!! (It felt like I'd been sleeping for much longer than 8 minutes!) and then again and again and again. I don't know how to control this. So today I'm feeling crap!!

Apart from that, boobs are sore and been feeling a bit sick during the day, but it's too early for any symptom, so I think boobs might still be ovulation symptom and sickness maybe because I didn't eat well today...
Looking forward to real symptoms in a few days!! I'm glad everyone is symptom spotting, we will have good news soon!!!! PMA!!