KOta im with you on the mags....i cant resist a pregnancy mag...they always filled everything i want to know or own....woow you go on winning things and all??? thats great....nothing like being ready for the stickybean :happydance::baby:
OMG another symptom girls.....i swear im not making this up....but my breasts have become tender on the sides..just noticed right this sec....i think i need to go eat some icecream so i can stop finding all these symptoms.....:rofl:
don't worry daisydo, i'm lying here feeling so bloated and nauses, its all i can do to keep my mouth shut so i don't throw up! :blush: so tired as well but OH has gone out drinking with his mates and i'm so hopeless at falling asleep without him that even if i go to bed now i prob won't sleep!
:friends: aaaah i know... kato OH out:drunk: makes time tick.... so u dont like the color pink aahhh
yep, time goes sooo slowly, but on the plus side i'm catching up on my sex and the city boxset!! :blush: he deserves it though, he's been so stressed with the job hunting thing its good he's getting a chance to relax.

Yep, sorry daisy, i really don't like the colour pink!! I'm one of these women that if i have a girl will dress her in every colour but!! lol.
uuh huh my own sister is the same way actually ....she doesnt really like pink its my fave....really would be lost with out it..:rofl::hissy: so you travel much at alll kota????
lol, for me its red all the way!!

Um, I've done a bit, Lived here in london for almost 4years now, (with 10months back in Oz in the middle of that) have travelled through parts of europe and lived in Virginia in the states for 3 months a couple of years back so did some travelling then.
I love it, but am looking forward to returning to Oz one day and having a proper family home with a backyard!!
ook girls i promise this is the last symptom for the night and then im signing DH just came and put his hands on my breasts and told me they are harder and fuller... ( i already have D cups so that means something ) along with the tender ness i feell....OMG ...i know ...i know ...wheres my :bfp: good night all....
ahahah so funny...about symptom spotting....but those are all symtoms.....sore @@ on the sides...My boobs feel full until a few days before AF then they deflate..hahaha
I'm a pink lover as well......i am sure daisydo with all your boys you must have gone "PINK" crazy when baby shopping with your
I won't decorate the whole "baby" room in pink though Im going to try a woodland theme with murals....suitable for boy or girl....with frog ponds with lily pads and flowers, dragon flies, buttrflies, flowers, trees, and all woodland animals.
fitting as we are surrounded by woods....I can't even see my neighbours house even when standing on road!!!!!!!!
Oh is home supper or Tea for me...shrimp alfredo...yummy...sauce is form bottle though..hehe
Hey Shamrock Sugarpies!!

I'm sorry to say, but I am feeling very PMS-y! :hissy:

I'm expecting that af will show up within the next couple days. I haven't really been feeling pregnant, just like the :witch: is on her way.

This is Boo-urnes time, I really hope I'm wrong, but won't be getting my hopes up. Sorry to be a downer ladies. :cry: Still slightly hoping for that :bfp:

:friends::baby: good morning. MATES!!! i did it again...---> :bfn: ok just one question....why do I feel right now that I HAVE TO PROVE THIS TEST WROONNGG???? I know that I have 5 kids and have gone 6 pregnancy tests girls BUTTTT tell mee... why oh why is this happening to me??? I reallly feel that I want to keep testing FOR REAL!! ( im not jokinig at all ) i feel right now that i have something to prove?? anhyhow sorry to start of the morning like that ....but that is why we are here RIGHT??? :friends: im going to keep them all and post the progression cus believe you me.....I am PREGGERS and IWILL have :bfp: :hissy: now that being said.....

Benjool sorry your feeling like the ugly :witch: is coming but as you know these symptoms your feeling do mimic :bfp::crib: just hang in there i think i heard sweetandsour say...its not over till its over....:hugs:

CHILLLL--->I agree though IFFFFF :bfn: (wich I doubt) then EVERYDAY !!!! doesnt get better than that :winkwink: and the name is ggrrreeeaaaat!! as I said before as long as there is pink glitter ( at least a little ) for kota sake ( she doesnt like pink AT ALL) :happydance:
and YES PINK crazzzzzzy when i had my princess not only cus she was 4th in line ( fourth born ) and cus pink is MY favorite color....around me and my family PINK is the only thing you see around you :laugh2::wacko:

sweetandsour and honeybuns was the night????
oooooh the 2ww is 1ww for me now...and it gots me gooooood :rofl:
Good morning my lovely shamrock ladies :happydance:

Well I agree with Benjool - feeling rather PMSy today and more spotting and temp went down a bit again so defo in the team sugarplums I think :cry::cry: - so no longer in team shamrock :cry: - I'll still hang around and wish you lot loads of :dust: if thats ok though.

Welcome laura4:hi: - I agree team shamrock has got the nicest bunch of girls going so come on girls someone give us that :bfp: asap!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't worry Benjool you're still in the running cause no :witch: yet right!!PMA PMA PMA.Same for u Daisydo - still way to early to get that :bfp: I reckon so feeling mighty positive for you this month hun :happydance:
How's it going hopeful?Hope your ok and resisting those darn HPT :rofl: - soooooooo difficult isn't it :rofl:
So you're a sex in the city fan too kota! I got the boxset off DH last christmas - I love it - sooooo funny :rofl: I used to buy baby mags like you too but am more like chillbilly now tbh won't till there's a second line (which is taking forever might I add :hissy:) No pink in my house either with having three boys although a bit of pink sure would be nice.......... even the smelly spaniel is a bloke so feeling mighty left out at times :hissy: Not complaining though wouldn't swap my boys for anything :hugs: Good luck for this month kota - sorry to see u had a miscarriage last month at 5 weeks hun :hugs: I'm sure you'll have some good news very soon cause loads of girls on here seem to get :bfp: straight after MC so got everything crossed for you!!

God, sorry for the long post girls i do go on don't i :rofl:
Hey Pato how's the :sex: going - be gentle with him girl :rofl::rofl:

Right off to do some lunch will be back later :hugs:
Everyone stay positive! Its not over till AF arrives, we need our lucky pots of gold to shine this month for our November bubs!

Im 3dpo now, im a late march tester so im keeping my PMA in check, but im staying relaxed about the whole SS this month too cos last month i drove myself absolutely crazy with it!
Ok, I have just finished catching up with EIGHT PAGES of posts!!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl: OMG, I had to follow Chill's suggestion and keep a notepad next to me to remember the comments I wanted to make!! :rofl::rofl: Gosh, so much went on during one single day! You ladies can REALLY chat, can't you! I love it though! I have Team Shamrock in my heart now! heheh I'm always wondering what is going on with everyone else, if Mrs N got her BFP (she disappeared!), hoping that everyone gets a :bfp: this month, wanting to know more about everyone! I think this is a lovely thread! :hugs: Actually it's the best!!!!!!!!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Ok, so where do I start? :rofl:

Firstly, thanks everyone who wished me happy birthday!:hugs: It was a quiet one this year, but it was lovely! lilysmommy, happy anniversary!!!! I hope you enjoyed your romantic dinner and had some well deserved QT with your DH! I had japanese and then went to a cocktail bar with DH and a couple of friends. They make the most delicious cocktails on earth there!!!! I don't drink AT ALL, zero alcohol, I mean, not only now, but never did really... but these cocktails are totally irresistible! Well, I know I'm not supposed to drink, but I have to admit I had one! :shhh: It hardly had any alcohol, it had more ice cream than anything else in it, I couldn't taste any alcohol, but I know it's got some amaretto liquor. OMG, I hope it's fine, I feel so guilty now! :dohh:

Well, I ended up doing some cleaning yesterday, but it was just in the morning for a couple of hours, so not too bad. I was amazed that I managed to stay away from the computer the whole day. I ended up not going out in the afternoon, as it looks like I'm coming down with something (maybe DH's cold from last week :(), so we stayed at home, had a nice lunch cooked by DH and then watched a film and then dinner at night.

Ok, let me look at my notes... :saywhat:

Pato, regarding FF, I paid for the VIP membership for 30 days at 10 dollars. I'm hoping that I'm not going to have to renew! [-o< But yeah, I really like it and think 10 dollars is not too bad. Would be interested to hear if other people purchased it as well or only going with the basic one.

Daisydo, your temps on their own don’t mean anything... what really matters is that your chart shows a biphasic or triphasic pattern. Meaning lower temperatures before ovulation and higher after ovulation. So the actual temperature at one day doesn't mean anything, you need to look at the bigger picture. If your temps stay up after the date AF is due, then it's likely that you are pregnant, but it's still not guaranteed as a lot of women have high temps during AF. Hope that helps!! Anyway, your last post made me laugh so much!!! :rofl::rofl: You go girl and prove that test is wrong!!! And I know you are being serious about it! But it's funny thought! You seem so sure, I'm feeling exactly the same PMA PMA PMA PMA I really hope you get your :bfp:!! You are having so many symptoms so fingers crossed for you, it's probably still early to show on hpt!

CHILLbilly, I so jealous of your lifestyle!!!! I’m a animal lover, but unfortunately living in London it’s difficult to have even a cat. I don’t believe in having an animal just to fulfill my needs and leave the poor thing all day alone in the house, that’s why I don’t have any. But I truly love animals so much. My grandparents have a farm and I spent most of my childhood around horses, cows, ducks, chickens, cats, dogs, etc etc etc...! BTW, your chickens are amazing!!!! Never seen such beautiful chickens, they are so cute!! So much fur as well!!! It must be the canada cold, poor things!

Benjwool and honeybuns72– I'm so sorry you are feeling like :witch: is on it's way.. I know it's a horrible feeling, but maybe it’s just the feeling, don’t give up hope as yet…! :hugs:

hopeful, are you still there????? No posts from you for over 24 hours! hehe Hope you enjoying your weekend hun!

laura4, :hi: welcome to the best team in B&B!!! :happydance:

loulou, I'm 4dpo only I think (although I did manipulate my chart a bit so it looked a bit more like I wanted! hihih :shhh:)

kota, I think we are test buddies, I'm also testing on the 17th... How many dpo are you, any symptoms??

Well, as for my symptoms, besides "feeling" pregnant, I also have hiccups at the moment! :rofl::rofl::rofl: Does that count as a pregnancy symptom??? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

(Sorry for the big post ladies, but it's your fault, I had to catch up with EIGHT PAGES!!!! You r lucky I didn't go into fireplaces, baby magazines etc etc etc :rofl:)
Hey girls,
Hope everyones enjoying their saturdays. I've had a good day, headed out earlier to get some pillows and hamster litter!! how very boring!! Had a dream last night that I got a BFP on a test!! actually, it was 3 tests! It seems even in my dreams I'm a POAS addict! :rofl: Very happy with this as last month I dreamt about BFPs and it came true!! Hoping for a repeat performance this time around!
Symptom wise nothing huge to report, very tired still, almost fell asleep on the bus on OH arm! :sleep: and getting motion sickness from the busride which is very unlike me. CM is still very wet and starting to get more creamy. (TMI - sorry!!)

Yep Sweet&sour, I'm testing the 17th. The drs said it would be 4-6 wks before my AF returned after my m/c and the 17th is 5+1 from the day I started bleeding, figure thats as good a time as any to test, if its a BFN I'll retest on the 28th should AF still not ahve appeared. (at least thats the plan!!) Fingers crossed there'll be a big fat :bfp: on the 17th though!!
:happydance:hi allll!!! gald you enjoyed your b-day sweetandsour!!!
Kota-----> wake up sweetie....:rofl:
loulou I love the spirit!!! :hugs:
honeybuns loooooong lunch!!!

sooooo its bad enough that i am in the begining stages of POASA but no DH is!!! :rofl::rofl: he ordered online a bunch...and then took me out for DONER and stopped by the pharamcy and grabbed a couple cus others wont be delivered till Mon....:rofl::rofl: thats BAD!!! seems like i will be doing nothing from now til end of time except POAS!!! :dohh: :bfp: :bfp:

I dont know but i looked at the first one from yesterday and the line (if there was really one) disappeared!!! I actuallly peed on the one from this morning AGAIN just to see if it would work again!!! ( and cus i didnt have any other ones hahaha) but stlll :bfn:m im not sure but if I count the from the 15th as the first day...then that would make today 9DPO right?? and dont some ladies here get :bfp: on the 10th??? fingers X'd
oooh and I have a serious headache....honestly though im sure its from the DONER...i had it alone no bread BUTTTT man...that is loaded with salt!! hate myself for eating it now....( never again ):hissy:
oook thats it...i just read the thread +HPT and now im going more crazy....:hissy::wacko::loo: i want to test one more time just see if anything has changed..but how can it in just a few hours??? and isnt it too early like i said??? sweetandsour said before ...isnt it just setting myself up for disappointment??? I dont know .....but maybe if weee on the other stick one more time it will help...:rofl: :cry:
I actuallly peed on the one from this morning AGAIN just to see if it would work again!!! ( and cus i didnt have any other ones hahaha) but stlll :bfn:

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Are you serious???? :rofl::rofl: :awww: I wish the same stick did work for more than once, than we wouldn't need to spend so much money with these tests!! hehe I know how you feel though. I'm 4DPO and didn't stop doing ovulation tests! I just need to pee on something!!!!! :rofl:

im not sure but if I count the from the 15th as the first day...then that would make today 9DPO right?? and dont some ladies here get :bfp: on the 10th??? fingers X'd

I think it's still early to show on hpt. Which hpt did you do? was it the very sensitive one? I think most people only see a bpf at cd12, but some do from cd9/10 as well... keep testing girl!!!

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