Team Yellow Buddies ***18 boys / 16 girls

Thanks ladies....I'm horrible at predictions myself :)

Hope everyone is having a lovely day!
Nessag - no idea. I am proper rubbish at these things.

Hope everyone is doing ok.

If you all don't mind I am going to close the thread to new members, but those who are already in the team can post all the way through. Is that ok?

Sounds fine with me, as long as the new moms like you, Greenlady and others keep coming back and updating us :)
Hello ladies!

So sorry i havnt been posting lately, been so busy! I finally got round to posting my birth story, dont know how to post thread links but its in birth stories + announcements if anyone wants a read! :D

How is everyone doing? Hope your all fine, not long to go for alot of yas! Loadsa luck! :flower: Hopefully now my wee mans in a routine ill get to check more often whos had their babies and wot yas had! Im so excited for yous, wish i could do it all again already! :haha:

Thanks for still wanting us :blush: nessah, I say boy!! Not really sure why no logic behind it either.

Nikkia congrats!! I will go check out your birth announcement. And, pardon me but did you say routine?? How on earth did you manage that so soon??? I am seriously all over the shop! But I am BFing so its just whenever the little angel/devil is hungry which is pretty much constantly :haha:

PS she's not really a devil she's amazing just a tad demanding lately!
Moongirl - Im good thanks. I've got a wriggler too.

I'm up at the moment with my baby wriggling around like mad... I mean, it just hasn't stopped today zzzzzzzzzzzzzz sooooo tired now. It hasn't stopped moving like made for 2 whole hours. It has done this a few times before and usually means baby is on the move, I can't keep up :wacko:

Nikkia - congrats on your boy xx

Chele - No worries with closing it off, you are the poor one that has to update it all with a newborn on your hands but neither you or Greenlady are allowed to disappear anytime soon :haha:
Nessah- your latest bump pic is looking boy-like :) I will take one tonight and post it tomorrow, it has definitely changed over the last few weeks.

Widger, mine moves all the time as well! It is so reassuring, but it does make it hard to sleep (or teach, at the moment!) I can feel feet and elbows as well, it is the strangest feeling! So excited for you with full term coming up soon, I'm glad that you'll have LO in your arms before long.

Moongirl, I'm not sure how scientific my midwife's prediction is, but she did sound quite sure that a girl would never misbehave herself like that! Every time she felt where baby was, it would move before she had the chance to count the heartbeat!

Chele, absolutely I'm fine with closing it off (as long as nobody disappears!)

Nikkia, Liam looks beautiful! Any tips on getting into a routine??

Hope everyone is well,

Bleh, had a sweep today but it wasn't successful. Have been booked in for an induction on May 8th which seems such a long way away.

However, fetal heart rate was 130-136 bpm today! Very boyish again!
ooo mrsraggle not long til we find out now I hope

Nikkia- been reading your story. Routine? What's that all about.

Ok thread closed but we're sticking around for sure!!! Well I speak for Greenlady as well but know she will ;-)

Max is still being sick a couple of times a day excorcist style so will be having a long discussion with the HV on Thursday

Had a lovely day shopping with my mum. Stupid me didn't realise my swing seat had different levels. Max hated it as he was sat so upright he couldn't support himself, til we saw it in the shop and noticed it leaned back some more. Doh. So he's in it now and is a happy(ish) chappy.

He still spends most of the day asleep. One month old tomorrow. Bless

Hope everyone else is doing well xx
Thankyou for all the congrats! :flower:

Haha, dont get me wrong, I still have to get up in the night! :wacko:

Im very lucky this time round tho, Liams so good, he doesnt cry... atall! Just makes cooing noises if he needs anything and ive finally got him into the routine of 4oz's every 4-5 hours. Dont think it will last very long as Im expecting his growth spurt to happen any time now! As for tips i just went with what he wanted really, in the hospital he slept from 10pm till 5am every night! it was only when we got home he started waking more often. Just tried my hardest to comfort him to sleep rather than feed him, when he woke id give him a cuddle and bounce a bit round the room till he wet to sleep and only fed him if it had been atleast 3 hours since his last feed but thats easier said than done at 3am! It seems to have worked tho.... for now! :haha:

Its really nice to read everyones updates, you wouldnt believe how broody I am just now! I sooo miss being pregnant! :cry: And i wished it away constantly! :dohh:

Okay, here is my bump from last night- how is it looking? Pink or blue? All of the kids I teach are predicting a boy!

Mrsraggle, that is a boyish heartrate, but I was so feeling girl for you! Not long now and we will see, May 8th is so close :happydance:

Chele, great to have everyone sticking around, it is great to hear from you girls, to see how you are going with the newborns. I've got a really nice swing for my LO, hoping it likes it, cause I love it!

I know that I will miss being pregnant, I love feeling LO move, but I am still so excited to actually meet LO, and it doesn't feel that far away anymore!



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oooh Cat, i'm guessing blue - but i think it might have guessed pink for you before? i lose track!! :dohh:

I'm really enjoying being pregnant, and i think i'll really really miss it - OK so i'll get a gorgeous baby but i'll have to share with others :haha: I like having him/her all to myself!! :winkwink: Am i weird to hope that i go a little bit late, or am i just not close enough to DDay to want it over with??? :shrug:

hope you're all having a good day, mummies and mummies-to-be!
Hi everyone on team yellow...hope you are all ok. Cat - I will guess boy for you from the photo! Mrs Raggle - I think you will have a girl! My reason for this guess is that I just read your journal and you mentioned that littlebug has a small head. well this may be a load of rubbish (and probably is tbh!) but I have noticed that boys seem to have bigger head measurements...ok maybe a load of crap but hey thats part of the fun of team yellow, speculating and guessing and believing old wives tales! :blush: My midwife told me that the heartrate thing is a myth, she said the baby's heart will beat at a speed depending on the mothers! My baby's has always been above 140, which would indicate a girl, (and also my baby's head measurement is in the lower end of the range :haha:) but I just don't know...not long to find out!
Chele - yes I'm sticking around and being nosy! Just try and stop me :haha: That is, when I get a moment to check! My girl is far too interested in the world to sleep all day, it is a bit of a struggle to be honest! I have to feed her to sleep and then try about 4 times to get her down, it can take forever. I am also using a dummy which I didn't intend to, but she's a very sucky baby and it give my nipples a bit of relief! She doesn't seem to need it at night which is good.

Good news is she is now 7lbs 15 ozs so more than a pound over birthweight. Daddy is cooing with her now to give me a few minutes off! Bad news is I have early signs of mastitis and have started anitbiotics to hopefully nip it in the bud. Any of you guys planning on breastfeeding?
hmmm, I agree Moongirl and sparkledust, I think my bump is quite boy shaped. I found out yesterday that my SIL (due 3 months after me) is having a boy, it would be quite nice to have 2 boys in the family so close together.

Greenlady, definitely going to attempt breastfeeding, I am going to a class in a few weeks at the hospital.

I love old wives tales- I'll have to ask my midwife about the size of the head!

Hmmm I am probably not going to breastfeed my baby, it sounds really mean and selfish doesn't it, but I just can't get myself comfortable with the idea. It just makes me squirm. I don't know why. :blush: I know that I should probably give it a go and see, but i don't think i will, and in my hospital bag I have already packed pre made up formula and on my birth plan have got it down that I intend to bottle feed. I suppose I may change my mind once I have him/her but I can't see that happening tbh :nope: part of me wishes I didn't feel this way but I can't help it. I did think that I may want to breastfeed once I got closer to my due date but if anything the idea is freaking me out more now. Completely irrational I know :shrug: and I don't even really know why I feel this way.

greenlady - glad Flora is doing well and hope that the antibiotics sort the mastitis out quickly. I've heard that can be nasty!

Cat - think the bump shape theory is also an old wives may have a pink bundle in there! Didn't you say that you thought it was a girl at your ultrasound?

anyway, hope all team yellowers have a nice day! x
I did think it was a girl at the ultrasound, but I only saw the baby for 2 minutes. My Mum saw the baby for 20 minutes, and she called it a 'him' when I spoke to her earlier. The closer it gets, the more fun it is being team yellow!

Sparkle, you don't need to justify your decisions- if you are happy, that will reflect on the baby :hugs:
Can't remember what I've guessed for you before but today I think boy catfromaus.
I'm getting so excited that I might have a boy in there! I've always said that I have no preference, but there has been no boy in my family for 40 years!

Mrsraggle, hoping your sweep goes well :hugs:

Bah, midwife didn't do a sweep. She just felt that it was a bit too close to the one at the hospital on Tuesday, so she's coming next Wednesday to do one. I'm not annoyed because if I asked she would have done one for me - I just didn't insist.

Feeling pretty hopeless today. Baby is 3/5 palpable so not engaged at all and my bump is still high. I've not had any braxton hicks at all and my plug was clear when I lost it. I feel a little bit like neither me or baby are doing the right things to get this show on the road!

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