Team Yellow Buddies ***18 boys / 16 girls

Awww mrsraggle, you poor thing. Obviously your body is doing all the right things and baby is just quite happy there for the moment!! Try to keep your chin up and keep eating those pineapples/curries/etc!! Keeping my fingers crossed and sending lots of labour dust!

Cat, are you starting to think it is a boy? would you be surprised if you have a girl?

Its really nice to read everyones updates, you wouldnt believe how broody I am just now! I sooo miss being pregnant! :cry: And i wished it away constantly! :dohh:


Me too!! I think for my second I'll appreciate it more
Good news is she is now 7lbs 15 ozs so more than a pound over birthweight. Daddy is cooing with her now to give me a few minutes off! Bad news is I have early signs of mastitis and have started anitbiotics to hopefully nip it in the bud. Any of you guys planning on breastfeeding?

Sorry to hear about the impending Mastitis. I hope it goes away now.

7lb 15!! That's great. I am so jealous though

Max has now gone from a petite 6lb1 to 8lb 10!!!!!!! Far too much weight I think in such a short amount of time

Cat - I am guessing a boy from the photo too.

Sparkledust - I was amazingly surprised. I have a nipple phobia as well as a milk phobia and I more or less overcame them both. I only breastfed Max once though and that was due to supply issues, but I expressed and amazed myself that I managed to do it! Just go with the flow, that's what I told myself, and that's what worked

Hope everyone has a lovely bank holiday weekend (if ur UK) and to the rest of you (Cat) a lovely weekend!

I'm off to book my flights to Spain. Yipppeeeeeeeee
Sparkledust - I was amazingly surprised. I have a nipple phobia as well as a milk phobia and I more or less overcame them both. I only breastfed Max once though and that was due to supply issues, but I expressed and amazed myself that I managed to do it! Just go with the flow, that's what I told myself, and that's what worked

Thanks Chele - I guess its best to keep an open mind with these things. I think I do have a funny kind of phobia towards the whole breastfeeding thing, I am torn, knowing breast is best but at the same time thinking 'oh my god, the idea freaks me out, I can't do it!' So are you still expressing now? when you saw Max, did you want to breastfeed him, despite having reservations before? x
Cat! I will predict a boy for you. Very cute bump :)

Greenlady, sorry to hear about the mastitis. Hope the antibiotics kick in fast so you can get so releif.
I am definitely planning on breastfeeding, for at least 6 months :haha: We shall see!

Msraggle, hang in there hun!!!

DH and I are planning on going out of town this weekend for our 1 year anniversary- :happydance:

Wishing all you ladies a lovely weekend.
Mrsraggle, it won't be long now until you definitely meet your LO, just hang in there, it gets closer and closer every day!
Nessah, have a wonderful time away, congratulations on your anniversary! I think that first one is so special, hope you are treated like a princess!
And I hope all of you have a fabulous long weekend (I had one last weekend, so I'm not too jealous!) Only 5 more weeks at work for me!
You girls are getting me all excited that I might have a boy! I'm starting to believe it :) Not too long now and I'll know for sure, but I'd love to have a little man in there...

Lots of love to all,

Hi All, well my mastitis pretty much cleared up right away but now I've got another 4 days of antibiotics to take and Flora seems to be reacting a bit to them - she is very restless and irritable and has a sore tummy. I just can't figure out whether its trapped wind or what but she seems in pain and its really upsetting, :cry: they say you have to finish the course and that it doesn't harm the baby but its clearly bothering her. Has anyone broken the rules and stopped antibiotics before the end of the course? I don't really know if I had a full-on infection anyway to be honest and a bit annoyed if I could have sorted it without them. I also feel a bit funny myself so I think they're making me feel a bit sick too!

xx Hope everyone has a nice weekend x
oh Greenlady, no expertise here, but lots of sympathy! If I were you I would follow the doctors advice, but I can see how hard it must be, and don't know what I'd do if I was in the same situation.

Lots of :hugs: and I hope Flora is feeling better soon!

Greenlady - Flora looks lovely in your avatar pic :) Sorry she is reacting a little to the antibiotics but glad they worked for you.

Can't believe I'm going to be full term on Tuesday... so exciting but I now it doesn't mean I'm going to see my little one any quicker. I'm going to up my dose of raspberry leaf tea - can't hurt trying to help the whole labour process. I'll try anything :haha:

MrsRaggle - it must be so frustrating. Let's hope your little one makes an appearance before your induction. Keeping everything crossed.

Cat - I'm hiopeless with predictions.
Sparkledust - I was amazingly surprised. I have a nipple phobia as well as a milk phobia and I more or less overcame them both. I only breastfed Max once though and that was due to supply issues, but I expressed and amazed myself that I managed to do it! Just go with the flow, that's what I told myself, and that's what worked

Thanks Chele - I guess its best to keep an open mind with these things. I think I do have a funny kind of phobia towards the whole breastfeeding thing, I am torn, knowing breast is best but at the same time thinking 'oh my god, the idea freaks me out, I can't do it!' So are you still expressing now? when you saw Max, did you want to breastfeed him, despite having reservations before? x

I stopped expressing at 3 weeks as we noticed Max fed better with formula. So reluctantly I stopped it.
Yeah as soon as I saw him I was open to getting him on the boob, but it just didn't work out for me.
Hi team yellow! Any news from MrsRaggle???????

My mastitis has cleared and I kept taking the antibiotics. In fact the last few days have been good with F getting lots of daytime naps. She is feeding every 3 hours at night and it can sometimes be hard to put her back down, so yes I am totally sleep deprived but hey ho! She has not napped properly today though so have been trying to calm down an overtired baby for the last 2 hours!!!

It was my birthday on Monday, now I'm the ripe old age of 31! We had lots of friends round for a barbie (even though it was cold!) and I still got F down to bed around the right time.

Anyway I hope you are all enjoying your pregnancies. Please remember to enjoy SLEEP and spending quality time with your OH friends and family because pretty soon it'll all take a backseat to your gorgeous little babies. It really is a 24hr job!!

pleased the mastitis has cleared greenlady and hope you had a lovely birthday. It is cold at the moment isn't it, where has the sun gone! I was lying in bed the other night, it was so quiet, and I thought not for much longer when the little one arrives. I am nervous about the birth, every day now I think will labour start today, but I am also worried about when I get him/her home and life changes forever. In a good way of course but I know it will be hard work and I should be making the most of my sleep! It is weird, its like a double edged sword, I want the pregnancy over as I am tired of being big and heavy, tired of heartburn and other ailments, but know once pregnancy is over I have a little person solely reliant on me and hubby and my life is completely different, which also freaks me out at times.

i was wondering how mrsraggle got on as well, I know she was having her sweep today. Hope all team yellowers are ok x
I know it's freaky I definitely think I never quite got my head around it until she arrived - but then there's no way you can really until you're thrown into it. I suppose not knowing the sex of the baby makes it even harder to imagine what its going to be like iykwim? For me there have been ups and downs so far but nothing I would change its all a magical experience when you're gazing at your child think 'I made that!'. Anyway today was some downs we had 2 hours of screaming but she's finally in bed.

I will be stalking the third tri forum for news of BabyRaggle!!
I can hardly get any sleep at the moment, I'm trying to stock up on it, but my leg cramps are not cooperating!!
Glad Flora is doing well Greenlady, she looks beautiful in your avatar! It is strange to think that soon someone will be completely dependent on me!
Hope Mrsraggle is doing well, hopefully we'll be finding out the colour of her bump really soon!

Haha, sorry to disappoint you guys but I'm STILL here. Had another sweep yesterday and my cervix is a little more favourable - soft and anterior now compared to last week's firm and posterior. BUT, we're almost 24 hours on from it and nothing has happened - no more plug lost, no bloody show and most importantly no labour.

So I think I'm just gonna be induced on Saturday!

I'm getting very impatient to learn who I've been carrying around inside me for 42 weeks now though!!!

Happy Belated Birthday Greenlady!
mrsraggle- I was just attempting to stalk you through third tri!!! Saturday is not far away- you must be getting excited (and nervous), you are so close to meeting your LO now, hope the time goes really quickly (or labour starts!)

mrsraggle- I was just attempting to stalk you through third tri!!! Saturday is not far away- you must be getting excited (and nervous), you are so close to meeting your LO now, hope the time goes really quickly (or labour starts!)


I'm actually not that nervous, I'm kinda in the "bring it on!" frame of mind. Maybe I'll feel differently tomorrow.

Just kicking back now and chilling out. Sleeping in loads, crashing on the sofa in the afternoons and just generally trying to conserve my energy for the big push!
God I have been getting cramps in my legs and bum, especially at night. Its hell. Went to the midwife on Tues for my 38 week appointment, and my baby is 2/5th engaged. I kind of guessed it was on the way down as been feeling pressure down there. I hate it when I have to get up for the loo in the night, just hauling myself out of bed is an effort.

Midwife said my baby is 'average' sized, she said I won't be giving birth to an elephant. She said she estimates the birth weight will be between 7 pounds 12 and 7 pounds 15. She also said my baby has long legs, which baffles me, as I am a 5 foot 2 shorty and my husband is not tall either. Must be a genetic throwback somewhere!

I know Greenlady - it must be amazing to see a little person made by you. Your baby is so cute as well. :baby: It does make it harder to envisage the baby and my life with it as I don't know the gender. Some people say that they bond better with their babies when they find out the sex but I don't think that would have been the case with me.

Mrsraggle - you have one stubborn little baby in there! You must be itching to meet him/her. Roll on Saturday!! i wonder if your baby will be big as its been cooked for an extra two weeks? I am nervous about labour :help: but I know millions of other women do it - so can I!! xxx
Happy belated birthday Greenlady

I've been stalking third tri for news of Mrsraggle and forgot to check on here. I really hope littlebug comes soon - we're desperate to see if it's a boy or a girl, but I bet not as desperate as Mrsraggle is to get it over with!!

All good our end. Max still has reflux but he's just so adorable!!
Will post some more photos in a mo. He's crying now as he has hiccups. bless
Grr, guess what? The sodding antibiotics have ended up in me and Flora getting thrush! It hurts to BF now and she has a sore mouth so feeding her has become quite difficult.

Anyway got some medication, hopefully it'll be sorted in a few days. One thing after another I tells ya!

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