Team Yellow Buddies ***18 boys / 16 girls

Still waiting on mrsraggle news... can't wait to find out!

Well, it was mother's day here in Aus yesterday, and I thought I'd share what my lovely DH did :)
When I went to get breakfast, I found an envelope that said "Mummy" on it, and inside a card from the bump! He'd crossed out the words 'hugs and kisses from me', and replaced it with 'kicks and hits from me'! So sweet, loved it!

Looking forward to next mother's day, with LO in my arms!

Hope everyone else is doing well, and Greenlady, hoping your bf issues resolve themselves soon, you are a trooper to keep going despite all the problems you have faced!

Hi all,I eventually had my baby yesterday,9 days late and weighing 10lbs5! And it was a BOY!!
Congrats Kerrie! Another boy for team yellow, great news! Enjoy your little man.

Huge congrats Kerrie on your boy! What a big boy too!
Congrats Kerrie! Looking forward to your birth story.

Long time ladies :) Been a while. I hope you all had a great Mother's day.

Any news from Mrsraggle & Widger?

, looks like you're getting closer too!!

Wishing you all safe deliveries :hugs:
Congrats Kerrie! Looking forward to your birth story.

Long time ladies :) Been a while. I hope you all had a great Mother's day.

Any news from Mrsraggle & Widger?

, looks like you're getting closer too!!

Wishing you all safe deliveries :hugs:

I am indeed getting close...8 days till due date! Am excited and petrified at the same time. :wacko: Looking forward to meeting my little one and finding out if its pink or blue! I watched the DVD of my 4d scan the other day and tried to get a peek just out of interest but couldn't see anything! I don't know why I look as I would be a bit upset if I did see anything blatant. Silly woman aren't I.

Also - mothers day, have seen this mentioned on several posts. In UK mother's day was back in March so we've already had ours.

I really want to know how mrsraggle got on. Can't wait to hear. Hope all team yellowers are well xx
Oh wow Kerrie.... hope it didn't hurt too much... all worth it though I'm sure now your little boy is here xxx

Yep Nessah - still here. Been having stitch like pains that only last for about 2/3 mins and then disappear. They are one off too so not braxton hicks... more like trapped wind :haha:

Wow sparkledust - you are in the single digits now. I know what you mean, the thought that it couold happen any minute is terrifying and sooooo exciting at the same time.

MrsRaggle - hope all is well xxx

I'm sure we have a few girls on the way soon... don't you think? Maybe it will be me :rofl: The midn of a team yellow woman eh? :haha:
Oh wow Kerrie.... hope it didn't hurt too much... all worth it though I'm sure now your little boy is here xxx

Yep Nessah - still here. Been having stitch like pains that only last for about 2/3 mins and then disappear. They are one off too so not braxton hicks... more like trapped wind :haha:

Wow sparkledust - you are in the single digits now. I know what you mean, the thought that it couold happen any minute is terrifying and sooooo exciting at the same time.

MrsRaggle - hope all is well xxx

I'm sure we have a few girls on the way soon... don't you think? Maybe it will be me :rofl: The midn of a team yellow woman eh? :haha:

Single digits is scary!!! Haha! and yes, maybe we will both have girls and balance the team yellowers back out a bit! xxx
Sparkledust and Widger, I bet you will both have girls, there MUST be some more girls in here! And single digits! Can't wait to see that on my ticker!!
As for me, I am getting more and more certain that I have a boy (although I thought after the scan it was a girl), as people keep telling me (at least twice a day, a random person tells me I must be looking forward to my son arriving!)

Sparkledust and Widger, I bet you will both have girls, there MUST be some more girls in here! And single digits! Can't wait to see that on my ticker!!
As for me, I am getting more and more certain that I have a boy (although I thought after the scan it was a girl), as people keep telling me (at least twice a day, a random person tells me I must be looking forward to my son arriving!)


I know, the girls are a bit outnumbered at the moment! They will probably overtake in the next few weeks and then we will need some more blue bundles! Cat, would you like a little boy? I am excited about single digits, I can't believe its only a week till my due date. I remember being in the real early stages and looking at other peoples' tickers thinking god it will take forever for me to get there but here I am. I have had backache the last few days but nothing else, I am analysing every twinge. I have a nasty feeling I will still be here on the 18th waiting, me and my husband are never on time for anything so I can't see our child being any different! :haha: I wonder how mrsraggle is getting on xx
Well, I woke up this morning and had.... how should I put this..... loose bowels... sorry for TMI. Now my mum said that she had this the night before she had me so it has sent my mind into overdrive now and been looking on internet.

This is what I found.......
One of the first signs of natural labour is often a loose bowel motion, or even a short bout of diarrhoea. This happens because the cervix (neck of the womb) and part of the bowel have a common nerve supply. As the cervix starts to become more active, ready for labour, so the bowel is stimulated, causing faster movement of food and more frequent, looser bowel motions. Labour may follow in the next few hours - or a day or so later.

Oooohhh the suspense of it all eh
Widger! Got my fingers crossed, it would be great to meet your LO very, very soon!
Sparkledust, I have a feeling I'll go overdue as well. My Mum was over 2 weeks late for her first. I'm just praying it will come quick enough so that I don't get induced, but I know induction isn't the end of the world.
I honestly have no preference as to gender! When I thought it was a girl, I wanted a girl, and now that I think it is a boy, I want a boy! This baby took 18 months to conceive, so I really and truly will just feel blessed either way :)

Ooh Widger - could be the start of something for you. Keep us posted!

Ah bless, you're right Cat a baby is a blessing no matter what. As long as he/she is healthy gender isn't important. 18 months - you were trying for a long time. :hugs:
Maybe it was just a dodgy tummy as nothing happened since... got MW appointment tomorrow so will mention it and see what she says. You get to this stage and you just on the lookout for any sign aren't you? :haha:

Looks like we all have special babies on the way. Mine is the 4th pregnancy, but first baby!
Congrats Kerrie - what have you called him

Sounds good to me Widger! Fingers crossed for some action for you and so you don't have to go over. I didn't realise this was your fourth pregnancy, got everything crossed for you. xx

Am guessing a fair few girls are on the way now then........

Taking Max to the doctor this afternoon as he has a rash and is really cranky. Check out my new signature. I LOVE IT!!!
A few missing on the first page who should have had theirs by now but I can't track them down. Also the search members function seems to have disappeared so will see if they pop up soon
Chele your signature is beautiful! Max is a real cutie. Me to you bears are so lovely as well.

Widger, thats pants if it was just a dodgy tummy. What do you bet we both go overdue!! This is your fourth pregnancy? Big hugs to you :hugs:

My baby is hiccupping as I am sitting here typing. Is it just me or is this really annoying!! :winkwink:
A few missing on the first page who should have had theirs by now but I can't track them down. Also the search members function seems to have disappeared so will see if they pop up soon

I've noticed that the search members button had gone as well. Thought it was just me missing it :shrug:
Chele - what a great siggy you have... showing off your baby boy :) Hope his rash clears up. I can get into the search members I think... why can't you? Maybe look on the April baby thread??

Yep, never thought I'd ever get to this stage. Sorted out the nursery on Sunday - all white at the moment of course - and just couldn't stop looking in the room. I never thought I'd see the day when I'd have a nursery in my house. Such a wonderful feeling :cry: Sorry, for being sentimental.... I'm allowed to right? I am pregnant after all :haha:

Baby had hiccups at 5am this morning for about 10 mins, it felt like an hour as I was so tired. Right little guzzler in there :rofl:

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