Team Yellow Buddies ***18 boys / 16 girls

chele, we called him Owen James,his birth story and picture is up now if anyone wants a look.
Hope everyone is enjoying their babies whether they have been born yet or not,I was getting pretty fed up at the end but its weird now not being pregnant anymore,its still sinking in.
Owen is a really good boy but hasnt quite grasped the concept of day and night and is always hungry!
Well, I woke up this morning and had.... how should I put this..... loose bowels... sorry for TMI. Now my mum said that she had this the night before she had me so it has sent my mind into overdrive now and been looking on internet.

This is what I found.......
One of the first signs of natural labour is often a loose bowel motion, or even a short bout of diarrhoea. This happens because the cervix (neck of the womb) and part of the bowel have a common nerve supply. As the cervix starts to become more active, ready for labour, so the bowel is stimulated, causing faster movement of food and more frequent, looser bowel motions. Labour may follow in the next few hours - or a day or so later.

Oooohhh the suspense of it all eh

Oooooo! I hope it is a good sign. I've heard about that too!!
Anytime now mama!!!!:happydance:
Sparkledust and Widger, I bet you will both have girls, there MUST be some more girls in here! And single digits! Can't wait to see that on my ticker!!
As for me, I am getting more and more certain that I have a boy (although I thought after the scan it was a girl), as people keep telling me (at least twice a day, a random person tells me I must be looking forward to my son arriving!)


LOL...that's cute! We are both due around the same time, so let's see what our yellow bumps turn out to be :baby:
Chele, hope the rash clears up soon.
Your son is absolutely cute!

Greenlady's princess is also absolutely beautiful!!!

Are you ladies still breastfeeding? Is it getting any easier?

I kinda like the hiccup feelings- hehehe.

Saw my Doc today and I've put on 5 lbs! So happy because I lost 2lbs last month and hadn't put on any lbs for a whole month!!
She also said baby was head down :) Getting ready to exit I guess? LOL
Chele- siggy is gorgeous, Max is looking so cute! Hope his rash clears up soon!
Widger, sorry it didn't turn out to be anything yet, sure LO is on the way though, I understand your impatience. I know what you mean about the nursery too, it took me so long to realise that this pregnancy was real, that the baby was ok, and then to think that I'm actually going to hold my baby in my arms sometime in the next 2 months is incredible!
Nessah, glad you had a good doctor's appointment. I haven't been weighed since 17 weeks- I have to admit I feel pretty lucky about that!
Sparkledust, so hoping that you have your baby with you soon, you are getting so close to due date!
Kerrie, I'm off to find your birth story now. Love the name (Owen is on my list of names as well!)

My yellow bump turned PINK! Eloïse was born by emergency c-section on Sat 8th May.

My birth story is here:

Will be back shortly to catch up with the posts. Really struggling with breastfeeding at the moment and she wants back on the boob!
Congrats mrs raggle on your baby girl!

I haven't posted in here much but my c section date is set and approaching (may 27th) and im becoming so anxious to find out what im having.

I "think" i will be adding a girl to the list (even things out a bit) lol. We will soon see.
:wohoo: :happydance: :headspin: :wohoo: Yay MrsRaggle congrats!! I KNEW it would be a girl!!! :winkwink:
Congratsssssssssss!! Hang in there with the b/feeding.

Off to reading your birth story!!
Congrats mrsraggle! We've all been anxiously awaiting your news :)
Chrissy, there has to be some more girls coming, you don't have long to wait now!

Nessah - in answer to your question, yes I'm BFing but currently have VERY painful thrush both on my nipples and inside the breasts, so the feed and about and hour afterwards is agony and I am so hoping that the treatment I have been prescribed will sort it out soon otherwise... well I don't want to give up BFing so I just don't know what I'll do :cry: If it wasn't for this I would find it easy and beautiful, its a very precious thing to do for your child. I dunno, its not for everyone but I alwasys wanted to BF and now I just can't believe some of the things I've gone through because of it. I am stubborn enough to just grit my teeth though.

On a positive note, Flora now weighs 9lbs! (well yesterday she was a smidge under so I reckon she would be 9lbs today). SO all that painful BFing is aat least still doing its job. And check out this cutie in the bath (aka kitchen sink!):

Congrats to mrsraggle again. Such a lovely name!!! And a girl. Think I said boy, can't remember.

Greenlady - big thumbs up to you for persevering with the bf'ing despite all your problems.

Max's rash turned out to be eczema. Also today we've noticed it's on the top half of his body so where his nappy is is ok, so we think it's an allergy to my washing powder/conditioner. But we already use non-bio so not sure what to do now.
Congrats to mrsraggle again. Such a lovely name!!! And a girl. Think I said boy, can't remember.

Greenlady - big thumbs up to you for persevering with the bf'ing despite all your problems.

Max's rash turned out to be eczema. Also today we've noticed it's on the top half of his body so where his nappy is is ok, so we think it's an allergy to my washing powder/conditioner. But we already use non-bio so not sure what to do now.

Just telling you this so your aware my son got eczema very early on as well (maybe a month old). He actually ended up being allergic to peanuts (found out when he was about a year old) which i had no idea is related to eczema. Im sure chances are small but I had to let you know just in case.
Very cute picture Greenlady, really hope that breastfeeding becomes easier for you soon, well done for sticking at it!
35 week bump pic- we took a whole lot today, as it was nice and sunny out, and I love them!



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Hello ladies.

MrsRaggle - Congrats on your baby girl :yipee:

Greenlady - what a gorgeous pic of Flora and good for you sticking to BF when having a bad time of it

Chele - Poor little Max, is he scratching away? Maybe you could try another type of non-bio? It may help?

Cat - what lovely bump pics you have taken... asking me about the sex then sorry, I'm useless at this sort of thing :haha: I know you are having a boy or a girl... will that count? :rofl:

I'm still waiting. I know I still have a while till my due date but first girl at NCT had her baby so just makes it all seem a little real. She was due a few days before me. I'm really quite prepared for my little one to arrive now as I've had so much time off work and all set. I will not get green with envy :grr: No doubt I'll be a late one :haha:
Hi guys, Cat your bump looks great. You look great - very jealous. I am like a big fat blob. I have gained 2 1/2 stone in pregnancy and my face has got fatter as well, can't wait to have the baby and get back to normal.

Still waiting for my baby, 3 days till due date. :nope: He/she seems happy where it is for now, still no signs labour imminent. Jealous as people around my due date and some with due dates after mine are having their babies. Wonder if I'll be like mrsraggle and go 2 weeks over. I have really had enough now, but I am dreading labour!

Greenlady - Flora gorgeous :flower: Love the piccie!

Chele - hope Max improves soon :flower:

Widger - you're the same as me - waiting impatiently!!! :wacko:

Take care ladies xxx
Cat your bump looks just like mine did so I reckon you might have a girl!!
Sparkledust :hugs: I'm sure LO won't make you wait too long! Worst case scenario is a few weeks, but I bet that seems like forever! Hope he/she arrives very, very soon :)

Widger, I'm sure yours isn't too far away either, when you are so prepared for it and not working, time must pass very slowly!

Greenlady, you think girl? Thats what I thought at first, but now everyone says based on my bump shape that I'm having a boy. Did people predict boy for you as well?

Chele, I'm clueless about Max's eczema. Just sending you some :hugs: and hope he's doing better soon.

Hi Ladies!

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend.
We had our baby shower was so MUCH fun!!

Thanks Greenlady, I really do want to bf exclusively for 6 months, but I am so nervous I'm gonna chicken out. Good to get some encouragements from you new moms :)

Cat- sorry can't guess the sex from your bump :)...You look great!!! Took some week 35 pictures from the shower, I might post a few later.

Hope Widger & are Sparkledust09 doing great. Hang in there ladies!!! Your LOs will be here soon :baby:
Mrsraggle, how is motherhood treating ya? :)

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