Team Yellow Buddies ***18 boys / 16 girls

maternity leave is going to be great- got some rest planned for the first few days, then lots of catching up with friends. Really looking forward to it, although I am wondering how much of it I have before baby arrives!
Mrsraggle, good to hear that you have a nice sleepy baby! Your avatar pic is gorgeous!
Moongirl, I'm sure we won't be waiting much longer to meet your LO- then it will just be me left! I'm going to try my hardest not to queue jump!
Nessah, hope you and your little girl are settling in well- reading your story kind of made me aware of how unready I am, so I've gone on a washing/buying frenzy! I didn't even have my hospital bags packed!

Hope everyone is doing well (and hope Moongirl's bump is ready to make an appearance now!)
a few pics...she is ALWAYS eating. boobs hury, tempted to supplement with baby food, any comments? CHELE? MRSRAGGLE, GREENLADY, WIDGER SPARKLEDUST??

Still not much sleep since Wed nite.
Home finally, tryna get her settled.
Sneaking in a minute...hope to have MIL tomoro so I can rest

CAT, u will be fine
lol@ skipping the queue...miss BnB but also loving my girl here!

MOONGIRL, can't wait
Wishing u moms-to-be a quick labor soon!!


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She is beautiful Nessah, wishing you some much needed rest- but no suggestions on how to make that happen- sorry!

Aww Nessah she is beautiful! I love that little hat too :)

Hope things settle down a bit now you're home!

Nessah she is so precious! well done!

Baby food??? No not that early I don't think that's a good idea. I'm afraid they do just eat A LOT especially at first, as their tiny little tummys can only take a little bit at a time. Your boobs will get used to it but hang in there because the first few weeks can be tough when you're breastfeeding (on top of everything else). The breastfeeding forum is full of really helpful ladies who supported me when I went through a few rough patches, so you could always ask in there.

Re lack of sleep... sorry not to be more positive but its just how it is - if you are not a sleep deprived new mum then you don't exist! It gets better too, it might just be the first few days, then she'll be really sleepy for a couple of weeks, then quite possibly she'll get more alert and hard to settle again! of course this is my experience anyway so I would be super happy if you proved me wrong! But a certain amount of sleep deprivation is a given.

Ejoy your babymoon hun, I bet you can't stop looking at her.
Wow.... Nessah - a mummy already? Congratulations xx :hugs:

I'm not surprised you beat me to it. I wouldn't have been surprised if the whole of the July babies thread beat me as it took so long. Such a great feeling being team yellow isn't it. As for the newborn stuff... I'm learning too :haha:

Can't wait to hear news from rest of you girls. Moongirl... hope you aren't going too crazy xx
Widger- your little boy is beautiful! Hope everything is going well.
nesSAH your little girl is beautiful. The sleep deprivation DOES GET BETTER! I had Eloïse at 7pm on the Saturday night - I didn't sleep at all the previous Friday night and had got four hours the previous Thursday night. So you can imagine after 38 hours of labour and a c-section too I was absolutely cream-crackered by the Sunday. The first week or two are a blur and then baby starts sleeping a bit better and these days, although I wake up 2-3 times each night, I feel like a spring chicken compared to those first days!

Enjoy your mat leave cat and sleep sleep sleep!
Thanks Cat! How are you feeling?

Aww Nessah she is beautiful! I love that little hat too :)

Hope things settle down a bit now you're home!


Well, we had our 2 day check-up after discharge from hospital. She's gained 1 oz back. (She had lost about 3 % of her birth weight before we left hospital).
My milk is here now and she is filling up better. She's eating every 3 hours now, since 3 am this morning. Phew!! Hoping it lasts :)

MIL is here and won't let go of her, lol, so, I am going to sneak in some sleep!
Nessah she is so precious! well done!

Baby food??? No not that early I don't think that's a good idea. I'm afraid they do just eat A LOT especially at first, as their tiny little tummys can only take a little bit at a time. Your boobs will get used to it but hang in there because the first few weeks can be tough when you're breastfeeding (on top of everything else). The breastfeeding forum is full of really helpful ladies who supported me when I went through a few rough patches, so you could always ask in there.

Re lack of sleep... sorry not to be more positive but its just how it is - if you are not a sleep deprived new mum then you don't exist! It gets better too, it might just be the first few days, then she'll be really sleepy for a couple of weeks, then quite possibly she'll get more alert and hard to settle again! of course this is my experience anyway so I would be super happy if you proved me wrong! But a certain amount of sleep deprivation is a given.

Ejoy your babymoon hun, I bet you can't stop looking at her.

everyone scared me and said she was hungry and I should give formula or else I will be BFing 24 hours a day!

As of 3am this morning, milk came in and she's been eating every 3 hours :)
Def. hoping to get some sleep now

Thanks Ladies!!! Esp. for all your support.
I will be back with a birth story-lol
nesSAH your little girl is beautiful. The sleep deprivation DOES GET BETTER! I had Eloïse at 7pm on the Saturday night - I didn't sleep at all the previous Friday night and had got four hours the previous Thursday night. So you can imagine after 38 hours of labour and a c-section too I was absolutely cream-crackered by the Sunday. The first week or two are a blur and then baby starts sleeping a bit better and these days, although I wake up 2-3 times each night, I feel like a spring chicken compared to those first days!

Enjoy your mat leave cat and sleep sleep sleep!

I was so sleep deprived that I cried each time she cried... My poor nurse wanted to give me some pills to knock me out. But, who would feed her if I was knocked out? -lol
Nessah she is so precious! well done!

Baby food??? No not that early I don't think that's a good idea. I'm afraid they do just eat A LOT especially at first, as their tiny little tummys can only take a little bit at a time. Your boobs will get used to it but hang in there because the first few weeks can be tough when you're breastfeeding (on top of everything else). The breastfeeding forum is full of really helpful ladies who supported me when I went through a few rough patches, so you could always ask in there.

Re lack of sleep... sorry not to be more positive but its just how it is - if you are not a sleep deprived new mum then you don't exist! It gets better too, it might just be the first few days, then she'll be really sleepy for a couple of weeks, then quite possibly she'll get more alert and hard to settle again! of course this is my experience anyway so I would be super happy if you proved me wrong! But a certain amount of sleep deprivation is a given.

Ejoy your babymoon hun, I bet you can't stop looking at her.

everyone scared me and said she was hungry and I should give formula or else I will be BFing 24 hours a day!

As of 3am this morning, milk came in and she's been eating every 3 hours :)
Def. hoping to get some sleep now

Thanks Ladies!!! Esp. for all your support.
I will be back with a birth story-lol

try not to listen to anyone else just do what's right for you. and apologies nessah i thought you meant actual baby food not formula!! hope the bfing continues to go well and please ask for support when you need it because it really helps to get you through xxx
I am a little late coming on here after having my baby.
Have not had any access to the internet long enough to come on here :(

But would like to say congratulations to everyone who recently had their babies :D and also to tell you that I had a beautiful little girl on April 15th - Rhia Mae Jose :)

Congratulations Cretebluez- beautiful name you chose!

Nessah, glad that bf seems to be going better for you now. I agree with Greenlady- listen to other people's advice, but don't let anyone scare you into doing something that isn't right for you. Good luck with getting a little more sleep! In our breaastfeeding class, we were shown how big their little stomachs are, and told to expect to feed at least every 2 hours- it sounds like your little girl is completely normal and you are doing a great job!
Mat leave isn't really going as I'd planned- my Mum was admitted into hospital yesterday with leaking spinal fluid. Please keep her in your thoughts, her head is aching pretty badly, and the doctors have tried to operate, with no success yet.

Hope everyone is well, sending lots of sleepy vibes to all the new LOs!

Oh Cat, i'm thinking about you and your mum - hope things improve quickly! Let us know how you're getting on :hugs:

I'm still here waiting and going a bit stir crazy! I'll be heading into hospital for an induction tomorrow afternoon if there's no progress before hand, so hurry up baby it's your last chance!!!!!

hope you're all doing well

I've been MIA Again, sorry ladies and I have missed sooooooooooooo much

Good luck Moongirl - hope you go into labour naturally in the next hour!

CONGRATULATIONS to Widger and Nessah! Oh wow I am so happy for you, can't wait to catch up on your labour stories.

Cat - how come so many people bought you pink? Do they know something you don't? So glad you had a lovely baby shower. Sorry to hear about your mum, I hope she gets better soon

Congrats also to Cretebluez

GL and Mrsraggle-how you doing?

Well Max is a constantly grumpy baby, moaning all the time. It's wearing me down. I am off to see the HV this afternoon to discuss it with her and also see if I can get some help. I am pretty sure I don't have PND, but I do have a lot of issues that I can't seem to get over and that only appeared about 6 weeks ago. The first month I was super happy. Now I want to strangle people and scream.

But my baby boy is so super cute. He must be about 12lbs now! Double his birth weight, bloody nora!!
chele - best of luck for the HV appointment, let us know how you get on x

We're doing well. I took Eloïse to baby massage this morning but it was a bit of a disaster. I woke up late so only managed to get us both dressed and Eloïse fed. I left late so ended up half running the 1.5 miles there - almost was turned away because she hasn't had her 8 week appointment yet (they didn't tell me that when I enquired!) but I stayed anyway. Got her butt naked and she cried so I held her and she peed all over my top and trousers. Then she started wanting food half way through so I had to stop and miss the rest of the session whilst she fed... and while she was feeding she decided to poo on me too. And then I had to walk all the way home with a blistered toe and a very happy, well fed baby!!!

Better luck next week!
Oh mrsraggle sounds like a carry on film. I can just imagine you in black and white running around with the speed on fast forward.

I hope she manages to keep her liquids intact next time!

Im not down to start until August. Am well pee'd off, I wanted to do it sooner than that. Oh well
I've put my name down for baby massage as well but have to wait until August as well. Mrs Raggle you've got to laugh! Sounds hilarious, if a complete disaster.

I'm doing OK but also having some problems with crying and recently reflux - not diagnosed but she pukes a lot and had recently started screaming in pain after feeds - only happened a few times so far but enough for it to be a problem. I am loathe to get any infant gavison for her because I've read it makes them constipated - well she only poos every 2-3 days anyway and that bothers her as well so I'm not going to make it worse. I am hoping her digestive issue will start to resolve themselves in the next few weeks but I'm keeping an eye on it. She is pretty smiley otherwise but because ther's so much feeding, puking and crying in between I still get a bit down about it. But my mum said she just thinks Flora is a bit of a difficult baby - some are, I just happened to get one, its not her fault and probably she'll be a super intelligent creative and energetic individual later on (that's what I'm telling myself anyway!). So Chele chin-up hun, this is probably the hardest bit while they're still only ickle. But good for you for speaking to someone about it as well, lets us know how it goes :hugs:

Cat - thinking of you and your mum, I hope she will be OK. It's not what you need at the end of your pregnancy but try not to let it worry you too much its important that you take care of yourself and your bubba :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Moongirl - get that baby out!!
I'm doing OK but also having some problems with crying and recently reflux - not diagnosed but she pukes a lot and had recently started screaming in pain after feeds - only happened a few times so far but enough for it to be a problem. I am loathe to get any infant gavison for her because I've read it makes them constipated - well she only poos every 2-3 days anyway and that bothers her as well so I'm not going to make it worse. I am hoping her digestive issue will start to resolve themselves in the next few weeks but I'm keeping an eye on it. She is pretty smiley otherwise but because ther's so much feeding, puking and crying in between I still get a bit down about it. But my mum said she just thinks Flora is a bit of a difficult baby - some are, I just happened to get one, its not her fault and probably she'll be a super intelligent creative and energetic individual later on (that's what I'm telling myself anyway!). So Chele chin-up hun, this is probably the hardest bit while they're still only ickle. But good for you for speaking to someone about it as well, lets us know how it goes :hugs:

Yup, the word in our house is grumpy, but I think the word difficult should also be used now!

Yeah be careful with Gaviscon. With Max it really worked at reducing his vomitting but gave him really bad constipation. It was heartbreaking watching him squeeze and squeeze and squeeze and squeeze with nothing coming out. One night I heard him trying all night to poop.
We took him off it and his vomitting has reduced to once every 3 days now though thankfully. I think given the option between constipation and vomit I would choose vomit.

Well I saw the HV, but she was running behind majorly and wanted me out pretty much asap, not even a goodbye from her, but she took my number and gave me a list of baby groups to go to so will speak to the HV when they phone or get my mum to look at Max one afternoon while I pop down.

So many more babies due soon!!!!! I miss being pregnant so much so enjoy it. I know that sounds difficult (especially to you Cat with being engaged) but really do enjoy it xx

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